[Siana’s POV]

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“That’s Empress Dowager. There is a possibility that she will be on your side.”

At Siana’s words, Aris shook her head with a serious face.

“No way. My Grandmother has not come out of the palace since long before I was born. No matter what happened to the imperial palace, she wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow. There’s no way someone like her would be on the side of her granddaughter, who doesn’t even know if I exist!”

Instead of denying it, Siana asked.

“Princess, do you know that Empress Dowager Mama had another child besides the current Emperor? A pretty princess.”

Aris’ eyes widened.

“……I’ve never heard of that.”

“I suppose so, because not many people remember the princess… …because she died before she was ten years old.”

“… … !”

It was neither an accidental death, nor from disease.

The cause of death is poisoning.

“It is said that it was originally a poison sent to the current emperor. The little princess ate the poison instead and died.”

However, Empress Dowager had no time to grieve over her daughter’s death.

Because this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to punish those who dared to kill her son, but failed foolishly.

The Empress used her daughter’s death as a weapon to drive the enemies.

Countless people died because of their involvement in the incident.

In this way, Empress Dowager succeeded in solidifying her young son’s position, and based on that, her son became the crown prince and the emperor.

Siana lowered her eyes and said.

“The Empress Dowager thoroughly took advantage of the death of her only daughter. She has never expressed her sorrow for her daughter since then. Therefore, everyone in the Imperial Palace thinks that Empress Dowager is a cold-hearted person who doesn’t have the slightest motherly affection for her daughter.”

However, Siana thought differently.

No matter how cold the blood is, a mother is a mother.

A mother will never forget the child she gave birth to.

I’m sure you’ll miss her terribly.

Even more so now that she has grown old and sick and has grown distant from her son, whom she had poured so much effort into.

Siana said, making eye contact with Aris.

“So, Empress Dowager will definitely show interest in the princess. It’s a story from a long time ago that is almost forgotten now, but the Empress Dowager will still have a longing for her daughter in her heart.”

[Aris’ POV]

Siana’s face, whose usual gentle appearance had disappeared, was overflowing with strange energy.

‘It’s like a different person at times like this.’

Aris swallowed her saliva unconsciously.

Anyway, after that, Aris obediently followed Siana’s words.

First, I wrote a letter to the Empress Dowager.

There was no problem with learning to write from Siana recently.

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The only problem was poor writing skills.

When she saw the letter written by Aris, Siana said with a serious face.

“Princess, is this a duel message sent to Empress Dowager to fight?”

“… … It’s not.”

In the end, no matter how, I couldn’t write it properly, so I got help from Siana.

The letter Siana wrote was terribly lovely.

Siana said with a solemn face to Aris, who pretended to vomit.

“You have to write this much because you have to win the favor of Empress Dowager with a letter.”

In the remaining time, I learned various things.

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Court etiquette as perfect as a sword, how to speak modestly and eloquently, how to recite poetry, how to smile shyly and gracefully.

Everything was for this day.

Aris, dressed in a soft light pink dress, entered the Empress Dowager’s palace.

* * *

[Aris’ POV]

Under the guidance of the maid, Aris headed to the garden.

A white-haired woman sat gracefully in a well-tended, tranquil garden.

Aris grabbed the hem of her dress and bowed her head.

“It’s my first time greeting my Grandmother. This is Princess Aris.”

“……Raise your head.”

Aris slowly raised her head.

Aris, who met the Empress Dowager’s eyes, swallowed her saliva unconsciously.

‘I’m scared.’

The grandmother I saw for the first time today had fiercer eyes and a greater sense of intimidation than I thought.

‘But she said I shouldn’t show my fear.’

Aris calmed her thumping heart as she remembered Siana’s words. Then, she folded his eyes finely and raised the corners of her mouth.

It was an angelic smile.

To the point where the expressionless Empress Dowager flinched her shoulders without even realizing it.

[Empress Dowager’s POV]

‘I knew it because I heard it from my maid, but it’s really good.’

Besides, is it because of the bright purple eyes.

Reminds me of the daughter I lost a long time ago.

‘Useless thoughts.’

