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I waited for around thirteen minutes playing with a red yo-yo I made using magic for their matches to end.

When the two saiyans Kaper and Mayze walked in.

The two had visible battle marks left on their cracked and damaged armor and were both a little beaten up.

Must of been one hell of a fight.

I also noticed the two had a pair of brand new red scouters on.

Vocado : "You two look like shit."

I said teasingly while still spinning my yo-yo up and down.

Mayze : "Shut it low class i'm not in the mood."

Vocado : "What did you two lose?"

Kaper : "Hmph don't go underestimating us."

Kaper : "After that stunt you pulled no one cheered for us even after we won."

Vocado : "So does that mean."

Mayze : "Yeah we've received permission to start conquering planets."

Vocado : "When do we leave?"

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Mayze : "Now."

Kaper : "C'mon low class we don't have all day."

Vocado : "Aye aye captain douche bag."

I crushed the yo-yo in my hand and let it fall on the floor before following after them.

When we left the stadium main entrance.

We flew up into the air and headed back in the direction of the small towns.

Mayze : "Hey low class catch."

She tossed a red scouter to me purposely aiming it at my face hoping I would miss.

But I caught it easily and I saw Mayze click her tongue when I did.

It looked exactly like the one I had on earth.

So I already knew how to use it when I put it on.

Kaper : "Hey Mayze do you remember what planet were being sent to?"

Mayze : "Uwah I was totally gonna ask you the same thing."

Mayze : " I forgot it too hehe."

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Kaper : "Meh it's not like it matters."

Kaper : "By the time were through with that planet it'll just be history anyways ahahaha!"

Mayze : "Yeah hehehe."

Vocado : "..."

I was a little shocked hearing a couple of kids no older than twelve or thirteen.

Joke around and get excited over planetary genocide like it wasn't even a big deal.

Man these guys are like super evil.

The idea of being involved with planetary genocide as a former human naturally didn't sit well with me.

But I was able to curb my guilt.

With the fact that no matter how many people I kill or how bad I mess up.

I could always just fix things with the dragon balls later.

Vocado : ("If I need to crack a few planet sized eggs to make that super saiyan omelette then imma do it.")

We stopped by one of the facilities I passed by earlier on my way to the stadium and went inside.

I wasn't even the least bit surprised or shocked to see it look exactly the same from the one Bardock was in.

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When he boarded his space pod in Dragon Ball Zero Origin of Raditz

At this point I was half expecting it to be honest.

We boarded the three space pods lined up together with a destination already set it was a six month journey.

Luckily the communications on the space pod are optional

So I don't have to sit through listening to those two idiots talk during our trip.

It was regrettable that I couldn't go back and get my stash of senzu beans from the ship I left parked behind the waterfall.

But I memorized the senzu bean recipe so growing new ones using magic wasn't a big deal but it would still take time.

I could always turn off the tracker on the space pod so losing the ship wasn't as big a loss anymore too.

The only real loss is the box of saibamen seeds.

Hopefully I'll still be able to recover them when I return.

I activated sleep mode and my eyes involuntarily closed…

When I woke up, I received a communication signal from the other two space pods.

I looked through the spacecrafts window to see a dark blue and grey alien planet with bright yellow lights glowing in the dark visible from space.
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The glowing lights from the planet were beautiful and reminded me of earth…

I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my teeth pushing the doubts away.

Vocado : "I can't back down now not after all I've been through!"

In my head I chanted the words "Super Saiyan Omelette" over and over again.

Convincing myself that it wasn't a big deal because the dragon balls could fix it later.

After calming down, I accepted the communication signal.

Kaper : "Hey low class you ready for this or what?"

Mayze : "Yeah I can't wait to see the looks on there faces!"

Kaper : "Haha me too!"

Vocado : "Yeah i'm ready…"

Mayze : "Finally lets do this!"

Our pods descended into the unsuspecting planet.

Still blissfully unaware of the grave threat it was about to face...

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