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Kiel didn't care for These people. He just wanted to get out of here, and cultivate to find a way home. but his body was on the point of giving.

He couldn't escape he clutch of the man. Every time the man punched and kicked. his resistance became weaker and weaker. he could barely lift his hands.

He was repeated coughing out blood. His eyes were losing it's luster. In his mind he only repeated the name of his beloved wife and daughter,

"I...I...want... to go back home...."

'Why does this all have to happen to me!? Why is it me!? Why me!? there are other people more who deserve this more!'

He was thrown, soon he would be the same as those dried corpses. He laid there as the other stepped on him. They were trying to escape but they were met with a wall of spear.

Some were scared and back off, But the others went crazy. they madly dashed and resulting in their bodies getting impaled by a lot of spears. Some were pushed and used as a shield. even climbing the corpses were of no use. they were all turned into a porcupine by arrows. It was gruesome to watch especially for Kiel, there was no such thing back on Earth. Everyone was killing each other.

More people were thrown and soon. it cramped with bloodied people. All shouting. screaming desperately calling for help. The runes in the column lit and a transparent wall barred appeared. The prisoners became aggressive, Their shouts becoming more gruesome. Knocking the wall with their hands and some even with their heads until it became bloodied.

A hum was heard and their scream started intensifying. The people closest to the columns slowly becoming dry and had his blood and energy siphoned.

It became more chaotic. rows and rows of people trying to squeeze each other. Trying their best to run away from the columns. Madness entirely shrouded them. They started punching and fought with each other just to survive. Kiel even saw a frail women screaming as she was stepped until a waterfall of blood came out of her mouth.

Kiel was in the middle, he was squished. He could only utter a weak scream and was just dragged along the chaotic crowd, his injuries becoming worse.

He was drowning in despair.

'i don't wanna die here. they are still waiting for me."
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A explosion happened, and the people looked up and saw a giant hole. They could see countless sky-ships locked in a heated battle. Energy beams and flying swords appeared and destroyed their targets.. The explosions bloom like fire works in the new year.

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There were a group of armored men floating down, along with a group of smaller sky-ships.

The one leading the group was a golden haired man, with intense lights shrouding him. he saw the pile of corpses and crowd of bloodied people fighting themselves. His hands were shaking as it clutched it into a fist.

He roared. "You Demons! how dare you engage in this vile ceremony!'

"Demon annihilating palm" He struck with a palm forming countless light palms.

The men in robes felt the air around them constrict they all screamed in terror.

A thunderous snort echoed, and fist with black scales appeared shattering the palm, continuing its way towards the group. The Golden haired man only released a bigger and brighter palm, dissipating the black fist.

A group of black clothed figures appeared. An old man with a long a beard and a muscular body shape was leading in the front. He shouted. "Tang Bo!! How dare you dogs tarnish this sacred ceremony with your filthy presences. As punishment, you all become offerings for the highest One!" He became a blur and appeared the side of the man and unleashed a giant claw.

The golden haired man extend his two fingers and fired a ray of light.

A large explosions ensued and some of the weaker people were all thrown away from the shock waves.

A battle ensued between the two groups. They fought in the air. they could could only look in to the sky. it was a battle on another scale he has seen so far.

the people beside him cried and couldn't help but shout in joy.

"It's the Supreme General of the Eternal Light Army, Tang Bo!"

"Finally we're saved!"

"take us out of here!! please!!! Help us!!!"

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The golden haired man said. "Let the soldier save those prisoners, prioritize those important figures from the powerhouses. Hurry up they won't last long."

Energy cannons became active and fired at the incoming sky-ships, blasting some out in to separate scraps. The sky-ships counter attacked, energy projectiles traveled from different directions.

Some of the sky-ship landed on the ground and soldiers came out. They engaged with the black robed men in to a battle.

One of the leaders of the robed men. shouted out. "Defend the square! Don't let them anywhere near the formation. Kill them all!"

A thunderous battle broke out. Soldier and the black robed men clashed head on. spilling countless blood. They fought with their own might. they were ferocious, unforgiving, and cruel.

Soon most of the prisoners were sucked dry. only a few were standing. Kiel laid on the ground clutching his shoulder. He was losing a lot of blood. if it was an ordinary person he would have long ago forfeited his life.

'This can't go on. I won't be able to hold on....'

Behind him the eyes of the statue was almost fully opened. it was it was shining scarlet light. Like it an orb full of red blood. It gave of an ominous feeling. It felt like a disaster was on the verge of waking up.

Red lights appeared in its body like human blood veins.

The old man in the sky couldn't help but laugh. "It's near!! It's near!! sooner or later, all our efforts would come into fruition. And soon, that so called royal long would finally know true despair!"

He looked at the golden hair man and continued. "And I'll start with you and this fleet your so proud of!"

The golden haired man felt the pressure multiplying. His face turning dark. "Vile demon, You won't succeed!"

He exerted his full force. his palms producing dense light, "turn in to dust!"

A large palm made of light came crashing down. The old man face changed swiftly made an counterattack. He launch a fist.

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He shouted "Demon Conqueror's Fist!"

A giant scaled fist appeared, meeting the palm of light. creating shock waves after shock waves.

Not sparing the people with cultivation on the ground. Even the formation lightly sway.

The golden haired man spat out blood. He becoming more and more anxious. "Not good! We don't have no more time to waste! We have no choice! Do it!"


Inside the bridge of the a Sky-ship. Dozens of people were seated in a cross-legged position. Different kinds of runes appeared around this group of people. A middle aged man with the same golden hair was seated in the middle. A man hurriedly approached and bowed to him. He said.

"Sir we received the red order."

The middle aged man nodded. He became stern and shouted. "Give out the order to proceed ."

With the order. Sky-ships in the air turned their turrets at the mountain peak and countless bolts of energy flashed through the air. Explosions boomed and giant boulders fell. The peak was no more. revealing the site inside.


The old man saw this and madly shouted. He let out an frenzied attack "What are you doing!?"

The golden haired man only snorted and blocked the attacks. He left with his team. The prisoners became restless.

"Where are they going!? We're still here!"

"You imbeciles!! don't go without me!!"

The soldiers below retreated from the site before soon, energy cannons aimed towards the site, precisely the beast statue. Shots were heard and a rain of Energy bolts hailed down.

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The old man couldn't do nothing but roar as fled for his life. "What are the fleets doing!? Do something! I don't care what how! Just do something!" He lost an arm, and burnt marks appeared on his body.

"The fleets is losing the battle! A lot of our sky-ships have already been destroyed. They could barely stop the attacks sir!

Explosions scattered and the lots of those once ferocious robed men were engulfed by flame. Their limbs flying everyone. They shouted in despair and anger.

Kiel and remaining people were blinded from the explosions. They were shocked.

"What happened!? Why are they shooting at us!?"

"Shouldn't they be saving me!?"

"Help!! Help!!!"

"Stop!!!! we're still here!! Stop!!"

Their confusion turned into terror and desperation. No matter how hard they tried. They never stopped firing down. Soon the cracks started appearing on the columns. The runes started dimming and the transparent wall started flickering.

"Noooo!!!" Nooo!!" "

"Stoppp!! please!! please!!!"

"You idiots! I'm still here!!!"

The cracks The statue behind him started falling apart. Cracks appeared on it's demonic eyes.

Tears streamed down Kiel's face. He Looked up. His eyes full of despair, anger and resentment. he knelt there on his knees. With his last remaining strength He screamed towards the sky.

The statues blood eyes finally gave in and exploded. drowning everything in sight with blood red explosion.

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