Chapter 13 – The loss of taste (1)

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Chu Qiao was raised at home for two days, and her health has improved. Naturally, the fan was taken away by He Jihong. But she also learned to be good, so she went to sleep in the living room at night. There was a ceiling fan in the living room, and she could sleep on the sofa.

She didn’t cook and didn’t do any housework for the past two days. When He Jihong asked, she said that she was weak and nauseous. So she couldn’t do it.

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When He Jihong and the others went to work, she would cook some food for herself and live a happy life. However, He Jihong was not happy. She had to go to work, cook, and do housework again, she was going crazy.

But she couldn’t scold Chu Qiao, after all she was the kindest and the most generous stepmother. All of the people who lived in the family building were colleagues. She had a good reputation for so many years, it couldn’t be ruined because of this.

He Jihong also understood a little, that Chu Qiao was resenting the heatstroke that day and did it deliberately. After two days, she had to arrange for Chu Qiao and Gu Jianshe to meet and settle the marriage. She could only appease her first.

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Because she’s not her biological daughter, she was unlikely to repay kindness. Only after this ungrateful brat got married, it would become peaceful. She could still earn a betrothal gift, which was not a loss.

After thinking about this, He Jihong felt more comfortable again and went to buy a new electric fan, which was a Watson brand. It cost her more than 130 yuan, a month of her salary. She was deeply distressed.

The new fan was given to Chu Peng, and the old fan in Chu Peng’s room was given to Chu Qiao. Chu Qiao recovered from her illness, she began to cook and do housework again.

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Right now, she didn’t have the strength to resist. So she could only endure it first, but she also had a way to deal with it.

“Why is this tomato egg soup so salty?”

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He Jihong tasted the soup and looked unhappy.  Last night, the braised pork cooked by Chu Qiao was so salty that she drank three glasses of water. She went to the toilet all night and didn’t sleep well. Now the tomato egg soup was so salty, this Chu Qiao was definitely intentional.

Humph, got a heatstroke once, and this little slut started to act like a demon. Sure enough, because she was from a lowly breed, she didn’t know what kind of trash she was.

“Qiao Qiao, what’s the matter with you recently? You always put so much salt in your cooking. Our family is not rich. Your father and I are both paid, but we can’t afford to spoil the dishes like this.” He Jihong spoke softly, without showing any anger and smiled slightly, but her eyes glanced at Chu Yuanzhi.

Chu Yuanzhi was shocked, his face sank immediately and scolded angrily: “Qiao Qiao, what are you doing? You can’t even do such a small thing well, your aunt He has worked so hard all day, and can’t even eat well!”

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