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Alien Announcer : "Ladies and Gentleman are you ready for another glorious battle here in the Battle Stadium!"

Audience : "(*Cheers!)"

Alien Announcer : "I can't hear you?"

The alien announcer leaned forward and put his left hand to his ear.

Audience : "(*CHEERS!!!)"

Alien Announcer : "Then let's get ready to BATTLE!"

Alien Announcer : "And remember folks the team that wins the championship will be allowed to start conquering other planets!"

Alien Announcer : "This is a no holds bar battle with the only rules being no grabbing tails and no cheating from the outside. "

Alien Announcer : "Other than that anything goes!"

Audience : "(*Cheers!)"

Alien Announcer : "For our first match from the left corner we have Vocado!"

Audience : "(*Cheers!)"

Alien Announcer : "And from the right corner we have Ugula!"

Audience : "(*Cheers!)"

I stepped up to the arena along with my opponent.

Kaper : "Hey low class you better not lose."

Mayze : "I'll blow you along with the arena to smithereens if you do!"

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Vocado : " Yeah yeah thanks for the support dick wads."

I turned away from my annoying ass teammates and looked over at my opponent.

What was his name again Ugly Yam or something?

No that can't be right.

I'll remember it eventually… probably.

Ugly Yam not only looked older than me and the rest of my team by at least seven years.

But he was a big strong fat guy with a mean face and a stupid bowl haircut.

Hell he was practically a grown ass man.

The guy had black hair and black eyes and a small pudgy face that looked odd given his size.

He had the same armor as my teammates.

With every step Ugly Yam took I swear I could feel the ground shake.

He took one look at my armor before giving me a sinister smile.

Ugula : "Ho a lower class saiyan you might as well give up now and save yourself the embarrassment Oh Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

Vocado : "Laugh it up lard ass, this'll be over before you know it."

Alien Announcer : "Now with the introductions out of the way let the first match begin!"

Audience : "(*Cheers!)"

Kaper : "Mayze what's his power level?"

Mayze had an annoyed expression when she checked her scouter.

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Mayze : "Tsk, 4,000."

Kaper : "Looks like we might have to do it after all."

Mayze : "I'll get him to shoot the ground, you grab his tail."

Kaper turned to look at Mayze and the two mutually nodded.

Ugula : "Bua!"

But before Mayze could signal Vocado Ugula had already fired a large ki wave from his mouth.

Vocado : "Woah!"

I dodged to the left avoiding the beam and fired three quick ki wave projectiles at his face.

But to my surprise Ugly Yam was a nimble fucker who despite his size back flipped as the ki attacks flew under him.

Vocado : "(*Whistle) Your faster than you look."

Ugula : "Don't talk down to me you lower class filth!"

He charged straight at me wanting to fight up close.

Ugula : "Hyo!"

He swung his right arm intending to smash my face into the ground.

But I leaned back to avoid the attack and with my golden opportunity in sight.

I countered.

Vocado : "It's over!"

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I kicked him below the belt.

Ugula : "Ohh no uuuuu~".

Ugly Yam cupped his crotch and fell to his knees, eyes wide and speechless.

Not just him but the whole crowd went silent with shock while the alien announcer struggled to commentate.

Ugula : "YoU kIcKeD mE In ThE DiCk~WhY Did HE KiCk Me In THE DicK!?"

The once deep voiced saiyan squeaked out his words in disbelief.

But before Ugly Yam could say another word I punched him straight in the jaw and sent him flying out of the arena.

The loud thud made by Ugly Yam's body knocked everyone out of there daze .

The crowd went wild but instead of cheering they were upset and booing.

Audience : "(*Boos!)"
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Naturally I turned a deaf ear to them.

Vocado : "Hey aren't you gonna call the match."

The alien announcer looked over to Vocado and dumbly pointed at himself.

Alien Announcer : "Who me?"

Vocado : "Who else!"

Alien Announcer :"Err (*cough) Uh and-and there we have it folks the winner of this match is Vocado!"

Audience : "(*Boos!)-"You Suck!"-"Get Outta Here!"-"You Call That Fighting!"-(*Boos!)"

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I walked out of the arena and passed by my silent teammates.

Who could only look at me with a mixture of shock and disgust at the embarrassment of being associated with me in there team.

Vocado : "I'll be in the waiting room."

Kaper : "..."

Mayze : "..."

Vocado : "Let me know when you losers are done here."

I walked back inside the stadium and headed back to the waiting room.


The strong young saiyan warrior Ugula was still lying on the ground in the fetal position defeated.

Ugula in his entire life of fighting and conquering planets had never been kicked in the balls before.

For the first time in Ugula's life he was crying and at the hands of a lower class saiyan of all people.

He had never met anyone with the guts or will to betray the sacred rule of all fellow men.

His pride as not only a saiyan warrior but as a man had been irreversibly damaged today.

From this day on instead of revenge he would dedicate his life to inventing the strongest and most comfortable protective cup in the universe!

One capable of even fending off ki waves.

So that no man be forced to ever suffer the same injustice as he did today...

Ugula would later leave planet Vegeta that night to explore the galaxy in order to create the perfect protective cup.

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