Chapter 33 – Can I be your brother-in-law? (2)

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This translation made by Moonlight Teatime.
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The chaos of idioms and poems popped up all at once. Tang Weiguo felt that these idioms and poems could match Chu Qiao’s alluring beauty. He was suddenly very proud. Chu Peng had just scolded him for being ignorant. Hmph, he clearly didn’t want to learn because he was not stimulated by a beautiful girl. When he saw beauty, he would definitely be talented.

If the Chinese teacher was not a bald and thin old man, but Chu Qiao, he would definitely be the first one in the exam every year.

Chu Peng came out, and as soon as he came out, he saw an uneducated person keep staring at his sister, drooling with saliva that was about to flow out. He became so angry. He gritted his teeth and shouted, “Tang Weiguo, come in!”

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“What? I have done my homework.”

Tang Weiguo didn’t want to go in and listen to Chu Peng chanting sutras. It was extremely annoying. It was not like he wanted to take first place in the exam. It was also good to be the last one. Anyway, he didn’t want to take the college entrance exam. His parents had arranged his future. After graduating from high school, he would go abroad to get some experiences. After returning to China, he would inherit his father’s company.

How good was the arrangement his father made, he was willingly to lie down and be a thoughtless follower until he died. Life as a person was only for a few dozen springs and autumns. So why should you make yourself so tired?

“Come in!”

Chu Peng’s voice was cold. The atmosphere in the room became colder. Chu Qiao noticed the abnormality and glanced at him. Although his face was expressionless, she felt that Chu Peng seemed to be very unhappy. She didn’t know what was wrong with him.

“Do you want to eat watermelon?” Chu Qiao asked kindly.

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“I don’t want to!”

Chu Peng replied coldly and gave her the back of his head. Chu Qiao didn’t take it seriously. This reaction was to be expected. She continued to eat watermelon gracefully and watched TV. She was in a good mood.

Tang Weiguo also obediently entered the room, holding a watermelon in his hand.  As soon as he entered the room, Chu Peng grabbed his collar and closed the door.

“I don’t care about what kind of mess you do outside, but don’t mess around in my house!”

Chu Peng’s voice was gloomy and his expressionless face was very angry. He was about the same height as Tang Weiguo, and his appearance looked very much like Chu Yuanzhi. However, Chu Yuanzhi was a good old man, who was always smiling, and he was very popular. Chu Peng was like a thousand years of iceberg, and he did not like to interact with others. The children in the family building were afraid of him when they saw him.

But the adults all liked him, because Chu Peng looked good and had good grades. He was the ‘child of other people’s families’ in the mouth of adults1.

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1child of other people’s families : the meaning is a brilliant/ promising child that liked to be compared by the adults. The adults usually use that child as a good comparison to their child. Hoping their child can also become a promising one just like that child.

“What’s wrong with you? What kind of mess did I make?”

Tang Weiguo angrily slapped his brother’s hand. He acted like he was more angry than Chu Peng, but inside he felt like he was hiding something as he dodged Chu Peng’s eyes.

Chu Peng sneered and said rashly, “Your heart knows what I mean, don’t let me say it again.”

He was very clear about this guy’s scoundrel nature. Although he was young, the girlfriends he had dealt with were definitely not a few. Only this guy knew what exactly he had done. But in Chu Peng’s heart, Tang Weiguo was no longer clean.

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Just now, he was looking at Chu Qiao so fascinatedly. Chu Peng felt that this bastard was using his eyes to rape his sister. He was also a man. He understood the meaning of those eyes. Chu Qiao and Tang Weiguo were not suitable at all, they were not people in the same world.

Tang Weiguo smiled blandly and asked in a low voice: “Peng ah, you see, I’m 18 years old, and your sister is only 21. Women three years older ensures a richer life2. I’m not qualified to be your brother, or I will just be your brother-in-law…ouch…”

2Women three years older ensures a richer life, which is a Chinese saying that refers to the fact that the woman is three years older than the man. It’s said that women who are three years older than men are gentle, considerate, and understanding towards men. They will love the man dearly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his neck was strangled, and almost suffocated to death.

“Just say it if you want to die!”

Chu Peng let go of his hand, his eyes became colder. The eyes hidden behind the lens were more murderous.

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