Chapter 144 – The nightmare from six years ago (1)

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Chu Qiao nodded and said, “I am Sun Yingguang’s niece, and he is my… my boyfriend.” 

She was a little embarrassed when she introduced Gu Ye, but Gu Ye greeted the uncle and aunt with great generosity. 

“I think that you look strangely familiar. Seeing you like this, you must be living a good life with your father, that’s good. Captain Sun can also feel peace in his rest.” 

The uncle looked at Chu Qiao with relief. He could tell that she had not suffered too much through the way she dressed up.

Moreover she looked prettier than her mother, the boyfriend she found was also a good one. He looked handsome and considerate.

Captain Sun was most worried about this granddaughter before he died, and now he could finally rest in peace. 

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Chu Qiao smiled and didn’t explain much. She actually didn’t have a good life in those five years, but she would definitely have a good life in the future. 

After saying goodbye to the uncle and aunt, she led Gu Ye towards her uncle’s house. The roadside was covered with the ripened rice crops that looked so heavy that they almost bent to the ground.

The rice was about to be harvested in August, which was the busiest and most tiring time in the countryside. The villagers had to get up early and sleep late to harvest the rice crops, and then they had to plant rice seedlings as soon as possible for the next season. For a whole month, they would definitely be tired and more skinny. 

Chu Qiao had done all these tasks before, and she was still a skilled plower. Because of her great strength, the cows were very obedient to her. She plowed the field more effectively than some middle-aged men, and she could transplant rice seedlings and harvest the rice quickly.

When her uncle’s farm work was too busy, they always asked her to help. With her alone could do the work of two people, her uncle and aunt. 

“This field belongs to me, and there is another one over there, totaling about one and a half acres.”  

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As she passed by the field, Chu Qiao stopped and grabbed a few rice ears, which were particularly plump. This year’s harvest was quite good. 


-Rice ears. 

“Are these fields planted by your uncle?” Gu Ye asked.

Chu Qiao nodded and said, “My mother still has a house, and now probably it has become theirs.” 

Her uncle was honest and timid, and he listened to her aunt in everything. Her aunt was even more vicious than He Jihong, what was on her mind was to think how to sell her for money.

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Fortunately her waigong1 suppressed her aunt, so her aunt didn’t dare to act recklessly. That was also why when her waigong knew that he was about to die, he looked for Chu Yuanzhi and let her go to live in Shanghai. 

1Waigong (外公) : maternal grandfather / mother’s father. 

Chu Qiao went to her own house first, which was built by her waigong for her mother before. There were two rooms and a small yard, which was not big, but it was the place where Chu Qiao had lived since childhood.

Seeing the familiar house, Chu Qiao’s eyes turned a little wet. She took out the key from her bag and opened the door, and she immediately got annoyed by the mess of agricultural tools inside. 

The house that she had previously tidied up very neatly had now become a warehouse, with hoes, dustpans, and bamboo baskets piled up all over the ground.

There were also several piles of chicken manure on the ground, indicating that her aunt was using her house to raise chickens. 

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“Don’t be angry, let’s leave after we take the hukou, and we’ll deal with them later.” Gu Ye comforted softly. 

It was useless to be angry, Chu Qiao didn’t live in the countryside. Even if she and her uncle had sorted it out today, as long as she didn’t live here, she still wouldn’t be able to take care of this house. 

Chu Qiao nodded. She was a bit angry, but now she is not angry anymore. When she left here, she had already expected such a result.

“Let’s go get the hukou.” 

Chu Qiao locked the door, her uncle and aunt didn’t need her to show up. Her mother, Sun Yinxiu, was not easy to mess with either. She did come back in the previous life and caused trouble, and she took back the house and fields. 

Her uncle, Sun Yingguang’s house was not far away, it just took a few minutes to walk there. Their house was larger, with five rooms, and there were also front and back yards. Her aunt, Zhang Guifang, was washing clothes in the yard. Seeing the slender and elegant Chu Qiao, she didn’t recognize Chu Qiao at first. 

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