Chapter 138 – Kill three birds with one stone (1)

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“I’m your own family, what do you mean by stealing? You should keep the rest of the roses for me, I have great use for them!” Gu Ye was not polite at all. 

Old Mr. Gu was so annoyed by him, and he asked, “Which family is that girl from? Bring her home, let me and your mother take a look at her.” 

“Not today, I will bring her in a few days. You and my mother will definitely be satisfied with her. My wife is even more beautiful than a fairy.” Gu Ye did not deny it either, he would definitely bring his wife home and let his parents meet her. 

The main reason was that because his mother still had a lot of jewelry left by his waipo1. At the beginning, Lin Yulan wanted to give it to Xu Bilian, but he didn’t agree, because Xu Bilian didn’t deserve it. 

1Waipo (外婆) : maternal grandmother / mother’s mother. 

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But his Qiao Qiao was definitely worthy of it, so his mother had to take it out. Therefore, some people would not get greedy for it and plot dumb intentions every day. 

“Sure, make a phone call before you come back, and have dinner at home.” Old Mr. Gu received the info and stopped asking.

As long as the girl’s family background was decent and her character was good, it was fine. To marry a wife, marry a virtuous one. It didn’t matter whether she was beautiful or not, the beauty of the heart was the most important thing. 

“How is Dabao’s and Xiaobao’s health these days?” 

The old man cared about the Dabao brothers. Although they were not his own grandsons, but in his heart, they were more important than his own grandson.

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The father of the brothers was a hero who sacrificed himself for the glory of the country. Just based on this alone, the two Dabao and Xiaobao brothers were more valuable than his own grandson.

Originally, the old man wanted to take these two brothers over for himself to raise. He and Lin Yulan both retired and had time to raise the children, but Gu Ye didn’t agree, and said that he could take care of them well. Both Dabao and Xiaobao also didn’t want to leave Gu Ye, so the old man didn’t force it anymore. 

“It’s okay, since the last time they had diarrhea, they haven’t gone to the hospital.”  

The old man’s face turned a little colder. He just found out about Xu Bilian abusing these two brothers, and it was Gu Ye who told him.

Originally he still had a good impression of the granddaughter of his old comrade-in-arms, but this girl actually mistreated them. Even if she didn’t have Gu Ye in her heart, it was possible to take care of the two children with just a little effort. Xu Bilian really left the old man very disappointed, and he also extremely disappointed with Gu Jianshe. 

Birds of a feather flock together2 and villains collude together3. No wonder Xu Bilian and Gu Jianshe could fool around and engage in adultery, as both of them were not good people. 

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2Birds of a feather flock together (idiom) : similar things come together ; things of the same kind gather together ; refers to the bad guys who are like each other and collude. 

3Villains collude together (idiom) : to work hand in glove with somebody ; colluding with each other to do bad things. 

“Take good care of these two children. Even if you want to find a girlfriend, you must pay more attention to her heart. Appearance is secondary. The most important thing for her is to have a good conscience and be able to treat the children well. Don’t let the children be wronged. Since you took the children, you have to take good care of them, and raise them well.” Old Mr. Gu said earnestly. 

“The wife I have chosen is definitely hundreds of times better than the one you have picked. I will bring her back to show you when the time comes, I will hang up!” 

Gu Ye hung up impatiently. He had listened to these words hundreds of times and grew tired of it. He took over the Dabao brothers, so naturally he would raise them well. The old squad leader saved his life. If he didn’t take good care of the children, would he still be considered human? 

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The older that old man got, the more talkative he became. When he was a child, he had a dark face all day long, and didn’t say a word. Unexpectedly now he became just like an old woman. 

Gu Ye hung up the phone and was about to go back for breakfast. Someone next to him asked with interest, “Did leader Gu have a girlfriend? Is the last relationship you have had failed?” 

It was not surprising that people from the machine tool factory asked like this. Gu Ye and Xu Bilian got married without any banquet, and they just went to get a certificate.

After getting married, Xu Bilian rarely lived in the machine tool factory. She rented a house outside. After being married for half a year, the time she lived in the machine tool factory was only two months at most, and she rarely stayed overnight. 

Not to mention the machine tool factory, even people in the courtyard, not many people knew that they were married. They only knew that the Gu family’s youngest son seemed to be dating the granddaughter of the He family.

The people in the machine tool factory even thought that Xu Bilian was dating Gu Jianshe, because Gu Jianshe and Gu Ye lived next door. When Xu Bilian lived in the machine tool factory, she visited Gu Jianshe more often. 

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