“Of course!” Shao Yunhuai was extremely trusting and determined. “Fifth brother is always right!”

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His fifth brother was a scholar and very well-educated. Since he didn’t say it was poisonous, it must not be poisonous.

Qiao Xuan immediately agreed, and nodded with a smile, “Yunhuai is right!”

Shao Taotao also pitched in, “yeah!”

Shao Yun Duan: “…”

The four of them went home together, talking while walking.

Qiao Xuan couldn’t help but ask Shao Yunhuai about their adventure in the mountains.

“It’s a pity that we don’t have luck today. I didn’t get anything. It would be nice if I could trap some hares, pheasants, or other birds and small animals, then we could have extra dishes tonight. It’s too close to the village, so there are not many animals around. I will go to Wangqing Mountain in a few days, I’m sure I’ll find a lot of prey there! Few people go to that area, and there are a lot of animals.”

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He could also shoot arrows apart from setting up traps. He had very good skills as he was taught by the late Grandpa Shao.

However, Grandpa Shao had repeatedly told him that unless he was forced to defend himself, he was not allowed to show his archery skills in front of others.

Nor was he allowed to tell anyone, including his family, about it.

Although he didn’t know why, Grandpa Shao was very kind to him. He had promised him not to do it.

Therefore, although he made bows and arrows and occasionally hunted, he would not do it near the village, for fear of being seen by others, so he had to go deep into the mountains.

Qiao Xuan was obviously very interested in this, so she smiled immediately, “sounds very interesting. Next time you go to Wangqing Mountain, take me too! Well, take me and your fifth brother!”

Shao Yun Duan frowned slightly, and glanced at her. Is she addicted to going up the mountains?

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He couldn’t help but say, “the mountain is dangerous, Yun Huai…”

Before he could finish, Qiao Xuan smiled and said, “are you afraid?”

“Of course not.” Of course he wouldn’t say he was.
“Well, I’m not afraid either!” Qiao Xuan smiled at Shao Yun Huai, “your fifth brother wants to go too!”

Shao Yun Huai was overjoyed, and patted his chest, “yeah, don’t worry, fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law! I won’t take you to a dangerous place!”

Shao Taotao cheered, “I want to go too!”

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Shao Yun Duan: “…”
He should really stop talking.

Seeing the mushrooms and brackens, Fang Shi smiled and praised Qiao Xuan, but she was a little uncertain about the mushrooms.

Qiao Xuan enthusiastically proved that she was fine after feeding it, so Fang Shi felt relieved.

In the evening, she made stir-fried mushrooms, mushroom soup, pickled cabbage, bamboo shoots and fried bracken. They were very delicious, and everyone loved the food.

They didn’t expect the mushrooms to taste so good!

There were a lot of mushrooms on the mountain, if you can tell them apart, it is a rare dish.

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Although mushrooms are not easy to preserve, they can be dried in the sun and stored for a year.

So the next day, the enthusiastic Qiao Xuan went up the mountain together with Shao Yun Huai and Shao Taotao. Shao Yun Duan had no choice but to follow them.

It was a day full of harvest again. They filled a sack full of mushrooms, brackens, and bamboo shoots in less than half a day.

They didn’t need to search for the mushrooms at all, as if they actively appeared under their noses. They found them just by walking around.
Shao Yun Huai and Shao Taotao were very happy.

“We’re lucky today!”


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