Chapter 93 – Preparing for the marriage proposal (2)

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With the money, Gu Ye took Dabao brothers to buy some new clothes, and bought a new shirt for himself. There was still a lot of money left. He was going to marry the little fairy soon, so he should not spend money recklessly. He also had to work hard to earn money, so he would not let the little fairy experience a difficult life. 

When he married Xu Bilian before, Gu Ye had no idea on how to live a life at all, but now he had it. He wanted to give Chu Qiao the best. What other women had, Chu Qiao must have it. And what other women didn’t have, Chu Qiao must have it too. 

That was also the reason why he went to the sales department. He had a lot of free time when he worked in the security department. He studied the success stories of many big bosses overseas and found a pattern. Those big bosses who started from scratch, nine out of ten, they had worked as salesmen and were excellent salesmen too.

Gu Ye had an idea. He could not be a general in the military, but he could continue to fight in the market. He was a good fighter in the war, and there would definitely be no problem in doing business.

He could not work in the security department for a lifetime. That place would kill his willpower, a good place for the retired elderly, but not suitable for him.

“Uncle Gu, are you going to marry the pretty older sister?” Zhou Xiaobao asked curiously.

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He was wearing the new clothes that just bought today, bought by Gu Ye. He bought a small white shirt with suit shorts in a matching color, which made him look quite handsome. But the child was too thin, with a big head and small body, so It looked out of proportion. It was the same for his older brother, Zhou Dabao. Both brothers were thin and small.


-White shirt and suit shorts

“Yes, I will propose marriage tomorrow. Dabao, Xiaobao, you guys will have a good life with your pretty auntie in the future.” Gu Ye patted Xiaobao on the head. His brows stretched, and his eyes were smiling. He was beaming with joy.

He would go buy some snacks and fruits later. He was going to propose the marriage tomorrow. He would also hold a big banquet, but he needed to ask the old man for some sponsorship. The banquet must not be done poorly. Anyway the old man had a lot of money, Gu Ye felt it was just right. 

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Zhou Xiaobao curled his mouth, he was very anxious in his heart. The pretty older sister on that day said that she didn’t like children and would beat them.

So he felt a little afraid. If the pretty older sister was as fierce as Xu Bilian, then he and his older brother would be beaten again.

“Uncle Gu, will the pretty older sister beat me and my older brother?”

“She definitely won’t!”

Gu Ye was resolute. The little fairy was so gentle and kind. So how could it be possible for her to beat a child? She was not Xu Bilian, that shameless thing.

But these words did not appease the child Zhou Xiaobao. He was still very worried, but he did not ask again. At worst, if the pretty older sister hit him, he would just run away faster, and it would be fine.

Zhou Dabao looked at Gu Ye, who looked so silly and happy. He scorned it and couldn’t stand it anymore. So he (Zhou Dabao) reminded him (Gu Ye): “Uncle Gu, did Aunt Chu Qiao agree to marry you?”

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Uncle Gu’s current behavior was very similar to a word that older brother Wei Gu said, which was wishful thinking. Zhou Dabao would not say this word, to save Uncle Gu some face. 

The smile on Gu Ye’s face suddenly froze. He really hadn’t thought about this question. Would Chu Qiao agree or not?

He didn’t think about it for too long. Anyway, regardless of whether the little fairy agreed or not, he had to marry her. If she didn’t agree, then he would find a way to get her to agree.

Just like fighting in a war, if the superior gave an order to occupy a certain highland, then it had to be taken, no matter how much it cost.

“She will definitely agree.”

The way Gu Ye spoke was very certain.

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Zhou Dabao and his younger brother exchanged a skeptical look, not too convinced.

Gu Ye’s bicycle stopped in the carport of the department store. He asked the two brothers to wait under the tree and went to ride the bike by himself.

He didn’t know that Chu Qiao arrived at the department store as soon as he left. She came to buy the hairpins. Her bangs were too thick, and it would be better to clip them with the hairpins. 

Seeing the two brothers wearing the new clothes without any adults around, Chu Qiao walked over and asked with a smile, “Did you guys come by yourselves?”

“No, Uncle Gu has gone to ride a bike. Hello, Aunt Chu.”

Zhou Dabao greeted politely, and even tugged at his younger brother. Zhou Xiaobao immediately said, “Hello, pretty jiejie1.”

1Jie Jie (姐姐) : older sister 

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