Chapter 139 – Kill three birds with one stone (2)

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Everyone was thinking that maybe Xu Bilian and Gu Jianshe were dating, so they occasionally would visit Gu Ye, the elder. 

Furthermore, many people had inquired about Xu Bilian’s identity from Gu Ye. Gu Ye had never answered directly and only vaguely replied about her. In this way, everyone was more unclear about their relationship. 

Now that Gu Ye had made it clear that he had a girlfriend, everyone in the family building was very interested.

Gu Ye was the most popular bachelor in the machine tool factory. He came from an outstanding family background, looked handsome, and had a good personality.

He became a department chief at such a young age, he would definitely have a bright future in the future. There were many people who wanted to introduce their daughter or relatives to Gu Ye. 

“That one is not my girlfriend, she is my nephew Jianshe’s girlfriend. You guys made a mistake.” Gu Ye said with a smile. 

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Fortunately, he kept everything secret and never told outsiders about Xu Bilian’s identity. The machine tool factory only recorded that he was married once in the files, but irrelevant people couldn’t see the files. 

Everyone suddenly realized, “No wonder that girl always goes to see Deputy Secretary Gu, it is because they are dating. Section Chief Gu, what does your girlfriend do? When will you get married?” 

“Soon, we’ll get married after a while, and then we’ll have a wedding banquet ah!” 

Gu Ye was in a great mood and patiently satisfying their desire for gossip, while also mentioning about Gu Jianshe. 

Speaking of the devil and the devil appeared, Gu Jianshe limped downstairs and his face twitched a few times every time he took a step. The old man’s and his father’s combined, the pain was not as painful as that bastard Gu Ye’s. He felt half dead, and only got slightly better after lying on the bed for three days. 

As soon as he went downstairs, he heard Gu Ye’s rampant voice, slandering him with unreasonable words. Gu Jianshe’s heart was filled with panic.

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Damn it, Gu Ye had just been on Team B for a few years, but he had become cunning. His ability to tell lies with open eyes had become more formidable.

But he couldn’t tell people that Xu Bilian was Gu Ye’s wife. It was like lifting a stone to hit his own foot, he was not that stupid. 

“Jianshe, is your injury getting better? To suffer such a serious injury, you still need to rest more. Don’t think that just because you’re still young and you can take it lightly.” 

Gu Ye looked at his nephew kindly, and his tone was extremely caring. The people who were watching the show on the side all felt it. Who said that Section Chief Gu’s and Deputy Secretariy Gu’s uncle-nephew relationship was not good? 

The kind and respectful appearance of this uncle and nephew made people think that they were in a very close relationship.

Moreover, the last time that the sales department voted, Deputy Secretary Gu strongly supported his uncle as the department head. Sure enough, you still had to rely on your family to go into the battle, they were reliable at critical times. 

“Much better, thank you for your concern, little uncle.” 

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Gu Jianshe gritted his teeth and forced out a little smile, but his heart was cursing him.

Gu Ye grinned and patted his nephew’s shoulder heavily. His strength was so strong that Gu Jianshe almost couldn’t stand firm. The wound on his back seemed to have opened, causing more and more pain, and the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly came out all at once. 

In the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between this uncle and nephew was very good. Just looking at this affection, it really made people envy ah! 

Gu Ye went back for breakfast, but Gu Jianshe still stood in the same place without moving. He felt a lot of pain in his body and was resting for a while. Then he heard that someone said to him, “Deputy Secretary Gu, Section Chief Gu is getting married soon, what a great joy ah!” 

Gu Jianshe’s heart skipped a beat, ‘Who will Gu Ye marry?’ 

Soon he quickly figured it out, he was so angry that he bit his lips and he could feel the taste of blood in his mouth.

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He presumed that this bastard had hooked up with another woman, and intentionally wanted to let this stupid Xu Bilian give up her wife position.

So he took those photos, and then created the scene, causing him to suffer such beating for no reason. Moreover, the old man even had a bad opinion of him. 

What a good way to kill three birds with one stone!

Good, very good! 

Gu Jianshe gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, and had a bloody taste in his throat. He couldn’t bear this loss for nothing, he would definitely find a way to pay it back multiple times. 

Gu Ye, don’t you dare to think about being the head of the sales department. After all, he had worked hard at the machine tool factory for seven or eight years, while Gu Ye had only been working for half a year. He had plenty of ways to deal with this bastard, just wait for it! 

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