Chapter 122 – Carefully consider the marriage (1)

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Gu Ye stopped the bike slowly, he had never expected for this broken bike to run so fast.  His reluctant expression made Chu Qiao laugh, and the strange bittersweet feeling in her heart became even stronger. 

In her two lifetimes combined, she had never felt this kind of feeling. To be pursued by a handsome guy with a sunny personality, is this how it felt? 

Chu Qiao had never been in love, nor did she know the taste of love. However, in her past life, she had read many romantic novels and youth idol dramas.

When she watched the love between the young men and women in it, it made her quite moved. She even imagined herself into the plot. However, the imagination could not replace reality after all, as she actually always had regrets. 

A regret that she had never tasted the taste of love. 

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Her heart was jumping so fast, and Chu Qiao couldn’t help but look up. As she just happened to be in the line of sight of someone’s piercing gaze, which comes from Gu Ye. 

He didn’t hide his gaze, nor did he hide his intentions. He was looking straight at Chu Qiao. The two of them were like fools, standing under the family dormitory building in the dead of night. Apart from the sound of cicadas, there was only the bright moon which was peeping through. 

Chu Qiao’s face blushed red, and she shyly lowered her head. Her fair ears were even redder than her rouge, and her heart was beating faster.

There was a swallowing sound that could be heard from the top of her head. Gu Ye swallowed his saliva several times in a row, his throat was too dry, as if it had been burned by fire. He obviously had drunk a lot of soup tonight, how could he still be so thirsty? 

His Qiao Qiao was really so beautiful. The moonlight shone on Chu Qiao, like a layer of transparent chiffon. He didn’t know what Chang’e in the moon palace1 looked like, but he was certain that she wouldn’t look as good as his Qiao Qiao. 

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1Chang’e in the moon palace: In Chinese legend, it is known that Chang’e is the beautiful Goddess of the moon. 

Chu Qiao didn’t dare to look up, her head seemed to be burning with fire that was getting hotter and hotter. How could this guy keep silent, and only looking at her head, just what was he doing? 

“Qiao Qiao, I… I sincerely want to marry you, I really like you. The first time I saw you, I just fell in love with you at the first sight. Even in my dream, it was all you…” Gu Ye stuttered out his feelings, all he said were sincere.

After meeting Chu Qiao at the hospital gate that day, he had a dream that night, and with a lot of passion. 

In the dream, he did a lot of things and made Chu Qiao cry, but the dream was only a dream. How could he really hold his wife and cherish her in reality? 

Gu Ye swallowed his saliva hard, and it took a lot of effort for him to say this sentence. His head was sweating, he was afraid that Chu Qiao would be angry. 

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“This is my first time liking a girl. I have never liked anyone in the past 27 years. I haven’t even held a girl’s hand. I never hold Xu Bilian too, I swear!” Gu Ye earnestly assured that he was still a pure and innocent young man. 

Chu Qiao still lowered her head, so Gu Ye couldn’t see that the corners of her mouth were rising, and her eyes were smiling.

She really believed this guy’s words, and Gu Ye’s character was definitely not a problem, but she felt that the biggest reason should be because even if he had the will, he didn’t have the strength2. 

2the will is there, but not the strength (idiom): I wanted to do it very much in my heart, but I didn’t have enough strength. 

She thought that Gu Ye actually wanted to do those things with Xu Bilian, but there was a problem with his ability to perform sexually, so he really couldn’t do it ah! 

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Chu Qiao’s heart couldn’t help but soften. There was a kind of impulse to agree to Gu Ye. Anyway, she had no intention of getting married and having children again. And now the problem of her hukou was really urgent.

Marrying Gu Ye could just solve this problem, and she wouldn’t dislike this man because of his disability. It was unlikely for her to give Gu Ye a green hat3 like what Xu Bilian did. That kind of thing was actually not that important to her, so it didn’t matter whether he could do it or not. 

3Wearing green hat : is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend, because the phrase sounds similar to the word for cuckold. 

When she was living with Gu Jianshe in her previous life, she had never thought ‘that kind of thing’ was good.

Moreover, Gu Jianshe always felt that she was dull and boring, and what he said was really unpleasant to hear. So Chu Qiao became even more repulsive towards that matter, and even felt a bit of disgust. 

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