Chapter 150 – Three Roses (1)

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 Neither He Jihong nor Chu Yuanzhi knew about Chu Qiao’s trip to the countryside. Only Chu Peng knew about it, and he didn’t tell anyone. 

At night, Chu Qiao went to work at the dance hall as usual. The business was quite good. Now that the economy in Shanghai had just started, there were not many high-end entertainment clubs like this, and the club of Tang family’s was considered as the first one. 

Tang Yaozu’s business strategy was indeed aggressive. After receiving the first batch of dividends, he invested it back into the business. Although he has invested hundreds of thousand yuan, according to his calculation by the way how thriving and prosperous his business is now, he would be able to get back the return of his investments in just less than a year. 

Gu Ye happily returned home, the work on the security department had already been handed over. Next week, he would go to the sales department to report. 

He was proud that his love and career were good, which were two happy events that came at the same time. He was definitely the world’s biggest winner in life. 

“Forward forward, our troops facing the sun……”


-March of the People’s Liberation Army

Gu Ye hummed a powerful song while cooking dinner. He was in a good mood today. He didn’t plan to cook egg noodles anymore, and improved the food for the two children. He made stir-fried tomato scrambled eggs, spiced beef that he bought on the way, and then he also made stir-fried green vegetables.

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-Egg noodles

-Stir-fried tomato scrambled eggs 

-Spiced beef

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-Stir-fried green vegetables 

“Uncle Gu is very happy today.” 

The two brothers were clinging at the door frame, one on the left and one on the right. They were discussing in a low voice.

“He’s going to marry a wife. Dad said that the happiest time for a man is when he marries a wife.” As soon as Zhou Dabao finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly looked at his younger brother. 

Zhou Xiaobao’s eyes were red, he choked up and said, “Gege1, I miss Dad.” 

1Gege (哥哥) : Older brother. 

“Dad has gone to heaven and become an immortal. You have to study hard, so that after a hundred years, you will be able to go to heaven and see dad.” Zhou Dabao actually also missed his father, but he had to be a strong older brother, he couldn’t cry in front of his younger brother. 

Zhou Xiaobao sobbed and asked inexplicably, “Can’t I go to heaven if I don’t study hard?” 

“You can’t.” 

Zhou Dabao resolutely replied, he had to let his younger brother develop the good habit of studying from a young age. 

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“Then why doesn’t gege study hard?” Zhou Xiaobao didn’t understand even more. Could it be that gege didn’t want to see dad? 

Zhou Dabao choked for a moment, he rolled his eyes and replied, “Dad said that I don’t need to study hard. It’s you who has to study hard. After all, I’m the older brother!” 

“En, I will study hard.” 

Zhou Xiaobao believed that it was true, he nodded his head vigorously, and clenched his fist tightly. He would definitely study hard and meet his father in heaven.

Zhou Dabao heaved a sigh of relief and touched his younger brother’s round head kindly. He felt very pleased and proud of his own cleverness. He was indeed the smartest older brother. 

“Dinner is ready!” 

Gu Ye was flustered when he prepared the three dishes. The house he allocated was a large one. The kitchen was in the corridor, it was set up with a stove.

The bathroom and water room were shared. During dinner time, the corridor was full of people cooking, with the smell of food around, it was especially smoky. 


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-Water room

Zhou Dabao had already wiped the table clean and he also helped serve the dishes to the table. The spiced beef tasted really good, the only problem was that it was cutted sloppily, so thick and shredded. However, Zhou Dabao and his younger brother did not dislike it. They were already very happy to be able to eat meat. 

The stir-fried green vegetables with garlic were a little burnt. The stir-fried tomato scrambled eggs were also burnt, and there was too much salt added.

Zhou Dabao and his younger brother just tasted them once, and decisively pinched the beef with their chopsticks. 

“Too much salt, you guys can eat meat.” 

Gu Ye himself had tasted it and it was so salty that he frowned. He put the stir-fried tomato scrambled eggs and vegetables in front of him, then he put the beef beside the two brothers. He poured some boiled water into the two dishes, then he mixed it, and ate them in big mouthfuls. 

Zhou Dabao put the meat back into the middle and picked up a lot of vegetables for himself and his younger brother. They ate them with relish. Gu Ye smiled and flicked his forehead. The three of them ate them quite well. 

“Uncle Gu, is pretty sister’s cooking delicious?” Zhou Xiaobao was more concerned about his stomach. 

After coming to Uncle Gu’s place, everything else was quite good, except for his stomach getting mistreated slightly. Uncle Gu’s cooking skills were really hard to describe in a few words2. He was really afraid that he wouldn’t be able to grow up. 

2Hard to explain in a few words (idiom) : describing things torturous and complicated, it is not clear in one sentence (used for bad things). 

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