Chapter 117 – Compete in drinking (2)

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Tang Yaozu became even more angry. Although he was a bit snobbish, there were also times that he was willing to get knives piercing both sides for his good brothers1. Gu Ye’s words hurted his heart too much. 

1knives piercing both sides (idiom) : to attach a great importance to friendship, up to the point of being able to sacrifice oneself for it. 

Gu Ye put his arms around his shoulders and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I have a way to deal with that surnamed Zhao. Let’s go and listen to my wife playing the keyboard, it sounds good, right?”  

“Sounds good, my ass!”

Tang Yaozu’s mouth expressed disgust, but his feet followed him out, and even had a smile on his face. 

There were more and more guests outside. They all heard that Young Master Zhao had taken a fancy to a beautiful girl who was playing the keyboard, so they came over to watch the excitement.

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Basically the seats were almost full. When these people saw Chu Qiao on the stage, all of them stared blankly at her and secretly exclaimed that it was a pity. 

Such a beautiful flower would soon be ruined by that surnamed Zhao. Tsk… What a sin!

Young Master Zhao was high in spirit and ordered ten baskets of flowers in a go, to give them as presents for Chu Qiao.

This was the rule in the dance hall. Guests could order flower baskets to support the show. A flower basket cost 5 yuan, which was considered as a tip for the performer. 

Ten pieces was 50 yuan, and sometimes the tips were much higher than the salary. That money would be given to the performers themselves, and the dance hall wouldn’t ask for it. 

There were many people dancing on the dance floor. It was very lively and the time passed quickly. It was eleven o’clock in a blink of an eye.

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Young Master Zhao was waiting until he became impatient and sent someone to urge Tang Yaozu. So Tang Yaozu had to personally call Chu Qiao.

“Young Master Zhao has a powerful background, and I can’t afford to offend him. You should be more careful later.” Tang Yaozu reminded Chu Qiao.

“I know. Thank you Boss Tang for taking care of me.”

Chu Qiao smiled, she could understand Tang Yaozu. If she were the boss, she also wouldn’t confront someone like Young Master Zhao head-on just for the sake of a new employee. Moreover, it was her who insisted on staying, so of course she had to solve it by herself. 

Young Master Zhao was sitting on the sofa in a dainty manner, and there were four minions standing beside him, just like the one that was shown in the movie.

At first glance, it could be seen that he was not easy to deal with. As she was getting closer and closer to Young Master Zhao, Chu Qiao was actually feeling nervous, it was the first time she had faced someone like Young Master Zhao, and it was impossible for her to not panic. 

Chu Qiao summoned up her courage to approach Young Master Zhao, seeing the man’s undistinguished gaze, as if he was peeling off her clothes layer by layer, Chu Qiao felt sick and nausea in her heart. But she still looked very calm on the surface, she wouldn’t let that man see that she was afraid.

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“Young Master Zhao, I have heard from people before that you are very good at drinking, and you will never get drunk even after drinking a thousand cups. Is that true?” 

Chu Qiao mustered the courage to speak first. She wanted to take the initiative and not let this man speak.

Mr. Zhao smiled unexpectedly and looked carefully at the little beauty in front of him. She was bold and interesting, and Chu Qiao’s words still made him feel good.

He always had confidence in his drinking capacity, and there was absolutely no one who could drink better than him.

“What? You want to drink with this young master?”

Young Master Zhao touched his chin and asked with a smile, his eyes becoming more obscene. He couldn’t help looking at the private parts of Chu Qiao’s body.

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Gu Ye was so angry that he gritted his teeth and tried hard to not rush out. 

Since Chu Qiao wanted to solve it by herself, then just let her try it first. If it didn’t work, then he would help. 

He would be the strongest backing of the little fairy. It didn’t matter whether it was up in the sky or under the sea, he would support it. 

Chu Qiao smiled and gradually calmed down. Everything was difficult at the beginning, and the most difficult moment had passed.

Now she just needed to treat this surnamed Zhao as an ordinary customer. She just had to convince this customer, and it didn’t matter what method she used. 

“I know your intentions, Young Master Zhao. But, I only like men who are more powerful than me. Only in that way, I can be convinced. With a status like Young Master Zhao, it’s not worthwhile to have a serious relationship with a common person like me, right? How about this, let’s compete in drinking, as long as you can win against me, then I will willingly go with Young Master Zhao.” Chu Qiao said with a faint smile. 

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