Chapter 92 – Preparing for the marriage proposal (1)

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He Jihong was so angry that she gritted her teeth hard. She didn’t know what kind of love potion that damn Gu Jianshe had given to her daughter, that made Bilian listen and obey his word so much. How could she let her daughter marry without a wedding banquet?

When Bilian married Gu Ye, they didn’t organize any banquet because at that time Gu Ye had not finished the transfer formalities, and he only got married in a fit of anger.

Moreover, He Jihong really wanted Gu Ye to be her son-in-law wholeheartedly, so it was fine to not have the banquet. Not to mention that Lin Yulan gave 300 yuan as the bride price, which was not small. 

And now Gu Jianshe wanted to marry her daughter without spending a penny? In his dreams! 

“If you don’t organize a banquet, then don’t even think about getting married. I’d rather you become a nun and won’t let you get married to him!”

He Jihong gave an ultimatum and there was no room for negotiation. If Gu Jianshe refused to hold the banquet, it meant that he didn’t have her daughter in his heart at all. Then if her daughter married him, how could she live a good life after marriage? 

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And this silly thing Bilian, only knew love and love, and didn’t understand anything else. Alas! 

He Jihong had to go to work in the afternoon. Chu Peng had gone to the library. So only Chu Qiao and Xu Bilian were left at home. Xu Bilian was sulking. She really didn’t understand why her mother overcomplicate this matter to Jianshe ge1. Was it so important to have a banquet?

1ge (哥) : older brother; elder brother, (honorific) term of address for a male person of the same age or older; an intimate term of address for a man.

“Bilian Jie2, Aunt He may try to find a reason to interfere with your marriage with Gu Jianshe. She didn’t agree with it in the first place. It’s so expensive to hold a banquet now, at least 200 yuan. Isn’t Gu Jianshe’s money your money too ah? What’s the use for all of the eating and drinking after the banquet? Aunt He doesn’t think it through. If you spend all of your money, then after you get married, how can you still live a good life?” 

2Jie (姐) : older sister 

Chu Qiao fanned the fire. She couldn’t wait for Xu Bilian and He Jihong to quarrel every day. It would be good to let it be more chaotic. 

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Xu Bilian’s heart felt so aggrieved, even Chu Qiao, who was a drag oil bottle3 could think for her. But her mother only knew how to fight against her, forcing her to marry a man she didn’t like, and separating her from Jianshe ge again and again.

3拖油瓶 tuo you ping : drag oil bottle ; child of a previous marriage living with the family of the second husband.

“Bilian Jie, I know where the hukou book is. It’s in that box.”

Chu Qiao pointed to a crimson camphor wood box in He Jihong’s room. This was He Jihong’s dowry. All of the important things in the house were in the box and it was locked. The hukou book, the certificate to purchase staple food, and the bankbook were all hidden in the box.


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-Camphor wood box

Xu Bilian looked at the box and her eyes immediately lit up. As long as she took the hukou book, she could register the marriage with Jianshe ge, but she didn’t dare to do it. She was afraid of being scolded by He Jihong, so she’s a little hesitant.

Chu Qiao could see it clearly and was not in a hurry to urge her. She glanced at Xu Bilian’s belly, and said seemingly unintentional: “I heard that a pregnant woman would show her pregnancy in three months. At that time, it would still be the autumn tiger4, so the thick clothes could not be worn.”


4Autumn tiger : is a period of hot weather during the traditionally cooler months. This is known as an Indian summer in English. 

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Xu Bilian’s complexion changed, and she subconsciously touched her stomach. She was eight weeks old, and now it was only July. She wouldn’t be able to maintain it until September.

The temperature in Shanghai was very high in October. She had to find a way to marry Jianshe ge earlier. Otherwise, she would not be able to hide her pregnancy. 

Chu Qiao didn’t say anything more, and went to watch TV. But she was counting the days in her heart. There were two more days before she started going to work at the dance hall.

When she thought that she could earn 50 yuan a day soon, Chu Qiao’s mood became better and better. After the rebirth, there was one happy event after another. 

There were also many happy events on Gu Ye’s side. Two out of the three shops had been rented out, while the remaining one was in a remote location, so no one was interested in renting it for the time being.

Gu Ye was not in a hurry. Both of the rented shops had been paid for half a year’s rent. One shop was making 30 yuan a month, and two shops’ rent for half a year made 360 yuan, so he had a lot of money in his hand. 

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