Chapter 121 – One night is worth two months of the other family. (2)

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She would definitely persist in this job. If she had such good luck every day, she would be able to afford a house in less than a month.

However, Chu Qiao quickly realized, after all, tonight was an accident. It was impossible to always meet a spendthrift and foolish person like Young Master Zhao every night. 

She still needed to find another way to obtain the hukou. 

Chu Qiao glanced at Gu Ye, the fastest and best way was to persuade Gu Ye into a fake marriage. It was just if she really did that, then she would feel sorry for Gu Ye.

She couldn’t give this man love, and used him. Chu Qiao felt that she was like a scheming bitch, and she really despised herself. 

Gu Ye felt her gaze and grinned at her. Chu Qiao also smiled. Tang Yaozong could see it clearly, his heart was even sourer than a vinegar jar. However, he still didn’t want to give up. As long as Chu Qiao wasn’t married, then he still had hope. 

“Hurry up and clean up the place!”

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Tang Yaozu patted his younger brother hard on the head, this silly boy was the one who couldn’t see the situation clearly as others.

It was obvious that this girl Chu Qiao and Gu Ye had a crush on each other, they were even flirting with each other just now. It was just this silly younger brother still smitten with her, even though he couldn’t even be the second option. 

Gu Ye politely said, “I will take you home.” 


Chu Qiao didn’t refuse. She went to the bathroom first. She had drunk too much alcohol just now, and her stomach was so full.

“I’m going home first.”

Tang Yaozu looked at the time and couldn’t help but panic. He promised his wife to go home early. It was almost midnight now, and his wife was definitely going to be angry. So when he went back, he had to call his son to help him alleviate his wife’s anger. 

When Chu Qiao came out, Gu Ye went out with her, he pushed the bicycle, and he went straight ahead to Chu Qiao, “Get on.” 

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Chu Qiao jumped onto the bike, holding onto the back seat. Gu Ye rode the bike steadily, but it was a bit slow. He intentionally rode slower and wanted to spend more time with the little fairy. The two figures under the streetlight were stretched long and clinging together so tightly.

When Gu Ye saw it, his heart was burning so hot. He couldn’t help but glance back, only to see Chu Qiao’s pink cheeks. It was so beautiful that he couldn’t bear to look away. 

He kept looking back, and didn’t notice that there was a pit in front of him, so they ran into the pit decisively. 


Chu Qiao was so frightened that she subconsciously wrapped her arms around Gu Ye’s waist to stabilize herself. She didn’t realize that she was hugging Gu Ye.

Originally, Gu ye was started, he put his toes on the ground, and successfully stabilized the bike. Only then he felt a pair of soft little hands on his waist, which was even softer than the glutinous rice balls. His heart was tingling and jumped especially fast. 


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-Chinese Glutinous rice balls / Tang Yuan

The first time a girl hugged his waist, it felt really good, it was sweeter than eating a cake.

Gu Ye grinned and suppressed the desire to touch those little hands. He continued to ride the bike.

However, this time he learned how to behave and intentionally rode towards the pit. Chu Qiao had already let go of her hands at first, but with a ‘bang’, she hugged him again.

There were a lot of pits after that. Chu Qiao never knew that the road conditions in Shanghai were so bad. Her buttocks were so numb, and she didn’t let go of her hands anymore. She couldn’t sit still if she didn’t put her arms around his waist. 

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“The road is getting worse and worse, and I can’t see clearly at night.” Gu Ye shamelessly made excuses, but his heart was very happy.

He hoped that this road would not have an end and he would continue to ride like this for the rest of his life. 

Chu Qiao also finally understood that this guy was deliberately riding towards the pit, just to make her hug his waist.

His intention was really bad, and Chu Qiao also couldn’t get angry at him. Instead, she had a strange feeling, like a freshly ripe orange, which was sweet and sour, with the taste of youth. 

“I will go alone.” Chu Qiao didn’t want to sit anymore, her buttocks were numb.

Gu Ye’s heart panicked, he didn’t dare to ride towards the pit anymore. He rode towards the flat road side and said, “The road on this side is much better, there must be no pits.” 

Chu Qiao pursued her lips and smiled, she became more certain that this guy just did it on purpose. There was indeed no more pit left.

So she withdrew her hands, it was unreasonable to keep hugging him. Gu Ye sighed lightly, but he didn’t dare to ride towards the pit anymore. And soon, they arrived at the gate of the hospital’s family dormitory building. 

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