[Third Person POV]

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Rashid left the Ruby Palace.

Before he knew it, Sol, the escort knight who followed him, said it as if he were teasing him.

“You ran to Miss Siana because she said she was hurt, but you returned without doing anything.”

Rashid smiled and said.

“It must be a pleasure for the owner to have a hard time. What a disgusting escort.”

Only then did Sol realize that he had made a mistake.

Rashid was normally as relaxed as water. He didn’t get angry with this kind of comment.

But looking at that face, he must feel really bad.

Sol said urgently.

“Your, Your Highness, what I just said was a joke. I’m sorry I didn’t understand how much Your Highness would be hurt…….”

Rashid interrupted Sol and said with a beautiful face.

“Don’t think too much about it tonight.”

It meant that he would punish them all night long.

Sol let out a Higg and turned pale.


Rashid’s punishment was so terrible that even the best knight could not stand it.

Sol grabbed Rashid with both arms and began to beg. He seemed to have forgotten his pride as the best knight in the empire.

“I was wrong. Please forgive me, Your Highness!”

Despite the mournful screams, Rashid’s eyes did not relax.

* * *

[Siana’s POV]


Aris’ face twisted at Siana’s moaning.

“Does, does it hurt? Did I do something wrong?”

“It only stings when the medicine touches the wound. It’s all right.”

Aris breathed a small sigh of relief and began to apply the medicine to Siana’s leg.

Feeling her little fingers twitch, Sianna giggled.

Aris furrowed her eyebrows.

“What makes you laugh like that?”

“I’m moved that the princess treats me carefully.”

“……Don’t be moved with that sort of thing. It happened because of me in the first place.”

There was a deep sense of guilt in Aris’ voice.

After a while, Siana asked.

“Princess, do you want to be strong?”


It was a quick reply without the slightest hesitation.

“Whatever method?”


“It may be too painful a road for a little princess to take.”

“I don’t care.”

Aris, who finished the treatment, was in front of Siana before she knew it.

Aris said, making eye contact with Siana.

“So let me know if you know how I can be strong. Anything is fine.”

“… … ”

The emotions in her purple eyes were far from the whimsical stubbornness of a child.

It was infinitely earnest and fierce.

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Siana said.

“The reason the princess has no strength is not just because she is young. In fact, Princess Yvette, who is not much older than the princess, has power.”

Aris’ face turned ugly at once at the name of Yvette that suddenly popped out.

“Bad girl. I won’t let you go.”

After muttering a single remark, Aris returned to reality and looked at Siana.

Siana continued.

“Then the question here. What does Princess Aris not have but Princess Yvette has?”

Aris agonized.


Honestly, Aris is a hundred times better looking. It’s not arrogant, it’s true.


Yvette’s etiquette is better, but she’s not particularly exceptional either.

Aris found the answer right away.

“The girl has a mother and I don’t.”

“That’s right. Princess Yvette has an adult on her side, but Princess Aris doesn’t have that kind of existence. This difference is what makes the difference in power between the two princesses.”


“In other words, if Princess Aris wants to become stronger, she must make an adult with power be on her side.”

That was the quickest and most realistic way for a young princess to have power.

But Aris frowned instead of clapping, saying, I see.

“……Who will be on my side.”


“I don’t want.”

Although Aris is the farthest in line to the throne, she was also a member of the imperial family.

To her, Rashid was just a competitor and a person who could never be on her side.

Siana understood that feeling.

However, other than Rashid, who else would share the strength of the young princess who was abandoned in this huge imperial palace.

No, there’s just one.

“Tha ——t’s.”


“If it’s her, There is a possibility that he will be on the side of the princess.”

Aris’ eyes widened at the name Siana said.

* * *

Deep in the vast imperial palace, there was a palace where people did not come and go.

The owner of the silent and tranquil palace was an old lady with gray hair Empress Dowager Golderia, the biological mother of the current emperor.

Decades ago, due to poor health, she gave up power and entered a small palace.

That’s how she became a forgotten person in the imperial palace.

[Empress Dowager Golderia POV]

The Empress Dowager’s day was monotonous.

