Chapter 145 – The nightmare from six years ago (2)

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Chu Qiao called out, and Zhang Guifang finally came to her senses. Seeing the gift that Gu Ye was holding in his hand, she immediately squeezed out a smile and warmly greeted Chu Qiao, “Qiao Qiao, come in quickly. Your uncle is in the house. Yinguang, Qiao Qiao is back!” 

Sun Yinguang came out quickly, his condition was very good, but because he worked in the fields all year round, exposed to the wind and sun, he was dark and thin.

He looked like he was at least ten years older than Chu Yuanzhi with his back bent. He was very excited to see Chu Qiao. With happiness in his eyes, he said in a hoarse voice, “Qiao Qiao is back ah!” 

“Uncle, he is my boyfriend, Gu Ye.” 

Chu Qiao’s heart was filled with mixed emotions. She actually hated her uncle, just like Chu Yuanzhi, he was weak and selfish. His personality enabled Zhang Guifang to force her to work.

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Anyway, since she was strong, it didn’t matter if she worked more. But when she was fifteen years old, Zhang Guifang wanted to marry her to a fool in the town, because the bride price that was offered by this fool was high enough to renovate their house. 

Her uncle obviously knew all of this, but he didn’t stop her. He tacitly admitted that Zhang Guifang had deceived her into going to the town.

Fortunately, her waigong1 found out and chased her to the town to get her back. He even beat her uncle up, and since then, Zhang Guifang had never dared to mess with her. 

1Waigong (外公) : maternal grandfather / mother’s father. 

“Qiao Qiao has already found a good boyfriend ah. It’s been so fast, and you have become a young adult now. How is your father?” Zhang Guifang chatted with Chu Qiao as if nothing had happened. 

Just now she secretly opened those gifts, two cans of rambutan, a high-end cigarette, and two bottles of wine. It was quite a heavy gift.

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It seemed that Chu Qiao’s boyfriend was quite rich, and was also from the city, so she needed to get along well. 

Chu Qiao smiled and didn’t want to talk to her aunt. She still had a resentment of what happened six years ago.

Zhang Guifang coaxed her to go to that fool’s house in the town, and left her behind. That fool could only laugh foolishly and drooled, and he kept calling her ‘wife’. 

At that time, she was just a little girl who had never seen the world before. She was only fifteen years old. Even if she was so scared, she could only cry. 

Fortunately, her waigong rushed over, but the day she was at the fool’s house had become a nightmare that Chu Qiao would never forget in her life. Even until now, she would still dream about it. 

“Uncle, I’m here to get my hukou. I want to get a certificate with Gu Ye.” 

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Chu Qiao mentioned her purpose for coming here. Her hukou was under the name of Sun Yinxiu. Sun Yinxiu was a single householder, but because she was not around, her hukou was held by Sun Yinguang. 

“It’s good to get a certificate. Xiao Gu, you have to treat Qiao Qiao well. This child has suffered a lot.” 

Sun Yinguang sighed and looked at his niece with guilt. He got up to get the hukou, but was stopped by his wife.

Zhang Guifang gave him a wink and dragged him into the room, then she whispered, “That boyfriend of Chu Qiao seems to be rich. The hukou can not be given to her easily, just let her give us money. After all, we have kept it for so many years, so they have to pay for our hard work.” 

“You should not mention anything about this. After all, we are using Qiao Qiao’s house and fields. Why don’t you give her the rent money?” 

It was rare for Sun Yinguang to be refute back. He still felt guilty when he thought about the incident six years ago.

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At that time, he was really possessed, he was coaxed by his wife to agree to such a ridiculous thing. Seeing his niece crying so miserably, Sun Yinguang felt uncomfortable in his heart. 

But fortunately, now that his niece had found a good home. This young man seemed to be a reliable one. 

“Sun Yinguang, are you out of your mind? You don’t want the money?” Zhang Guifang was so angry, her husband was really a block-headed person.

This family was short of money and there was an opportunity delivered to their door, but unexpectedly he pushed it out. His brain was not functioning properly. 

“You stay out of it!” 

Sun Yinguang used some force to push her, it was rare for an honest man to show his power. Zhang Guifang was so shocked that she didn’t dare to say anything, and watched helplessly as her husband took away the hukou and handed it to Chu Qiao’s hand. 

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