Chapter 34 – ‘The immoral and despicable’ Chu Peng (1)

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This translation made by Moonlight Teatime.
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Tang Weiguo trembled greatly. This beast Dapeng1 looked so polite and gentle. He was a good student in the eyes of teachers, a male god in the eyes of the classmates, and a good boy in the eyes of the adults. But only he knew how ruthless Chu Peng was, a beast who has the gut to kill people.

1Dapeng : the nickname of Chu Peng. Some people usually like to add ‘da’ or ‘xiao’ to another person’s name for the nickname.

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“I’m just kidding. Why are you so serious? Cough… I almost got strangled to death by you!”

Tang Weiguo touched his neck and was still frightened. Just now, he seemed to have seen Lord Yama2, which scared him to death.

2Lord Yama : A deity of death.

“Even a joke is not allowed!” Chu Peng warned coldly.

“Okay, okay, no kidding.” Tang Weiguo responded repeatedly, but actually he was unwilling. After all, she was such a beauty who could cause disaster to the country and to the people. He whispered, “Then… what if your sister likes me?”


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Chu Peng looked at him coldy. He only felt that this kid was daydreaming. He had observed Chu Qiao for several days and found that his stupid sister had really changed a lot after her fever. Her brain became smarter and she became ruthless. He liked this kind of Chu Qiao more, and she was barely qualified to be his sister.

How could it be possible to like Tang Weiguo, this fool?

Chu Qiao, who was outside the room, didn’t know that the two boys in the room almost had a fight because of her. She had already eaten a plate of watermelon and was a little full. After she finished one episode of TV, He Jihong had also finished preparing the food. She looked at Chu Qiao who was cool and comfortable, she became dissatisfied and shouted angrily: “Bring the food out!”


Chu Qiao responded obediently, and her attitude was respectful. She couldn’t let outsiders pick mistakes. She wouldn’t do any work, but it was still okay to hold a few bowls of food.

The kitchen was like a steamer, it was so hot that it could make people dizzy just by standing there. She glanced at He Jihong, whose shirt was soaking wet. Chu Qiao’s mood became better. As expected, it was more comfortable to be a lazy person.

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“Take all of these dishes out.”

He Jihong gritted her teeth and gave the order. Her eyes were full of anger. Since Chu Qiao came, she had never been so tired. For the past five years, she had been lazy. She had Chu Yuanzhi to buy the vegetables, Chu Qiao made three meals a day and did housework. Her son studied well, so she didn’t have to worry about anything. Who didn’t envy her position?

But these days, she was so busy that her mind became dizzy and confused. She had to make three meals a day, mopping the floor, washing the laundry, wiping the table, and she still had to go to work. From morning till night, there was no free time. She was so tired.

Chu Yuanzhi’s words were sweet, but he couldn’t do anything. Just by mopping the floor could make the house into a mess. In the end, she was the one who had to clean up. This little bitch Chu Qiao, pretended to be dead every day. She always complained about being hurt everywhere, so He Jihong couldn’t scold her. Otherwise, if the neighbors heard about it, they would definitely say that her stepmother was cruel.

He Jihong held the burning fire in her heart, inhaled a full of oil fumes, and lost her appetite. Now she just wanted to quickly marry this little bitch out, let her out of sight, and earned some betrothal money.

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Chu Qiao held a plate of fried prawns. As soon as she walked out of the kitchen, she heard Tang Weiguo’s exaggerated flattering voice, “It’s hot, just let me hold it, Chu Qiao…jie3.”

3姐 jie : older sister

Under Chu Peng’s cold eyes, Tang Weiguo reluctantly added a ‘jie‘, and took the dishes from Chu Qiao’s hands. He also brought out the rest of the dishes. Such a person who usually didn’t help at home, was working very diligently at this time, like a diligent little bee.

“Thank you.”

Chu Qiao was very grateful. She didn’t expect Tang Weiguo to be so diligent. She didn’t realize it before.

“What thank you, Chu Qiao……jie don’t have to be polite with me.”

Tang Weiguo smiled more brightly than the sun. He was good at sweet talk, and had a good popularity. In the previous life, he and Chu Peng started a company together. Chu Peng was responsible for the planning strategies, and all of the external affairs were handled by Tang Weiguo. The two cooperated well, and the company did a great job. However, in the previous life, Chu Peng basically lived abroad. He rarely went home, and he was a little cold hearted. Even to his own mother He Jihong, it was the same.

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