Chapter 146 – The resentment may fade (1)

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Translator : Moon Lee
Editor : Tea


“Have a good life and come back to see your grandparents when you have time.” 

Sun Yinguang didn’t have the nerve to mention himself. He knew that his niece was still blaming them, so he didn’t have the face to mention it. 

Chu Qiao was very surprised. She didn’t expect that getting the hukou would be so smooth. She was ready to spend money, so she couldn’t help but glance at her uncle a few more times. He was much older than five years ago, his back was also bent, and she felt bad about it. 

“I will come back, and take care of yourself too.” 

Chu Qiao’s voice was a bit choked, it was impossible to not feel resentful. Perhaps in a few years, the resentment would fade away, right? 

“I’m going to see my grandparents, and then I won’t come back. I have to catch the train.” Chu Qiao said again.

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“I will accompany you to go there.” 

Sun Yinguang didn’t ask them to have a meal before they left either. His wife was angry and she definitely wouldn’t prepare food.

So he took a hoe and accompanied Chu Qiao and Gu Ye to the mountain, where Chu Qiao’s grandparents were buried side by side. 

Chu Qiao knelt in front of the grave, she took out some snacks from the bag, and a packet of cigarettes. The snacks were for her waipo1, and the cigarettes were for her waigong2. She placed them in front of the grave, and kowtowed respectfully.

1Waipo (外婆) : maternal grandmother / mother’s mother. 

2Waigong (外公) : maternal grandfather / mother’s father. 

Gu Ye also knelt down with a very respectful expression, and silently swore: “Waigong Waipo, I will take good care of Qiao Qiao, so that you don’t have to worry.” 

Sun Yinguang was weeding the grass on the sidelines. The graveyard was covered with weeds after a period of time. He was very satisfied with Gu Ye’s behavior of kneeling and kowtowing.

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They still hadn’t married yet, but he already did this. It also showed that this young man had his niece in his heart. So he would definitely treat his niece well after they got married. 

After kowtowing, Chu Qiao stood up and looked around the graveyard. The weeds had been cleaned up, and the surrounding area was very fresh and cool.

There were also a few cypress trees planted, and unturned candle fragrance could still be seen. It had been a while, it should have been during the Qingming Festival3. It seemed that her uncle was quite attentive in these years. 

3Qingming Festival or Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day, Celebration for the dead (in early April)

In fact, although her uncle was simple and timid, he was very filial to her grandparents. No matter how vicious her aunt Zhang Guifang was, she would not dare to disrespect her grandparents.

This was her uncle’s bottom line. Before her waigong passed away, he could only stay on his bed for half a year, and it was her uncle who took care of him very attentively. 

Chu Qiao sighed softly and saw Sun Yinguang’s tattered liberation shoes, which he had been wearing for so many years.


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-liberation shoes / chinese army shoes 

The soles of the shoes were worn flat, there was a hole in the upper part. He wore them as slippers, with his trousers rolled up, one high and one low.

His bare calves were black and thin, and they were also stained with a lot of mud and dirt. Chu Qiao who saw it felt very uncomfortable. 

Thinking back then, when she was a child, her uncle was also very kind to her. During this season, whenever he went to work on the mountain, he would pick a lot of Wupao (wild raspberries), and take a stalk of grass to put them.

They were red and beautiful like red agate. Such long bunches were brought back to her and her cousins to eat. They were very sweet, much sweeter than the artificially cultivated strawberries that were sold in fruit shops. 


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-Wild Raspberries 

Thinking of the warm moments she had before, Chu Qiao felt both bitter and astringent in her heart. Ever since she started puberty, the way her aunt looked at her had changed to a strange way. She always looked at her with intentions, which made her hair stand on end4. Her uncle didn’t dare to resist her aunt, so gradually he also became distant from her. 

4To have one’s hair stand on end (idiom) : to feel one’s blood run cold / scared / hairs stand up, and spine chills / describes being very fearful. 

“Uncle, I’m going back to the city.” 

Chu Qiao told Sun Yinguang. She still had to go to the dance hall to play the keyboard tonight. So if she didn’t leave, then she wouldn’t be able to catch the train. 

“Yeah… have a good life with Xiao Gu.” 

Sun Yinguang wrinkled his face, he smiled flatteringly, with some guilt, and helplessness for the suffering years. He was clearly only in his early forties, but he looked like he was in his fifties.

His hands were covered with calluses, and there were some black cracks. The crevices of his fingernails were also black, which couldn’t be cleaned with a brush. 

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