Chapter 123 – Carefully consider the marriage (2)

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Then later when Gu Jianshe became rich, he indulged in pleasure outside. Apart from Xu Bilian, he has countless passing lovers.

There were many days he didn’t come home. Even at home, he also didn’t share the same room with her, which was exactly what Chu Qiao intended.

Chu Qiao was still a little hesitant. After all, getting married was a big deal. She had to be more cautious.

Gu Ye continued, “After getting married, you can still go to the dance hall to work. I will protect you. It doesn’t matter whether it was surnamed Zhao or surnamed Li, no one can bully you. You can do anything you want, I will be your strongest backing!” 

“Are you not afraid of others gossiping? After all, the dance hall is not a decent place.” Chu Qiao blurted out. 

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She did not believe it too much. In the previous life, she wanted to open a store and do business, but Gu Jianshe did not agree. He said that women who appeared in public were bad, and it would give men disgrace. 

And currently she went to work at the dance hall. Even after a few more decades, in the eyes of many people, a venue like a dance hall was not a decent place.

People who were working in indecent places, would naturally also be indecent people. Could Gu Ye really endure his wife working in that indecent place? 

Chu Qiao felt that Gu Ye might just be deliberately coaxing her. And when she really married him, she might not be allowed to go to work anymore. 

However, she also didn’t plan to work in the dance hall for too long. As long as she earned the money to buy a house, she would change to another profession.

This was because she didn’t want to do it herself, and not because she wasn’t allowed to do it, these two were different matters. 

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Gu Ye grinned, his neat white teeth were brighter than the moon in the sky. He said, “There are no indecent places in this world, there are only indecent people. I know that you are a good girl.” 

Even in places like low-grade brothels, there could also be good girls who still remained dignified in spite of living in the dirty place. And there were not a few prostitutes who had left an unimpeachable reputation in history. Gu Ye liked to confront people who were looking down on things unreasonably. 

For example, when everyone said that someone was bad, but Gu Ye didn’t think so. He deliberately interacted with that bad man and found out that the person was not particularly bad.

And then when others said that someone was a righteous person, Gu Ye didn’t believe that. He just wanted to find out the faults of that righteous person.

And in the end, he really caught that righteous person cheating. This incident has become sensational, and that righteous gentleman has also become a hypocrite that everyone despises.

Gu Ye was such a person who insisted on opposing people. When he was young, he opposed his father. And when he grew up, he went to the Team B and defied the leaders. He was well known as a thorn in the Team B.

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The leaders had a love-hate relationship with him. If it weren’t for the fact that Old Man Gu was too honest and upright, an example for everyone, then Gu Ye might have worked in the Team B for life. 

Originally, Gu Ye had some resentment towards Old Man Gu, but now he no longer hates him. If he hadn’t switched jobs and returned to the city, then how could he have met Chu Qiao?

When his career prospects were compared to his wife, naturally he thought his wife was more important. 

Chu Qiao did not expect to hear such an answer, and her heart immediately felt warm. Yes, there was no indecent place in this world, there were only indecent people. What he said was really well-spoken. 

She couldn’t help but raise her head and boldly looked directly at this man. The moonlight shot on Gu Ye’s face, with his sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

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Although he had single eyelids, they looked so divine. With a high nose bridge like an eagle, this man was really good-looking. Chu Qiao felt a little attraction to him, he was much more handsome than that bastard Gu Jianshe. 


-Sharp eyebrows and starry eyes : describe the appearance as valiant, full of righteousness, very heroic, and very handsome.

Gu Ye subconsciously straightened his back and didn’t dare to move. He was quite satisfied with his figure, so the little fairy shouldn’t be disappointed, right?

Chu Qiao felt this man’s shyness and uneasiness, so she couldn’t help but raise the corners of her lips slightly. There was a hint of laughter in her voice, “Gu Ye, I will carefully consider your  marriage proposal. And I will reply to you in three days, is that okay?” 

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