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Kiel felt the wind caress his body. his clothes flapping. He was hardly conscious, softly muttering.

"Amy.. Aya... daddy's here...."

He was deep in his memories. The pleasant days he had when everything was perfect. He was by their side, laughing and spending each and every wonderful moments . He remembered everything, every memory flashing like a movie.

"Daddy's coming home..."

It felt like years had gone by, slowly he lost consciousness. Unknown to him. The ring in his finger lit up in a dim right, cryptic symbols appearing on it.

A shadow flashed. and held Kiel's falling body. It maneuvered its body and punch its grey arms into the rock walls. but the they were falling too fast that the hooded man failed to lock his grip on the wall.

The hooded figure shifted his weight and shielded Kiel in its embrace. allowing its body to take the hit as they plunge through the red lake

The figure slowly swam and placed Kiel onto the shore. A golden haired woman appeared beside Kiel, She was wearing a white one-piece suit. She took out a vial with red liquid and poured it into Kiel's mouth.

Slowly Kiel's wounds started mending itself, and his face regained a hint of color.


'I'm.... alive?'

He shivered and his heart beat started beating fast. His breath was getting haggard.

'Did I... reincarnated again?

Pain jolted him awake, like smashing into a violent tide. He screamed and his body crooked like a shrimp. Drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.

'It fucking hurts!!!'

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"Hey boyyo! you okay!? A soft melodious voice, he looked and saw a beautiful woman. Her mesmerizing foxy blue eyes and her supple pink lips. He fell in a daze and nearly forgot about the pain.

She laughed and said. "That's some tough life you got there!"

"Wh-wha-what's happening? who are yo-"

He screamed in terror as he saw a hooded skull with red dim red eyes by his side. Coupled with the pain. His eyes became white and again, went unconscious.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. she mused and said. "Look what you did Skully. You scared him!"


'ugh! my head hurts... what happened... I remember seeing something terrifying.'

Slowly he opened his eyes and bright lights blinded him.

'Too bright! what is that!? Where am I?'

He tried to move his hand and suddenly realized that it was bind by something.

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'Oh shit! What is it this time!?'

He heard a buzzing sound as he felt his body shifting. Slowly he was able to open his eyes. He looked around and was shock. He was inside in some kind of laboratory. His body was strapped and lots of needles pricked in his body, attached to transparent hoses leading to different vials containing liquids with different colors.

He was terrified. He started to jerk his body wildly. He shouted. "Help! Someone Help me!!!"

"I would stay still if I were you"

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A voice sounded out, stunning Kiel. 'This voice!? this voice.... I remembered this voice! Where are you!? Why are you doing this!?"

A wall in front suddenly became transparent. Kiel saw a figure, it was the beautiful girl he saw before he passed out. Beside her were robots holding a tool that resembled a welder's blow torch, producing sparks.

She glanced back and said ."oh them? Don't mind them. They're just there to fix some things."

Kiel jerk his body even more and shouted "Where am I? And why am I strapped here!?" what're you gonna do!?"

She waved here hand a hologram appeared. She had a hands on her chin. muttering to herself.

Kiel couldn't hear what she was saying. His breathing got ragged. He tried to moving his arm. his hand clutching the straps. trying to pull it apart.

The woman glanced and said. "Don't even bother. Just stay still. You're too weak right now."

Kiel gritted his teeth and said. "What do you want!? If you want to turn me into a experiment, don't even try and just kill me!!"

Her eyes blinked and sweetly smiled. She said "Kill you? on the contrary I'm trying to fix you up!"

Kiel was stunned. He shouted. "Fix me? If you're fixing me then I wouldn't be strapped here like a damn criminal!"

Busy studying the hologram. She nonchalantly said. "Criminal? I wouldn't say that, I like the word lab rat a bit more."

Kiel jolted, his clutch his hand. Veins were appearing in his forehead. He shouted "Lab rat!? What fixing me!? Fix my ass!! Damn you!! Let me go!!"

She squinted her eyes . She said. "Yes a lab rat. You see those vials? those contain a serum that can turn you into a monster. A ferocious monster that knows nothing but carnage! Slaughtering anything that comes in your way!" and evilly laughed

Kiel gasped, His eyes wide. He trembled and violently yanked his body around. He screamed. "You monster!! release me here!!!"

Her laughed suddenly turned bright, her face amused. "I'm just joking with you! Those vials are no monster turning serum. Those are healing serums."

Kiel shouted. "What healing serums!? I don't believe you!"

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She shrugged and said. "You don't have to believe"

the transparent wall parted and She walked towards Kiel.

His head tilting to side and eyes closed, his eyelashes trembling, nervously shouted. "What're you gonna do!? Don't come near me!"

She covered her laugh with her hand. She then pinched his cheek and said. "Oh come on! I was just joking with you! open your eyes. I wanna show you something!"

Kiel was stubborn and even refused to talk.

She smirked and turned around, She said. "Fine with me, if you don't want to. I guess you'll have to say goodbye to your hopes of returning to your beloved family."

Kiel was surprised. He asked. "How did you know!? Hey! wait! How did you know!!?"

She looked back, with a mysterious smile she said. "I know a lot of things, more than you do, Kiel."

Kiel held his breath and asked. "H-H-How did you know!? Di-did you... you send me here!?"

She held her chin. She said. "Hmmmm... "

She then hush and said. "That's a secret!"

Kiel with his wide eyes., shouted . "Secret my ass!! You!! you're the reason! Why did you send me here!?"

She giggled and said. "Want me to tell you?"

Kiel aggressively nodded.

She smiled before her face became stern, she said. "Good! then listen to me first! or say goodbye to your dreams!"

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Kiel was grieved, He said. "Okay, okay. I'll listen to you."

Her smile returned. She waved her hand and hologram of a human body showed up. She said, "This is your body. from the outside it may look like your doing fine but from the scans shows otherwise. Your body is no different from a cripple."

Kiel was surprised. He said "Cripple? what do you mean crippled? I can move my body just fine!"

She glanced and continued. "When I say cripple, I meant cultivation wise. From the poison to the physical damages. Almost all of your meridians are crippled. Basically you'll have no future for cultivation. Normally this could be cured. But times are different now, we don't have the necessary materials and equipment."

Kiel heart dropped to the bottom. Gobsmacked he said. "How can that be!? No way! no way! You must be joking with me!? I still need to cultivate to go home!"

She coughed and said. "Let me finish first. As I said. Times are different now. We will do a different approach."

She clapped and a tables rose beside her. There were bones, flesh, and even vials of liquids.

She looked straight into Kiel's eyes and said. "Since we can't fix you body, then we'll create a new one."

Kiel felt like a thunder struck his body. He said. "Create!? You must be crazy! look how big those bones are!? I'm one hundred percent sure they're from beasts! You really wanted me to become a ferocious beast!?"

She laughed and said. "Become beasts!? please, Don't look down on me. We will create a human body out of demon beasts. Your bones, muscles and even organs. Think about it. Once it becomes a success. You'll have a stronger body!"

Kiel was stubborn, He shook his head and said. "not gonna happen! I won't turn into some part-human part-beast! There's got to be another way! I don't Agree!"

She only laughed and said "Well I agree, and they too agree!" She pointed to the robots outside who where gesturing their thumbs up.

She clapped and happily said. "Great! then it's settled" She looked at the hologram and typed a series of commands.

Kiel wanted cough out blood. Seeing her smile only made him more furious. He protested until suddenly, his eyelids got heavy. The woman spoke one last time.

"My name's Emilia by the way. Take a deep long rest, believe me, you'll thank me for this."

He then lost consciousness.


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