Chapter 115 – They all wanted to take his wife (2)

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Damn, how did Chu Qiao come to work here?

She was also targeted by that bastard surname Zhao, and that bastard Tang Yaozong, pei…… did he really think that he was worthy of marrying the little fairy? 

Gu Ye was about to explode with anger. He just didn’t pay attention for a moment, and one by one the wolves were rushing out, all trying to steal his wife from him. 

“What’s wrong with you?” Tang Yaozu was curious. Just what did he see?

Gu Ye stood up and said, “I will go find someone.”

“Who are you looking for, hey……wait!”

Tang Yaozu chased after him absentmindedly, he really didn’t know what was wrong with this young master Gu, he chased Gu Ye to the backstage, and Tang Yaozong was also there. He was still looking silly and happy. 

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“What are you thinking about!”

Tang Yaozu went to his side and slapped him on the head. He even dared to day-dream during working hours. Did he (Tang Yaozong) really think that he (Tang Yaozu) couldn’t beat him to death?

“Big brother, I want to take Chu Qiao back to our hometown to farm. You should find someone else to manage the dance hall.”

Tang Yaozong touched his head and said his thoughts. But just after he finished speaking, he received another hard slap on the head again, it almost caused him a cerebral concussion1. 

1Cerebral concussion : a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the head and body. This occurs from a mild blow to the head, either with or without loss of consciousness, and can lead to temporary cognitive symptoms. 

“Chu Qiao is my wife, is your face bigger than your butt? And you even wanted to take her to go farming? Such a delicate little fairy Chu Qiao, you let her follow you to drink the northwest wind2? It’s good if you can figure it out. Remember, Chu Qiao is— laozi’s3— wife. Don’t you dare to even think of her!” 

2drink the northwest wind (idiom) : cold and hungry ; refers to nothing to eat. 

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3Laozi (老子) : I / me (used arrogantly or jocularly)

Gu Ye’s chest was about to burst with rage. This shameless bastard actually dared to think his little fairy would go farming, he was so pissed. After all, even he couldn’t bear to let the little fairy do the housework chores. 

Gu Ye, who was so angry that he exploded, rushed and kicked the foolish Tang Yaozong who was dumbfounded. Then Gu Ye gave him a look of disgust. How dare a guy like this dared to think of his Chu Qiao. Really so shameless! 

“What are you doing? On what basis do you say that Chu Qiao is your wife? Didn’t you already have a wife? I have asked Chu Qiao before, she said that she is unmarried. Gu Ye, don’t try to fool laozi!” Tang Yaozong was not convinced. 

Gu Ye sneered and raised his foot, he was about to kick again, but Tang Yaozu stopped him. “Stop arguing, the problem with Young Master Zhao still hasn’t been solved yet.”

Tang Yaozu got headaches because of these. That Chu Qiao was indeed a beauty that causes calamity. Just on the first day of work, she already provoked Young Master Zhao, a vicious tyrant. She even caused his two good brothers to fight against each other. What the old ancestors said was really true, women were really a disaster. 

Fortunately, he and his wife were childhood sweethearts, and their love was more solid than gold.4 Their love life was stronger than the Great Wall of China.

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4Love was more solid than gold (idiom) : their relationship is really good and strong. 


-The Great Wall of China

Gu Ye and Tang Yaozong instantly calmed down and glared at each other in disgust.

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“I just asked Chu Qiao to leave first, but she disagreed and said that the bastard Zhao couldn’t beat her.” Tang Yaozong was worried.

Tang Yaozu snorted and said, “Her arms are not as thick as the hemp stalk. Can she really beat Young Master Zhao?”

If it weren’t for Gu Ye, he would never have cared about this crap and just let Chu Qiao deal with Young Master Zhao by herself. But if Gu Ye was involved, then he wouldn’t be able to just sit idly and remain nonchalant. 

Tang Yaozu was so worried that he scratched his head hard. Initially he already has so little hair, and a few more of his beautiful hair were pulled off because of this. It really made his heart ache so much, but he also figured out a way to solve this problem. 

“After this song finishes, Xiaoye, take your wife out through the back door. Young Master Zhao couldn’t do anything if he couldn’t find the person. He wouldn’t dare to make trouble in my place here.” 

Tang Yaozong curled his lips resentfully, this is the same method as the one he figured out. Moreover, why should Tang Yaozu say that Chu Qiao was Gu Ye’s wife? Obviously, Chu Qiao was still single now, and she might become his wife. 

Gu Ye nodded his head, that was really the only way. It was definitely not possible to go fight head-to-head with that surname Zhao. 

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