Chapter 120 – One night is worth two months of the other family. (1)

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“Who the hell takes laozi’s1 wine!”

1Laozi (老子) : I / me (used arrogantly or jocularly)

Young Master Zhao was so angry that he cursed loudly, and then.….. he fell directly on the ground and couldn’t get up. 

His four minions hurriedly helped him up, but Young Master Zhao was big and was already unconscious. The person who was drunk was particularly heavy, and the four big men couldn’t carry him. 

Chu Qiao couldn’t stand it anymore, so she walked over and grabbed Young Master Zhao’s collar, then she lifted him up easily with one hand, and also thoughtfully put the person lying on the sofa. 

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It was done in one go, even without a pause. 

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at Chu Qiao’s thin arm, which was as thin as willow branches. And it was the one that just easily lifted Young Master Zhao a moment ago? 

Such a delicate and charming girl was actually so strong, it was too scary!

Some men who also had some intentions with Chu Qiao, they immediately cleared their minds. Such frail bodies like them couldn’t even carry the little finger of this beauty. So it would be better for them to just forget it. There were flowers everywhere in the world, so why should they just hang themselves on one flower? It was not worthwhile! 

Tang Yaozu and his brother looked at each other in astonishment, they were stupefied and speechless. And coincidentally, they thought that with such great strength, if there was such an expert in the village, then people could save money for the ox when they plowed the land. 

Gu Ye kept smiling, and his gaze towards Chu Qiao became even hotter. His little fairy was so different from everyone, which was unique and unmatched in this world. 

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The drunk Young Master Zhao was carried away by his four minions, and the other guests also dispersed. Chu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief, finally this problem was solved. Young Master Zhao wouldn’t go back on his word, right? 

“Don’t worry, although Young Master Zhao is not a good person, he really cares about his face. In front of so many people, he will definitely abide by his own words. He definitely won’t trouble you in my dance hall. But you have to be more careful after you get off the work. This guy is accustomed to being shady.” Tang Yaozu reminded Chu Qiao. 

Chu Qiao nodded her head and said, “I got it.” 

She would be more careful in the future. Anyway, she would not give up such a good opportunity to earn money. 

Tang Yaozong came over with a pile of money and handed it to her, “Tonight’s salary and tips.” 

The salary from the dance hall was settled on a daily basis. Chu Qiao received the money, and felt that it was not quite right, as it was much thicker. And she was even more surprised when she checked it out, “Mr. Tang, you gave me too much.” 

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He gave her a hundred yuan.

“It’s not wrong. Fifty yuan is your salary. Young Master Zhao ordered ten flower baskets, totaling fifty yuan, which is your tip.” Tang Yaozong laughed. 

The main source of income in the dance hall is from alcohol. So they wouldn’t compete with the employees for the tips. The alcohol that was sold in a night was worth 10,000 yuan, which was very high for the profit. That was why Tang Yaozu was not interested in such little tips. 

Chu Qiao was extremely happy and even more grateful that she did not give up. Otherwise, where would she have earned so much money?

“Yaozong, give Chu Qiao the commission for twenty bottles of whiskey.” Tang Yaozu laughed. 

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Just now, Chu Qiao and Young Master Zhao drank twenty bottles of whiskey, and he made a lot of money from that. So of course he would want to share some profit with Chu Qiao. 

Tang Yaozong immediately took out a large pile of banknotes from his pocket. The alcohol commission in the dance hall was 15%, which was the same throughout the city. Whiskey was sold for 80 yuan per bottle, and the commission for 20 bottles was 240 yuan. 

Of course, the dance hall earned more. For the whiskey that was worth 80 yuan, in fact, the actual price for a bottle was not more than 20 yuan.

And once it entered the dance hall, the price was doubled several times. Those who could consume whiskey were wealthy people, and they didn’t care about such a small amount of money. 

Chu Qiao received a thick pile of money, and she felt a little dizzy. Just on her first day of work, she already earned 340 yuan, which was completely beyond her budget.

He Jihong’s monthly salary was only 180 yuan, and her father was similar. What she earned in one night was not much different from the monthly wages of these two people. 

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