Chapter 49 – Everyone had a couple (2)

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Looking at the rustic shirt on Chu Qiao’s body, Tang Yaozong coughed and said, “That…you’d better change into a skirt when you go to work. It’s a little more fashionable. The clothes you are wearing now are not suitable for the work atmosphere.”

Even Aunt Wang, who was mopping the floor, dressed more fashionably than this girl. This girl could play the piano so well, so her family should be well off. But why was she dressed like a villager who just came to the city?

Tang Yaozong soon figured out that this girl should be wearing this kind of clothes on purpose. It was called camouflage. So that she could have a sense of security, not bad.

Chu Qiao blushed and agreed. Her clothes were really too rustic. She would go back to find Xu Bilian’s old clothes. After she adjusts the size, she should be able to wear it.

When she earned money, she would buy garments to make new clothes. She could tailor the clothes herself, and it would definitely be more beautiful than the ones sold on the street.

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“Goodbye, Mr. Tang.”

Chu Qiao said goodbye and left in a very good mood. She even waved at Tang Yaozong. Tang Yaozong was stunned and waved back. When Chu Qiao walked out of the door, he felt that his actions just now were quite stupid, and he couldn’t help laughing.

A beautiful unmarried girl, 21 years old, wasn’t this the wife that God sent to him?

He was already 28 years old, and it was time to marry and have a wife. He had to go back and told his mother to not arrange a blind date for him. He already has someone in mind.

Tang Yaozong, who thought about it, became more and more happy. He was about to call his mother and tell her about it. Then Tang Weiguo came in and smiled at him, “Little Uncle, have you got any good videos recently?”

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“Go go go! What videos are children watching? You just have to study hard!”

Tang Yaozong rolled his eyes angrily. The video cassettes he watched were not suitable for children, and should not be shown to his nephew. Otherwise, his eldest brother would definitely kill him.

“Little Uncle, I already have a wife now, and you didn’t even have a shadow of a girlfriend!” Tang Weiguo was very excited, his appearance made people want to spank him. Tang Yaozong sneered and said, “Was it a little girl that your scoundrel friends introduced to you? It just like little children playing house!”

“This time I have a real wife. She is three years older than me. Women three years older ensures a richer life1. Her appearance can bring disaster upon the country and the people2, Even the fairies in the sky are not as beautiful as her. Little uncle, I’m really serious this time. Don’t tell my parents first, just wait until I get her as my wife first.” Tang Weiguo’s expression was very serious, not like his usual playful appearance.

1Women three years older ensures a richer life, which is a Chinese saying that refers to the fact that the woman is three years older than the man. It’s said that women who are three years older than men are gentle, considerate, and understanding towards men. They will love the man dearly.

2Bring disaster upon the country and the people (祸国殃民) : This is a chinese idiom, meaning that she’s so beautiful that she could wreck a country, and bring harms to the people.

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Tang Yaozong frowned slightly. It seemed that his eldest nephew was really serious now?

If it was three years older, then it was 21. His wife was also 21 years old. His nephew’s wife was the same age as the aunt’s, which was not very decent.

“Your task now is to study hard for the college entrance examination. What girlfriend are you talking about? Just a little child who hasn’t even grown his hair yet3, and still wants to marry a wife? Is your butt itching again?”

3hasn’t grown his hair yet : Because body hair grows according to a person’s age, from basic hair such as hair, eyelashes, sweat hair, and eyebrows to pubic hair and armpit hair. Having all these hairs is a healthy biologically mature person. It means that a person who hasn’t grown up yet, is described as a stinky child.

Tang Yaozong kicked him and scolded him fiercely, but Tang Weiguo was not afraid at all. He and his little uncle had been close with each other since they were young. They were uncle and nephew, but they were also brothers. Their relationship was very good.

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“Anyway, I can’t go to the university. So it’s still more important to marry a wife. Little Uncle, I will take you to see her someday. It’s absolutely beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off her!”

Tang Yaozong thought of Chu Qiao and snorted proudly, “How beautiful can it be? My girlfriend is the one that is called a beauty. She has both talent and beauty. She’s a beauty who is capable of causing the downfall of a country4. Later, you will meet your future aunt.”

4Capable of causing the downfall of a country (倾国倾城) qing guo qing cheng : it’s a chinese idiom, described as extremely beautiful woman.

“Little Uncle, do you finally have a girlfriend? Does nainai5 know that?” Tang Weiguo looked straight at his uncle if there was any trickery, 

5nai nai (奶奶) : paternal grandmother 

A 28 year old bachelor, his nainai scolded and urged him everyday, but his uncle was indifferent. Unexpectedly, he had a girlfriend without telling anyone?

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