Chapter 50 – Not even giving an inch (1)

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“It hasn’t been decided yet, but it wouldn’t be a problem. Don’t tell your nainai first, just wait until it is clear before telling anyone.” Tang Yaozong was confident and felt that Chu Qiao would definitely not reject him.

He had a car and a house, a decent appearance, and would also love his wife. Many girls were clamoring to marry him, but he didn’t like any of them.

“What does my future aunt do? Let me take a look.” Tang Weiguo was very interested. He wanted to know what kind of beauty that could impress this 28 years old bachelor.

Could it be more beautiful than his Chu Qiao?

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“I will introduce her to you in the future. Don’t come here too often, it’s not a place that children like you should come to.”

Tang Yaozong impatiently refused. Although his dance hall was legal, it was also very chaotic. He didn’t want his nephew to learn bad stuff.

“If you give me the video cassette, I will go!”

Tang Weiguo kept coaxing and pestering Tang Yaozong until he became impatient. He went to his room and randomly found a few video cassettes of Jackie Chan and brought them to him. As for the other collections, he completely hid them away, they could not be seen by his nephew.

“I’ve seen all of these. I want to see the one you hide inside.” Tang Weiguo pointed to the small cabinet. He knew that his uncle would hide the ‘good things’ there.

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“Go away!”

Tang Yaozong kicked his nephew out, then he took out the ‘treasure’ from the small cabinet, and locked it in the safety box, which also contained the profit of the dance hall. He could earn tens of thousands yuan a night, so It was unsafe if he didn’t put it there.

These video cassettes also had to be locked up, or this sneaky nephew would definitely come and steal them.

Tang Weiguo, who was outside the door, touched his nose regretfully and left with Jackie Chan’s video cassettes. He actually wanted to see some ‘colorful’ video cassettes. He was already 18 years old, and he even had a girl he liked. What’s wrong with watching some ‘colorful’ video cassettes?

In foreign countries, you could have a girlfriend at the age of 16. Now he was still young, which meant that his self-control was quite strong too. Even if he saw some ‘colored’ ones, he wouldn’t be affected. He just wanted to learn some skills.

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Chu Qiao had already gone home. He Jihong was watching TV in the living room. Seeing that He Jihong’s face was gloomy, not even bothering to look at her, Chu Qiao didn’t care and went to Chu Peng’s room to search for something. Chu Peng was not in the room, he usually went to the library to read books. He wouldn’t come back until it was dinner.

Before she got married, Xu Bilian shared a room with Chu Peng, which was separated by a cloth curtain. After she got married, she left a lot of things at home. Most of the things were the clothes, which were still 70% or 80% new. Chu Qiao casually took out a white dress and a light green one. They were quite new, just a little big. She just had to readjust the waist size, and they would be good to wear.

“What are you doing with Bilian’s clothes?” said He Jihong displeasingly.

“I don’t have any clothes to wear.”

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Chu Qiao replied neither rigidly nor softly. She lifted the cloth cover of the sewing machine, and compared the dress to her body. She knew the size roughly, and readjusting it was easy. It could be finished soon.

“Are you not wearing clothes in your body now? Put the dress back!” He Jihong raised her voice, her heart burning with fire. She felt that her stepdaughter was a little out of control. Recently, she became more and more daring.

“What I’m wearing is beggar’s clothes. Aunt He, if you don’t want to make me new clothes, then I can only resize the old clothes that Xu Bilian wore before. If it still doesn’t work, we can go to Director Bi to talk about it.”

Chu Qiao didn’t have the patience to talk nonsense with He Jihong, so she directly took out the director of the women’s association. This Director Bi and He Jihong never get along with each other.

Sure enough, after hearing Director Bi, He Jihong’s face became even worse. But she was worried that Chu Qiao would really go to Director Bi to complain. So she could only gritted her teeth. She rushed to the room and shouted, “Chu Yuanzhi, take care of your daughter. I can’t say anything to her now. She even wants to sue me. I have worked hard to raise her for five years, and she become such a white-eyed wolf1!”

1White-eyed wolf (白眼狼) bái yǎn lánɡ : someone who is incapable of expressing gratefulness and appreciation and even bites the hand that feeds him.

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