Chapter 94 – Visit to propose a marriage (1)

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Chu Qiao smiled happily. This little guy’s words were really sweet. She had a special feeling for Zhou Xiaobao. After all, he was a celebrity who she had been crazily pursuing in the previous life. She was a mother fan, and had watched how Zhou Xiaobao grew into the top star step by step. 

“Good boy, you guys have to eat more food.”

Chu Qiao gently patted Zhou Xiaobao’s head and looked at him with pity. The current Zhou Xiaobao was not pretty. He was dark, thin and short. She couldn’t see the demeanor of the top star she saw in him from her previous life.

Besides, Zhou Xiaobao’s body had always been sickly too. There was a time that he fainted because of gastroenteritis1 when he went to the variety show. The reason for that was because he was not getting proper nutrition when he was growing up as a child. 

1Gastroenteritis : It’s commonly called stomach flu. It is an intestinal infection that includes signs and symptoms such as watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever. The most common way to develop gastroenteritis is through contact with an infected person or by consuming contaminated food or water. If you’re otherwise healthy, you’ll likely recover without complications. But for infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems, gastroenteritis can be deadly. [] 

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But this matter couldn’t be blamed on Gu Ye. He himself was only a big boy. He couldn’t even take good care of himself. It was already good enough for him to be able to raise the two children until they became adults. It was just that he didn’t pay much attention to the details. 

Gu Ye pushed the bike over and saw Chu Qiao in a green dress from a distance. Her hair was tied up with the same color hair band. She was pretty, graceful and charming, which made people become fascinated by her. She looked so beautiful no matter where you looked at her. After several decades of living, Gu Ye learned a new sentence, it was ‘the 360° of perfect beauty’.

He felt that this sentence was just right for Chu Qiao, and there was nothing that was not beautiful about her. Even the fairies in the sky were not as beautiful as her. 

Gu Ye straightened his shirt, then he pushed his bike fast, and rushed to Chu Qiao. He smiled brightly and greeted her with a hearty smile. Chu Qiao glanced at him. Everything from head to toe was new, unlike the old clothes he wore two times ago.

Gu Ye was already good looking, and after changing into new clothes, his appearance became even more impressive, handsome, and upright. 

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Feeling the direct gaze from this guy, Chu Qiao’s face became a little hot. Then she smiled at him, “I’m here to buy something.” 

“I just bought it.”

Gu Ye didn’t know what to say. When he didn’t see her, he had thousands of words to say. But when he saw her in person, he didn’t know where to start. So he just kept looking at Chu Qiao, just like a fool. 

Zhou Dabao sighed silently and said loudly to Chu Qiao: “Aunt Chu, Uncle Gu and Aunt Xu have divorced.”

He just wanted to let Aunt Chu know that his uncle Gu was a bachelor now.

“I know, congratulations!” Chu Qiao blurted out. After saying that, her face became very hot, and she secretly scolded herself for being stupid. How could she congratulate a divorced person? 

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However Gu Ye just grinned and explained: “Xu Bilian likes Gu Jianshe. Marrying me was a mistake for her, so It’s just right to get divorce now. Therefore, she can pursue her own happiness, and I can also pursue my own happiness.”

Chu Qiao smiled and nodded, but she did not think much about the meaning of what he said. She thought that Gu Ye had a crush on someone in his mind, and she was still quite happy for him.

Gu Ye hesitated for a long time, then he mustered up his courage, and asked with a serious face: “Miss Chu Qiao, what do you think of me?”

“Very good, you are a capable and responsible person. A nice man.”

Chu Qiao praised him sincerely, and every sentence was from her heart. Gu Ye was indeed a gentleman and responsible man, hundreds of times better than Gu Jianshe. Xu Bilian picked up sesame seeds and threw away the watermelon. She would definitely regret it later. 

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Gu Ye’s smile was hotter than the scorching sun in the sky. It seemed that the little fairy had a good impression of him, and it would certainly be no problem for him to propose a marriage.

“I’m going shopping. Goodbye!”

Chu Qiao patted the heads of the two brothers before she entered the department store. Gu Ye picked up the two brothers, one hand held each of them, and happily said: “Did you hear what Aunt Chu said? She also likes me.” 

“Uncle Gu, Aunt Chu is only being polite and saying courteous words,” Zhou Dabao reminded Gu Ye.

But he didn’t listen at all, “You kids know nothing. Let’s just go home and propose a marriage tomorrow!”

Zhou Dabao was too lazy to say more. When Uncle Gu hit the wall tomorrow, he would definitely know how stupid he was.

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