Chapter 114 – They all wanted to take his wife (1)

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“I will introduce you to other jobs in the future. So hurry up and leave now. My older brother is not easily bullied by others. You don’t have to worry about these.” 

Tang Yaozong was so anxious, the intermission was only three minutes, and it was almost up. That bastard surnamed Zhao was very treacherous. Seeing how beautiful Chu Qiao was, he definitely had sent someone to watch over her. 

Chu Qiao smiled and shook her head, “Thank you, but I won’t leave. You don’t have to worry, that man can’t beat me.”

Tang Yaozong felt like he just heard a fantasy. He just stared at her like a fool. With these thin arms and legs, even he could break them with a single finger. And she still wanted to win against that bastard surname Zhao? 

Although that bastard Zhao was not a good thing, he had practiced a few skills and was very strong. Even he might not be able to win against him. Just how could this delicate little girl have such confidence? 

Did she get too scared and became silly?

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“Chu Qiao, hurry up!” Someone on the stage was urging her that the performance was about to start. 

“Mr. Tang, I really have a way to protect myself. You don’t have to worry, and thank you for your kindness.”

Chu Qiao smiled at Tang Yaozong and ran to the stage. She didn’t want to give up easily. In her previous life, she was weak and incompetent, and no matter what happened, her first reaction was to shrink back. No wonder that no one looked up to her.

So in this life, she wanted to live a wonderful and unrestrained life, in moderation. Although God didn’t give her the super power of space, this power was also very good for her. At least self-protection should be no problem. 

Tang Yaozong was so anxious that he stamped his foot. Chu Qiao was already on the stage. With so many guests watching, it was impossible for him to rush up and drag her back. His older brother would beat him to death if he really did that. 

Chu Qiao was really too innocent and had never seen the dangers from society. If it couldn’t be helped, then he would just take her to his hometown. He didn’t want to live in this big city anymore. With a beautiful wife like Chu Qiao, even if he had to farm back in his hometown, it would also be very nice. 

Tang Yaozong felt relieved when he thought about it. He even thought of the bright future of Chu Qiao giving birth to a fat boy for him, so he couldn’t help grinning.

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Chu Qiao returned to the stage to play the keyboard, as Young Master Zhao ordered to play ‘Yue liang dai biao wo de xin’. She could also play this song, and it was very smooth. She had just discovered that it seemed that many of her skills had been better after the rebirth. 


-Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin

In her previous life, her strength was also great, but her current strength had become much stronger than in her previous life, at least two or three times better.

It was also the same when she was playing the keyboard. She was not able to play it so smoothly back then, but now she could do it just by looking at the music score, without stopping at all. She had not tried the Guzheng yet, but it should be the same. 


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-Playing Guzheng

She guessed that this should be the superpower that God gave her. Perhaps there were also other hidden skills that had not been discovered yet.

But for now, Chu Qiao was already very satisfied. With so many skills, if she still lived miserably, then what was the point of her being reborn? 

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Therefore, she definitely should not hide!

Gu Ye and Tang Yaozu talked about that rogue customer again. When Tang Yaozu heard a particular name, his expression changed and shook his head, “This guy is not easy to deal with. The ones he owed were not only your machine tool factory. He was famous for being shameless. It’s really not easy for you to collect this debt!” 

“Even if it’s not easy to do, I still have to collect it.” 

Gu Ye sneered, he definitely wanted to collect this debt back. He didn’t believe that there were people who could owe money and didn’t pay it back. 

Tang Yaozu saw that he was confident so he didn’t discourage his enthusiasm. He was sure that Gu Ye wouldn’t be able to collect that rogue’s debt back. Gu Ye would understand when he hit the wall. Gu Ye was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. He had a rich young master temper, thinking that doing business would really be so easy. 

“It’s okay for you to try”

Tang Yaozu still wanted to give him some advice, but when he saw Gu Ye’s expression was changing. Gu Ye suddenly turned his head and stared at the stage as if he had seen something amazing. 

Gu Ye was looking at Chu Qiao. Previously, he just casually glanced and did not see her too clearly. He also just casually glanced again just now, and this time he saw it clearly. Wasn’t she, the one who was playing the keyboard, his little fairy? 

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