Empress Dowager shook her head inwardly and said with a cold face.


Even though she might be stunned by her cold tone, Aris didn’t lose her smile.

“Thank you very much for the invitation, Grandmother. I was so happy that I couldn’t sleep for days.”

— With a face that was smiling, it seemed completely harmless

However, the Empress Dowager’s vigilance was not broken.

Empress Dowager said with a cold face.

“First, take your seat. Let’s have a cup of tea.”


Aris smiled shyly and sat down in the chair. The hem of her lace skirt was fluttering.

Aris, who straightened her back and put her hands together, said with a shy face.

“Grandmother, I actually prepared a small gift for you. Will you accept it?”

Empress Dowager’s eyebrows rose at the word gift.

“What is it?”

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What Aris took out was a small glass bottle.

Inside the bottle was dried acacia petals.

“It’s tea leaves made from acacia flowers. I made it because my grandmother said she liked tea.”

“… …”

It was an unexpected gift.

Empress Dowager certainly liked tea.

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But her favorite tea was the finest tea made by a renowned artisan.

I’ve never drunk tea leaves made by a young girl.

‘If it was someone else, I would have yelled at you for trying to give me tea leaves that are not certified in quality.’

The desire to say such a thing vanished when I saw the little princess with twinkling eyes holding a tea bottle tied with a ribbon in both hands.

Empress Dowager lowered her eyes and said.

“You brought a unique gift. Then make a cup of tea with it.”

[Aris’ POV]

Aris was not taken aback.

It was because everything was as Siana expected.

Aris glanced at Siana, who was standing a step behind her.

Siana was looking at Aris with a face that showed no signs of anxiety.

It was only then that the tension that made Aris’ whole body stiff was released.

Aris smiled and held the teapot in her hand.

“Yes, my skills are lacking, but I’ll pour you a cup of tea.”

I never would have been able to do it just a few months ago, but not anymore.

Aris was able to pour tea skillfully.

Of course, compared to Siana, who trained rigorously from a very young age, and Empress Dowager, who lived in the imperial palace for a long time, she was clumsy.

‘But when even that clumsiness seems lovely. How old is the princess.’

Siana was sure of how the Empress would see Aris.

As expected by Siana, the Empress Dowager’s eyes softened as she looked at Aris.


As the hot water filled the teacup, the room was filled with the strong scent of acacia.

In the glass, a single acacia blossom that Aris had skillfully placed was floating.

Empress Dowager said after slowly taking a sip of the tea.

“It’s worth a drink.”

It was a generous assessment for her, who was stingy with praise.

Knowing it, Aris smiled brightly instead of being disappointed.

“Thank you. I’m so glad that my Grandmother drank the tea I made.”

“… …”

Empress Dowager looked at Aris with indescribable eyes. But she didn’t say anything.

It was a suffocating atmosphere for a child to feel.

However, Aris did not flinch in the slightest but began to speak with a clear smile.

“Each flower in the garden is elegant and beautiful. Just like Grandmother.”

The lovely girl’s honey-like words came so sweetly to the parched old woman.

[Empress Dowager’s POV]

Empress Dowager unconsciously fell for Aris’ words.

When Empress Dowager came to her senses, quite some time had passed.

Empress Dowager furrowed her eyebrows.

‘I didn’t mean to talk to this kid this long….. .’

Empress Dowager had a firm line. She didn’t want anyone to come within those lines.

Even if it is a young granddaughter with an angelic appearance.

The Empress Dowager’s face became as cold as ice again. she said in a cold voice.

“It’s been a long time. Go now.”

At that moment, Aris, who was chattering, stopped talking. Then, her small shoulders drooped and she looked teary.

Like an abandoned puppy.

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“… … .”

But Aris didn’t pester or cry.

She just smiled with her eyebrows down.

“I think I took too much of my grandmother’s time. I’m sorry.”

“… … .”

Empress Dowager stared blankly at Aris.

Why, at this moment, I think of her.

A long time ago, the Empress Dowager was busy trying to make her son emperor.

Naturally, the daughter always took a back seat.

The young daughter always made a face like that toward Empress Dowager, who got up from her seat because of time.