Empress Dowager woke up early in the morning, dressed up, and ate breakfast alone.

After that, I walked around the palace.

The palace, where only a few people allowed by the Empress Dowager could enter, was infinitely quiet.

After the walk, Empress Dowager returned to her room and took a rest.

Usually, I would sit in a rocking chair and read a book or listen to music played by dedicated musicians.

It was the same routine a month ago, a week ago, and three days ago.

Until a close maid came with a paper bag.

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“Who sent this letter?”

The maid bowed her head in front of the Empress Dowager and answered.

“Princess Aris, the seventh princess.”


It has been a long time since Empress Dowager was not involved in the affairs of the imperial palace.

She was not interested in any grandchildren born after that.

She barely knew the name of the current crown prince, Rashid, so there was no way she knew the youngest princess, Aris.

Empress Dowager said in a cold voice.

“Throw it away.”


The maid followed the master’s words without hesitation.

Even if the letter was written by someone other than Aris, Empress Dowager would have had the same reaction.

Because her heart had been frozen as cold as ice for a long time.

But a week later, another letter arrived.

“Throw it away.”

A week later, another letter arrived.

“Throw it away.”

Even after that, Empress Dowager threw away the letter without even looking at it.

How many times has it been repeated.

One day, the Empress Dowager said.

“Let me take a look.”

It wasn’t that I was moved by the letters that kept coming even after they were thrown away.

It was just a small whim of Empress Dowager, who was unusually bored that day.

Empress Dowager opened the envelope received from the maid.

When I took out the letter from the envelope, the scent of peach tickled the tip of my nose.

At the sweet scent, Empress Dowager smiled softly without even realizing it.

When women of the imperial family or aristocrats write letters, they often coat the paper with a scent that symbolizes them.

Usually, luxurious floral scents were common.

‘Something like the scent of peaches is something that only children use.’

It was childish and a little cute at the same time.

Empress Dowager began to read the letter with a relaxed face.

A clumsy handwriting that clearly feels like it was written by a child. However, I felt that each and every letter was written clearly.

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<Hello, Grandmother*.

TL/N: Just to note, Aris addresses her in the formal way that royalties use.

It’s Aris.

You were surprised that I wrote a letter, right?

Actually, I’ve been learning to write lately.

My teacher who teaches writing said that writing a letter to someone you like the most is the fastest way to learn writing.

I was thinking about who to write to, and decided to write to my grandmother.

I’ve never met her before, but I’ve heard that she’s a wonderful and beautiful person.

I’m sorry if my letter offended you. Please don’t be angry.

I pray to the moon that my grandmother will be healthy,

Sincerely, Granddaughter Aris>


It wasn’t anything special.

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However, Empress Dowager had a small smile on her face.

It was only natural to feel a bit awkward when I heard that my granddaughter, whom I’d never even seen before, likes me so much.

After that, letters from Aris continued to arrive. Empress Dowager didn’t throw away Aris’ letter anymore.

She would sit in a fluffy chair and read Aris’ letter.

The contents of the letter were always small.

Stories such as how the sun was very warm today, how happy they were eating delicious strawberry cake, and how they raised a baby bird, stories like that.

Then one day.

<Grandmother, how is my handwriting. I’m working hard, but I’m still clumsy, right?

The maid who saw me practicing writing said that Grandmother has the best handwriting in the palace.

Suddenly, I wondered what Grandma’s handwriting was like.

Is it as gorgeous as the roses on a lady’s dress? Or is it as straight as a good knight’s sword? Or will it be as soft as whipped cream topped with strawberries?

I write a letter happily while imagining the handwriting of my grandmother. >

Empress Dowager was lost in thought for a moment.


As Aris wrote in the letter, the Empress Dowager had excellent handwriting.

Since she was born, she was a noble lady from a prestigious family, rose to the position of empress, and became empress, so it was natural.

‘From a young age, I learned to write by getting my fingers beaten with a thin whip by a tutor. … … But then what. I haven’t had a chance to write a single letter in recent years.’

Around the time Empress Dowager began to live in seclusion because she was not feeling well, there were numerous people who wanted to send letters and greetings asking for her concerns and comfort.

