Chapter 148 – Must be a good husband (1)

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Chu Qiao and Gu Ye were lucky. As soon as they arrived at the highway, the shuttle bus was already there waiting. They rode the bus for an hour and arrived at the train station.

After they bought the tickets to return to Shanghai City, there was still nearly an hour before boarding the train. So they went to a restaurant near the station to eat a bowl of noodles. 

“I want shredded pork noodles with pickled vegetables.” Chu Qiao didn’t have much appetite. The weather was too hot, and she got motion sickness because of the shuttle bus. She felt so nauseous, she just wanted to go back to Shanghai quickly, to lie down and rest for a while. 


-Shredded pork noodles with pickled vegetables. 

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Gu Ye ordered a bowl of noodles with big ribs. While waiting for the noodles to be cooked, he ran out to buy two cold creamy popsicles and handed one to Chu Qiao, “Eat some ice, you will feel more comfortable.” 


-Noodles with big ribs 

-Creamy popsicles 

“Thank you.” 

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Chu Qiao’s heart was filled with sweetness. This man seemed to know what was going on in her mind, she just wanted to eat some ice. 

Gu Ye grinned, he peeled off the wrapping paper, and bit off half of it in one big bite. When Chu Qiao saw that, she felt that her teeth were freezing. It was the first time she saw someone eating popsicles like this, his teeth were really good. 

“Eat it quickly, it’s going to melt.”

Gu Ye chewed half of the popsicle in two or three bites, and he also stuffed the remaining half into his mouth. Other people usually licked the popsicle, but he just gnawed it, the way he ate it was so wild. 

It didn’t even take a minute, and the cream popsicle was only left with a stick. Chu Qiao looked at the man in front of her in astonishment, she could not help but bend the corners of her lips, and lowered her head to eat the popsicle. Her eyes were full of smiles, the anxiety and timidity about living together with Gu Ye suddenly disappeared. 

Although it was a fake marriage, it should be interesting to live with such an interesting man, right? 

Moreover, she could definitely trust Gu Ye’s character. Zhou Dabao and his brother were also very sensible children, so why should she worry about it? 

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The boss brought two bowls of noodles, two super big bowls of noodles. Chu Qiao couldn’t finish it, and wanted to give some to Gu Ye.  

“You eat first, I will eat if you can’t finish it.” 

Gu Ye’s indifference made Chu Qiao blush. She was too embarrassed to give someone the leftover food, but seeing that Gu Ye didn’t dislike it at all, she felt a little sweet again in her heart, and her heart beat a little faster, it was a feeling that she had never experienced before. 

Chu Qiao ate the popsicle first, and licked it slowly. Gu Ye ate the noodles in big mouthfuls, and finished most of them in a few mouthfuls. Only then he saw that Chu Qiao was still licking the popsicle, without taking a bite of the noodles. 

“Don’t eat the popsicle anymore, hurry up to eat the noodles.” 

Gu Ye stretched out his hand and took away the remaining half of the popsicle in Chu Qiao’s hand. Then he stuffed it into his mouth very naturally, and ate it all in one bite. If his wife continued to eat it like his, then the noodles would become soggy. 

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However, his wife’s mouth was really small. With that size, it was even smaller than a cat’s, so it was normal for her to eat slowly. Moreover, it was not good for a girl’s body to eat something cold, so he snatched the popsicle for the sake of his wife’s good. 

“Eat the noodles quickly. It’s not good to eat too much ice.” 

Gu Ye grinned, his tone was like a nagging old father, who was very worried. He even picked the chopsticks to spread the noodles in Chu Qiao’s bowl. Chu Qiao’s face had always been red, this man behaved too familiarly.

Obviously they had only met three or four times in total, but this man acted like he had known her for a long time, he was really thick-skinned. 

While Chu Qiao complained in her heart, she secretly glanced at Gu Ye who was at the opposite from time to time.

The way he ate the noodles was as wild as the way he ate the popsicle. Such a big portion of noodles, she could eat it for a while, but this man ate them all at once. When she saw him eating, her appetite became a lot better. 

After eating less than half of it, Chu Qiao couldn’t eat anymore. Her appetite was actually not small, but she easily suffered from summer heat, and with the addition of motion sickness, this was already good enough for her to be able to eat this much. 

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