[I’m sorry to bother you when you’re busy, Mother. Go ahead.]

The daughter who smiled kindly even though she couldn’t hide her regret.

My grumpy, pitiful daughter who passed away when she was less than ten years old.

However, Empress Dowager had no time to fully mourn her daughter’s death.

It was because the imperial palace was not friendly enough to cry while missing her daughter.

In the time to shed tears, we had to sweep away the stillness with a storm-like force.

I had to make my son emperor.

However, even after her son became emperor, she could not cry.

Because she was the Empress of Iron Blood.

Now, I couldn’t show such a weak side.

So she buried her daughter in her heart.

I did… …


Aris opened her eyes wide.

Both the maid at the Empress Dowager’s side and Siana at Aris’s side were surprised.

It was because the Empress Dowager, who had been expressionless the whole time, had a sad smile on her face.

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She said.

“Really, you look just like her when you’re worried.”

For that moment, she wasn’t the icy empress.

She was just a loving mother who missed her long-lost daughter.


[Siana’s POV]

Aris and Siana left the Empress Dowager Palace.

The Empress Dowager said to the departing Aris.

‘Come again next time.’

It was a cold voice, but the emotion in her voice was neither playful nor whimsical.

Quicker and deeper than expected, Empress Dowager opened her heart to Aris.

It’s just one meeting.

But Aris’ face didn’t look happy at all.

Siana asked cautiously.

“What are you thinking about?”

“……I’m just a little surprised. Until now, I only thought that Grandmother was a scary person without blood or tears. But it wasn’t.”

At Aris’ words, Siana hardened her face.

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In fact, Siana had pondered over whether or not to proceed with this plan dozens of times.

A way to win people’s hearts artificially by currying favor with sweet words and ingratiating them with a smile.

It was too subservient for the young princess to execute.

But Aris said she would do it without hesitation, and did it wonderfully.

She faced the Empress Dowager, suppressing her upright pride and frankness typical of a child.

She smiled brightly as if she did not care about the cold response of the Empress Dowager.

‘But there is another problem left.’

It was guilt.

Enduring humiliation and enduring guilt are two entirely different things.

Aris’ heart must have been shaken the moment she realized that the Empress Dowager was also a warm-blooded person.

If that’s the case… 

‘We can’t proceed with this plan anymore.’

Aris’ heart hurts.

Siana didn’t want that.

Siana said while making eye contact with Aris.

“Princess, did your heart feel heavy because you thought you were deceiving the Empress Dowager?”

However, Aris’ answer was completely different from Siana’s expectations.

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“No, not at all.”

“… … ”

“That person, while we were talking, never once asked me about me.”

How the young granddaughter, who has no mother and was abandoned by the emperor, has been doing all these years… … The Empress Dowager was not at all curious about what she liked or disliked.

She was just evaluating how her granddaughter was as pretty as a doll, and whether she had enough manners to suit her liking.

In addition, she even laughed at the end, saying that she looked like her daughter.

As if to say that she passed.

Aris said with a grim look.

“If I had shown my true self, she would never have laughed like that. She wouldn’t have cared about a granddaughter like me before. So, there is only one feeling I feel for my grandmother.”

“… … .”

“The damn old woman!”

Siana looked at the complicated Aris.

Aris really doesn’t look like a child at times like this.

However, it’s not that she’s particularly cunning.

Life in the imperial palace, where there was no mercy for children, must have made her this way.

Aris looked up at Siaana and said.

“Today, I did well, right?”

“… …”

Aris needed power, and this is the fastest way for Aris to have power.

Aris is doing extremely well.

It’s something to praise as great, not something to feel sorry for with a sad expression.

So Siana hugged Aris tightly.

She whispered, stroking her small round head.

“Yes, you did a great job. Admirable princess.”

Only then did Aris return to her age and smile.

An ordinary 10-year-old who gets angry easily and laughs well.

TL/N: PS. I meant to create a box for the letter written in the prev chapter but forgot, hence the [BOX AND BOLD LETTER] hahaha. i JUST noticed it and removed that line so hope it didn’t confuse anyone.

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