However, after ignoring them all and several years passed, Empress Dowager became a completely forgotten person.

There was no one to communicate with, so of course there was nothing to write.

After looking at the letter for a while, Empress Dowager said,

“Bring me a pen and paper.”

The maid who had served the Empress for a long time looked at her with a surprised face and quickly prepared what she said.

Empress Dowager sat down at her desk and picked up a pen.

The feeling of holding the nib after a long time was unfamiliar, but I did not hate it.

Sasak, sasak.

Empress Dowager started moving her pen over the paper. It was a graceful hand movement like flowing water.

It’s been a long time since I wrote a letter, no, a letter to someone.

The corner of Empress Dowager’s mouth went up.

‘It’s fun.’

It felt like going back to the innocent and pure childhood days that hadn’t been tainted yet. A letter was quickly filled up.

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“Send this to Aris.”


The maid received the letter written by Empress Dowager with both hands and disappeared.

Empress Dowager thought.

‘What kind of face will my young granddaughter have when she sees the letter I wrote?’

She’ll be very surprised.

She may have burst into tears because she was moved.

My heart skipped a beat when I imagined the reaction of the granddaughter I didn’t even know.

The next day, Aris’ reply arrived.

Empress Dowager opened the envelope more impatiently than usual.

<Grandmother, I was really, really happy to receive the letter from Grandmother. Tears came out without me even realizing it.

Grandmother’s handwriting is more wonderful and beautiful than I imagined.  To the point where I want to practice by watching it every day.

But if I do, the precious letter I received from my grandmother will be spoiled, right? I hate that.

So the letter paper was folded and put in a glass case where I keep my precious treasures.

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I’ll keep it forever.

Thank you, Grandmother.>

Empress Dowager looked at the short letter for a long time.

After a while, the Empress Dowager muttered.

“I hate children…… This kid is a little different.”

The words she said were innocent like a child, yet elegant like a princess.

Empress Dowager gradually began to wait for Aris’ letter.


[Aris’ POV]

The Empress Dowager’s maid said with a solemn face.

“It’s a letter from the Empress Dowager.”

Aris received the letter with a flushed face.

Aris, holding the letter in her heart, smiled brightly like a flower.

“Thank you for delivering this precious letter, maid.”

The maid lost her gaze to the lovely girl without realizing it. She tried to adjust her expression and said coldly.

“I just did what I was ordered to do. Don’t say that. Then I’ll go.”

The Empress Dowager’s maid bowed her head and left Ruby Palace.

Aris waved her hand until she disappeared with a sad face.

But as soon as she disappeared, Aris’ face changed.

Aris said with a disgusted face.

“Blergh, I really can’t act cute. I think the meat I ate in the morning is going to come up.”

Siana, who was by her side, laughed.

“You were good. You looked like a lovely princess to anyone who saw you.”

Aris’s face brightened at Siana’s praise.



Saying that, Siana patted Aris’s head.

Aris purred like a cat and opened the envelope.

It is the third time that I had received a letter from Empress Dowager.

When Aris sends a letter five times, she gets a reply about once.

Compared to the first time when I didn’t even know if she read the letter properly, it was a tremendous achievement.

“It’s not that meaningful to call it a reply.”

Empress Dowager’s handwriting was excellent, but her writing skills were poor.

The only thing in the short letter was Empress Dowager’s pride.

How beautiful and elegant I was as a lady in the past, how precious and expensive the tea I’ve been drinking these days, things like that.

But today was different.

As Aris read the letter, her eyes widened.

Aris shouted in disbelief.

“Wah! Grandma invited me to the palace!”

It was a really big event.

It was because after the Empress Dowager lived in seclusion, inviting someone to her palace was rare enough to be counted on one hand.

To invite her granddaughter, whom she doesn’t even know her face.

If anyone else had heard this story, they wouldn’t have believed it. The same was true of Aris.

However, Siana, who actually led the incident, smiled brightly as if it had been expected.

Aris recalled the time when Siana brought up the name of Empress Dowager.

TL/N: Was anyone amused by the 180 change by Aris? LOL

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