Chapter 32 – Can I be your brother-in-law? (1)

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This translation made by Moonlight Teatime.
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Chu Qiao smiled at Tang Weiguo and continued to chew on the watermelon. The flesh of the watermelon had already been eaten, and the remaining flesh was a little hard to chew. The juice of the watermelon would be stained on both sides of her mouth, which made her look rather embarrassing.

Chu Qiao, who had been a rich madam for ten years, would never allow herself to eat watermelons embarrassingly in front of outsiders. She thought for a moment, then she got up and went to the kitchen. He Jihong was so busy that she became dizzy. When she saw Chu Qiao, she said, “Go peel the prawns.”

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“Aunt He, my hand hurts.”

Chu Qiao smiled weakly. She stopped looking at He Jihong’s angry face and went out with the plate. She would not reject the housework, but she would never work for He Jihong again.

There was a loud noise in the kitchen. He Jihong was so angry that she almost smashed the pot. Tang Weiguo asked concernedly, “Is Aunt He okay?”

“It’s nothing. I just accidentally dropped something. Weiguo, you just go eat the watermelon. Chu Qiao, cut the watermelon for Weiguo!”

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He Jihong took a deep breath, and her face was full of smiles again. She came out and shouted to Chu Qiao. Her eyes were cold and ruthless, this little bitch couldn’t be kept any longer. She had to call Gu Jianshe’s mother and hurriedly let them go get the certificate. There was no need for the banquet, just casually bought some dowry, and let this little bitch get out of the way, so that she wouldn’t be upset at home.


Chu Qiao responded, she took out the watermelon from the refrigerator, cut it into random pieces, and called Tang Wei to eat it.

Tang Weiguo, who had just returned to his senses, was very sure that this beautiful woman was the ghost-like Chu Qiao in the past. Unexpectedly, under the heavy bangs, it turned out to be so beautiful that even if she wore sack-like clothes, it could not hide her beauty.

“Thank you.”

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Tang Weiguo thanked her politely, and sat down on the sofa, only two fists away from Chu Qiao. Chu Qiao frowned, she was not used to sitting too close to the opposite sex. Although this kid was like her younger brother, he was still a head and half taller than her.

Chu Qiao moved to the side, which made her feel more comfortable. She didn’t notice that Tang Weiguo’s eyes flashed with a smile. His eyes fiercely looked at her, that he even forgot to eat the watermelon.

The cut-off pieces of watermelon that were not easy to chew, then divided them into small pieces to serve on the plate. Chu Qiao was skilled with a knife, and her movements were neither fast nor slow. She cut it quickly, and the remaining melon rinds were thrown into the trash can.

In fact, watermelon rind could make a lot of delicious food, but Chu Qiao was not in the mood to do this now. No one in the family was worthy to let her do it.

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Chu Qiao took a few more toothpicks, held a plate in one hand, and ate a watermelon in the other hand. She watched TV attentively, which was a foreign comedy movie. She was amused and laughed non-stop, but she did not know that in the eyes of others, she had become a beautiful scenery.

Tang Weiguo’s eyes were straight. Originally, he didn’t want to come here today. But Chu Peng called him to come here and threatened him to not let him copy the homework in the future. So he had no choice but to give up the chance to play basketball in the public security courtyard next door. Actually playing basketball was the second focus, the main focus was because of a beautiful girl who moved to the next courtyard. His scoundrel friends said that she was more beautiful than his school flower. Tang Weiguo was itching to go to the courtyard next door, just to show off his basketball skills, and see if he could have a talk with the beautiful girl.

But now, he doesn’t regret it at all. No matter how beautiful that girl, how could she be more beautiful than Chu Peng’s sister? Judging from his 18 years of experiences with girls, Chu Peng’s sister was definitely a rare great beauty. Just like the four most beautiful women in ancient times, should be like this, right?

There was also a poem, how to say that… Adding something will become fat, losing something will become thin, a national beauty, a beauty that can make moon shy, fish sank while goose floats, the women in the harem were all overshadowed1……

1The original poem is about praising a beautiful woman. It’s not just from one poem but mixed with another poem. That’s why it’s kinda a mess. But the main point is the same, praising about a beautiful woman.

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