Chapter 116 – Compete in drinking (1)

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Translator : Moon Lee
Editor : Tea


After finishing a song, there was more intermission time this time, there were five minutes. All of the band members went backstage to rest.

Chu Qiao was a little surprised when she saw Gu Ye. And before she could say hello, Gu Ye suddenly walked over and said, “I will take you away, that guy is not easy to mess with.” 

Chu Qiao frowned slightly, even Gu Ye said that he was not easy to mess with. Obviously, that burly man’s background was very powerful, it was very possible that it was more powerful than Gu’s family.

Could it be that she had to resign so early on her first day at work? 

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She was really not willing to.

“I want to know, does that man love to save face1?” Chu Qiao thought of a way, she still wanted to try.

1love to save face: like to look good in the eyes of others/ sensitive about how one is regarded by others/ proud. 

People with this kind of status and position, usually they would want to save face, so she thought that she could start from this aspect. 

“He cares about his face very much, what do you want to do?” Tang Yaozu asked. 

Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, then it would be easier if he cared about his face.  

She asked some more questions about Young Master Zhao. And when she heard that this surnamed Zhao liked to compete drinking wine with others, Chu Qiao’s had an idea. 

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“Don’t worry, I have a way to deal with that guy, as long as he cares about his pride.”

Chu Qiao behaved very calmly, she didn’t want to just give up like this. She even regarded tonight’s incident as a challenge in her life. If she won this battle, then she would have the confidence to live a wonderful life in this time.

She had to win!

Gu Ye still wanted to persuade her, but Chu Qiao said, “I don’t want to give up on this job. I’m really short of money, and other jobs don’t have such a high salary. I know that I can encounter trouble if I work here, and I will solve it by myself. If I really can’t solve it,  then I will go find another job.” 

“Okay, you can do whatever you want, don’t be afraid!”

Gu Ye smiled slightly and didn’t try to persuade her anymore. No matter what Chu Qiao wanted to do, he would support her.

At worst, he would just confront that surnamed Zhao, wasn’t it just the Zhao family from the capital, it was nothing special. 

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Chu Qiao was a little surprised. She didn’t expect Gu Ye to say these words, and she couldn’t help feeling warmth in her heart. She had the wrong impression, as if no matter what she did, Gu Ye would always support her without hesitation. 

In her previous life, when she was Gu Jianshe’s wife, she was bored at home and wanted to open a store to do some business.

But Gu Jianshe repeatedly objected, saying that she didn’t have the ability to do, so she should just settled down at home as Mrs. Gu, taking care of him and his two sons.

Anyway, regardless of what she wanted to do, Gu Jianshe would always oppose it, and always saying some words about disliking her.

He would say that she was stupid and she was slow to learn, he also said that she was lucky to be able to marry him, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to support herself. 

After hearing it for a long time, Chu Qiao has low self-esteem. She really thought that she couldn’t do anything, and didn’t even want to leave the house. But now that she was sober, she would no longer feel inferior anymore. 

“Thank you, I will take care of it.”

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Chu Qiao smiled gratefully, she definitely would not cause trouble for the dance hall. 

After the intermission time was up, she and the band came on stage again. Tang Yaozu was getting a little frustrated and shouted at Gu Ye, who was being silly and was giggling, “Can you really believe what she said? How could it be possible for a little girl like her to beat Young Master Zhao? Why have you become just as stupid as Yaozhong? Did you let maggots eat your brain?” 

As expected, a lot of men met their demise because of their obsession with beauty. Such a clever guy like Gu Ye, became stupid when he encountered a beauty like Chu Qiao. 

Tang Yaozu was once again grateful for his innocent relationship with his wife as a childhood sweetheart.

Tang Yaozong, who was once again being dissed next to him, couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Used him as an analogy again? Couldn’t he be used as a smart reference? 

His big brother always looked down upon everybody else, acting like a snob. 

Gu Ye smiled indifferently and said, “What’s the hurry, after all I’m still here?! Naturally, my wife will be protected by me. Don’t worry, it won’t affect you!” 

“Did I say that I’m afraid of getting involved? I’m so pissed off, I don’t care anymore. You can do whatever you like!” 

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