range was about a kilometer around her as the center point. This surprised and delighted Qiao Xuan, because the range was not fixed, she could clearly feel that when the power was strengthened, the range could expand.

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Her ability could evolve, especially in this season when everything was growing, her ability also strengthened quickly.

Within this range, she could feel every tree, every leaf, every flower, and every little ant on the ground.

“Let’s go over there!”

Qiao Xuan smiled and pointed to a direction to the front left, leading Shao Yun Duan there.

Shao Yun Duan didn’t want to be a wet blanket, so he followed her there.

Then, they found a clump of straw mushrooms under a tree. The gray-brown mushroom was flat and short. It looked very cute. Qiao Xuan’s eyes brightened, and she said with a smile, “we’re really lucky!”

Seeing her squatting down to pick it, Shao Yun Duan couldn’t help but asked again, “is this really non-poisonous?”

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“Of course!” Qiao Xuan took a bite, “look!”

“Hey you…” Shao Yun Duan hurriedly wanted to stop her before it was too late, “what are you doing? Spit it out!”

Qiao Xuan spat it out, and said with a smile, “look, it’s not poisonous, right?”

Shao Yun Duan: “…”

He didn’t know what to say.

She didn’t have to go so far.

He was still shocked. “Don’t do this next time, pick it if you like, and feed it the chickens at home. Don’t try it yourself.”

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It’s not worth it to give up your life for mushrooms.

Qiao Xuanchuckled and nodded, “okay, anything you say!”

Shao Yun Duan glanced at her, and complained in his heart that she didn’t listen to him just now.
Qiao Xuan waved to him, “come help me!”

Shao Yun Duan had no reason to refuse, so he had to resign himself to his fate and squat down to help her pick mushrooms.

Then, the two discovered some brown-yellow wild enokis, dark red russulas, shiitake mushrooms, wood ears, red pine mushrooms, and even several rare boletus mushrooms.

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They would have harvested more if the basket could fit.

On the mountainside, they found a lot of tender brackens. They took a bunch and tied them up.
Qiao Xuan was satisfied and smiled happily, “what a big harvest! We are so lucky today!”

A smile flashed across Shao Yun Duan’s eyes, and he nodded, “yeah.”

He was surprised beyond words.
Although there were many mushrooms in the mountains, they were not so easy to find.

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What kind of luck was that!

The two were about to go back, but they happened to run into the twins.

“Fifth brother, fifth sister-in-law!”

The twins waved at them and ran over happily.

“Yunhuai, Taotao, what a coincidence, you are here too!” Qiao Xuan’s eyes lit up.

ShaoYunhuai scratched his head and grinned, “well, I set up a trap in the mountain the day before yesterday, so we came to have a look. You have picked a lot of mushrooms and brackens!”

Qiao Xuan laughed and said, “these mushrooms are delicious, as are the bracken. We can have a good meal tonight.”

Shao Taotao was a little worried like her fifth brother, and couldn’t help but say, “many mushrooms in the mountains are poisonous. Are these really edible?”

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