Chapter 149 – Must be a good husband (2)

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“You can’t eat anymore?” Gu Ye asked.

Chu Qiao nodded and then she saw a pair of big bronze colored hands stretched out and took away the noodles. He began to eat with a slurp, which made her blush again. 

Just in less than two bites, Gu Ye finished the noodles. He wiped his mouth, and then looked at his watch. He got up and said, “The train is about to check tickets, let’s go.” 

The sun outside was still shining fiercely, so hot, which caused the scalp to hurt. Gu Ye propped up the umbrella and placed most of it on Chu Qiao’s head. His body was all exposed to the sun, and Chu Qiao wanted him to move the umbrella a little more to his side. 

“No need, I’m such a big man, it’s okay to get a little tanned.” 

Gu Ye said carelessly with a big grin, then he moved the umbrella over a bit, and asked in a low voice, “Is it okay to register it tomorrow?” 

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Chu Qiao’s voice was even softer than a mosquito, and her ears were red. However, she could feel the man’s gaze beside her, which was hotter than the sun above her head, and her heart was beating faster and faster.

“I will pick you up tomorrow morning.”

Gu Ye suppressed his excitement, he was afraid of scaring Chu Qiao. In fact, he really wanted to jump up and shout a few times now. He couldn’t wait for the whole world to know how happy he was now.

Hold yourself!

Keep it low!

Be restrained!

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After silently saying it several times, Gu Ye’s excited mood gradually calmed down. He slowly stretched out his hand, then retracted it, then stretched it out, and retracted it again.

He tried it a lot of times, only after he mustered up his courage did he hold onto the white and tender little hand that he had long dreamed of. 

Chu Qiao subconsciously wanted to pull back her hand, but the rough big hand held it so tightly, so she just let it be. Neither of them spoke, they walked silently, as if they were stepping on the cloud, amidst the clouds and mist. They didn’t even know when they arrived at the waiting room. 

After checking the ticket and getting on the train, they found the seats and sat down. Gu Ye was still reluctant to let go of her hand, and Chu Qiao couldn’t bear it anymore and wanted to pull it. But she couldn’t pull it away, this guy held her hand too tightly. 

“Let go of my hand, it’s all sweaty!” 

Chu Qiao said in a low voice, it would be shameful to sit on the train while holding hands again. Others would laugh when they saw it, and this guy’s hand was all sweaty and sticky. 

Gu Ye blushed a lot, but fortunately he had dark skin, so his red face couldn’t be seen. He quickly loosened it and wiped it on his pants a few times, foolishly like a naive young man. 

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The three-hour train ride was a bit boring, and Chu Qiao dozed off again, she fell asleep on the small coffee table, but she didn’t know that when she fell asleep, someone hugged her in his arms and she was even adjusting to the comfortable position. Chu Qiao slept very soundly, and by the time she woke up, they had already arrived at Shanghai station. 

But how did she lie in someone else’s arms again, making it look like she was throwing herself into the other’s arms. 

“Let’s get off the train, be careful.” 

Gu Ye acted as if nothing had happened, he took her hand naturally, and walked slowly towards the door of the train. Seeing his calm demeanor, Chu Qiao did not feel shy anymore. 

“I will leave the hukou with you, and you can bring it with you tomorrow.” 

After leaving the train station, Chu Qiao said that she didn’t want to take it home, to avoid being seen by He Jihong, which would be troublesome. 

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“Sure, I’ll take you back.” 

Gu Ye’s bicycle was placed outside the station, and only after Chu Qiao sat down did he get on the bike. The corner of his mouth was raised at least 90 degrees, he felt it was just like a dream. Everything was so incredible, but it was also to be expected that He, Gu Ye, was also a person who had a wife now. 

In the future, he had to earn more money, and could not let his wife felt wronged. What others had, his Qiao Qiao also must have it. 

On the way, Chu Qiao wanted to return the 30 yuan to him, but Gu Ye didn’t want it, and his reason was quite reasonable. “We will be a family soon, so there’s no need for us to divide what is mine and what is yours.” 

“We are a fake couple, not a real one.” Chu Qiao reminded him. 

“But we are also a family.” Gu Ye said with a smile, he was silently thinking that after she got married to him, sooner or later she would always be there for him. His wife was really so naive, how could she trust a man’s words so much. 

He was not a good person, but he was definitely a good husband! 

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