Chapter 91 – It was nice to have an unusual ability. (2)

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She had a strong power like Hercules now, like a Popeye who could knock down elephants. As for this kind of weak scholar like her younger brother, she could deal with it with just one hand. Haha, it was really good to have such an ability. In the future, she could be domineering at home. 

“No money.”

Chu Peng would rather die than submit to her. After the money entered his pocket, even if he was beaten to death, he would not take it out. 

“I will search by myself!”

Chu Qiao searched all over his body. Chu Peng was angry and ashamed. Both of the siblings fought from the kitchen to the living room, and from the living room to the room. But that six yuan was still not found. Chu Peng had no money at all, not even a penny.

“You won’t be able to find it.”

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Chu Peng looked proud of himself, but his hair was messy and his glasses were crooked. He looked very much just like a gentle scum1.

1Gentle scum : described those who appear to be educated and reasonable, but are actually very bad. It can be understood as ‘gentle on the outside, black-bellied on the inside’. 

Even the cunning rabbit could have three cave holes. And he was so smart, so how could it be possible for him to hide the money on his body.

Seeing Chu Qiao’s angry appearance, Chu Peng’s conscience returned a little and told her the good news: “Gu Jianshe was beaten all over his body last night, and it is estimated that he will lie down in the bed for ten days to a half months.”

“It would be better if he was beaten to death.”

Chu Qiao pursed her lips and sulked. Then she glared fiercely at her damn younger brother, he was a really bad person. 

“I’ll pay you back 600 yuan in the future.”

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Chu Peng had a bit more conscience today. So he generously made such a promise. 6 yuan became 600 yuan, he was really generous enough. But Chu Qiao rolled her eyes, after all, she also could make a lot of money by herself in the future, richer than Chu Peng.  

He Jihong came back from work for lunch time, and her face was still very ugly. Xu Bilian had not come back yet. Chu Qiao was in a good mood today. So she cooked several dishes that were not salty or bland, much more delicious than He Jihong’s cooking.

Xu Bilian finally came back. She looked so happy and full of joy. She had the divorce certificate in her hand. 

“Why are you so late? Did you go to see Gu Jianshe again?” He Jihong said in a bad tone. 


Xu Bilian put away the divorce certificate, then she went to the kitchen to fill a bowl with rice, and sat down to eat.

She was already divorced, so she had nothing to be afraid of. Naturally, she would go to see her lover openly in public. Seeing Gu Jianshe’s pitiful appearance lying on the bed, her heart felt ached to death.

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She complained and criticized a little about the heavy hand of Old Mr. Gu. A few whips should be enough to teach him a lesson. Why did he have to whip him (Gu Jianshe) so heavily?

“Bilian jie2, when will you and Gu Jianshe get married?” Chu Qiao asked with concern.

2Jie(姐) : Older sister. 

“Just wait for Jianshe ge3 to get better first, it will be soon.”

3ge (哥) : older brother; elder brother, (honorific) term of address for a male person of the same age or older; an intimate term of address for a man.

Xu Bilian smiled very sweetly. That’s what Gu Jianshe said to her just now. After waiting for so long, finally she would get what she was waiting for. 

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“Let Gu Jianshe come to the house to propose marriage first. The bride price must not be less. I will choose the auspicious day, and the wedding reception must be grand.” He Jihong said coldly. 

“Mom, Jianshe ge means to keep everything simple. Just getting the certificate is enough. I also think this is good.” Xu Bilian said discontentedly. 

She thought that life was a matter of two people. As long as she and Jianshe ge were in love and had the same heart, even eating pickles everyday would still be sweet. So it was really unnecessary to organize a wedding reception. It was a waste of money. 

Chu Qiao lowered her head and laughed softly. Gu Jianshe also said the same thing to her in the previous life. He said that he was a cadre and wanted to take the lead in keeping things simple.

So when she married Gu Jianshe, they just went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate. They didn’t even do any ceremony, she took her baggage and went to the Gu family to work as a stepmother with a certificate.

In this life, it had been changed into Xu Bilian. When she heard of this, it felt so good!

My dear, the author solemnly explains that the book is one-on-one, and the male and female protagonists are both innocent. There is not so much love and hatred, and it focuses on the sweet family daily life story. So some conflicts are not made too intense or melodramatic. If you don’t like this kind of genre, then please feel free to find another book to read. 

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