Gu Feining had not expected the matter to take a turn for the better. It seemed like everyone thought she should not give up on this opportunity. But compared to Yue Mei’s suggestion, she felt Mrs. Le’s was much easier to accept.

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Gu Feining had graduated from the Academy of Drama. She was admitted with top grades and when she graduated, her grades were still excellent. The teachers in the school praised her highly and she would be called back to give a speech for her juniors every school anniversary. In the beginning, she had refused the invitations, feeling she did not have the qualifications. It was only two years ago that she could no longer refuse, so she tried returning to her university to give a talk. Unexpectedly, it turned out well and she decided to go every year from then on. She thought of it as giving back to her alma mater and took the chance to share all her experiences in the industry with her juniors.

Gu Feining’s acting skills were obvious to everyone. She had acted in countless roles throughout the ten years since her debut. Once, she had some fans who looked through all of her shows and said no matter how bad the film she acted in was, no one could insult her acting and no matter how bad the role was, she would not do badly. She had her own understanding of her role, so for the audience, the role she understood and conveyed was always considered to be successful.

When it came to acting, Gu Feining truly would never underestimate any role. Even if she partook as merely a guest star, she would be extremely professional. This was because she felt as an actor, this should be the way she made a living. Even if the industry did not view acting skills as very important nowadays, she strongly believed that one day, the audience would appreciate truly great acting once again.

It was just that she didn’t have much confidence in her ability to teach others how to act.

Moreover, the subject of her teaching would be Shi Xi, so her confidence dipped even further.

Yue Mei had already shown her the list of people participating in the variety show. This variety show would be filmed in cooperation with a video platform. The video platform had selected the female lead Ding Muxin, and she had a good backing. She’d been chosen from a talent show hosted by the platform and was incredibly popular. She was young, beautiful, and attracted a lot of viewers. It was indeed suitable for her to partner with Shi Xi.

The original intention of doing this variety show was not only to eliminate the dissatisfaction that the fans of the original work had, but also to let the audience see the improvement of the main leads. Of course, with two starring celebrities with such high popularity, they didn’t need to worry about failure. This was also the best kind of investment to increase the publicity of the drama. It seemed like everyone had full confidence in this project.

Mrs. Le could also feel Gu Feining’s unease. She frowned and turned serious, “What are you worried about? When the time comes, the program will be full of young and beautiful girls, and the production team will definitely use CPs1 to promote the television drama. As a mentor, you’ll be able to stay away from such things. The purpose of this variety show is to promote the drama, so your existence won’t change anything. This is such a good opportunity. If you really won’t accept, I’ll be very disappointed in you.”

Her words seemed quite logical so Gu Feining suddenly felt a lot better. If the show will operate like this, the CPs they’ll use to promote the show might completely overshadow her CP with Shi Xi. Perhaps after watching the show, the fans would realize the two people, who had never been in the same frame before, didn’t ooze the couple-like feelings they’d imagined when they were actually in the same frame.

When she thought of things that way, she felt a little relieved.

“I’ll do it then!” It was true that Gu Feining should not reject this opportunity. Mrs. Le had even come out of her way to tell her about it personally. If she continued to reject it, she would really be too rude. Although she had no experience in being a mentor, since she had accepted, she would definitely work hard.

For some reason, after she said these words, she finally felt at ease.

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Recently, everyone around her had kept nagging about this matter. Yue Mei would talk about it, Xiao Mang would nag too. They kept saying things like ‘This is such a good opportunity, why would you give it up?’ in a hundred different ways.

Gu Feining almost started to feel like she was about to lose ten billion dollars. Now that she’d accepted it, she had a feeling of epiphany, that she shouldn’t care about the past, and no matter what, she had to grit her teeth and continue onwards.

Mrs. Le became very satisfied. She held Gu Feining’s hand and started to remnicense about the past. While they were chatting, she couldn’t help but complain, “Why is it that you always miss by a little bit? You’re beautiful and you’re great at acting. The shows that you acted in were also pretty high quality.”

The quality of the shows she acted in was good, but unfortunately, those shows were not considered mainstream and that was also an issue.

Gu Feining smiled bitterly as well, “Perhaps the opportunity hasn’t come yet.”

She always felt like her luck was a little bad, but it was fine. There were also a lot of celebrities that gained popularity at thirty. She hadn’t reached that age yet.

Mrs. Le had a lot of things to deal with as the main character of today’s event. Naturally, she could not keep sitting there and chatting with Gu Feining. Thus, not long after, she left the room.

Before Mrs. Le left, she reminded Gu Feining to stay at the party and play around. There would be an activity at twelve, she had to stay and eat a slice of cake.

After hearing that, it would be rude if she left. In any case, she was also feeling a little lazy and did not want to leave yet, so she decided to just stay in the lounge.

For this sort of large-scale party, the people who attended did not come purely just to celebrate the birthday of the CEO couple. They came under the disguise of wanting to celebrate the CEO couple’s birthday but they were there to socialize. Therefore, there were a lot of people walking by the lounge, but not a single person entered.

Gu Feining thought even if she took a nap here, she wouldn’t get caught, so she blatantly took off her shoes. It was really too tiring to wear high heels.

 Just as soon as she thought this, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

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Gu Feining felt troubled. Why was it that every time she had a small situation, she would encounter Shi Xi?

“What a coincidence.” Shi Xi was carrying a plate of food in his hand. It looked like he was going to come inside and enjoy his food slowly. When he saw Gu Feining, he offered, “If it’s inconvenient, I can go somewhere else.”

Naturally, Gu Feining wouldn’t be so unreasonable. This was not her place anyway, “It’s fine, you can do as you wish.”

Shi Xi smiled and closed the door. Gu Feining sat on the sofa and leaned against the armrest. With a trace of laziness, she watched Shi Xi walk in from the doorway to the single-person sofa and sit down.

He was truly handsome and to top that off, he was even wearing a full suit today, causing him to look exquisite. Every part of him had been carefully styled, it was clear that his team was very professional. Even though it was a private party, they had given things the same amount of attention as when he was attending an award ceremony.

Under the tailored suit was Shi Xi’s good figure that had been trained from dancing all these years. His slender and long thighs were a little eye-catching, and his body ratio was indeed very good. He probably wouldn’t have any problems being a model.

Gu Feining did not hold back and openly looked Shi Xi up and down. Finally, her gaze landed on Shi Xi’s chest. Because of his long strides, his jacket was open and the shirt inside that hugged his body instantly attracted Gu Feining’s attention. Although they weren’t too obvious, she could still make out the firm chest muscles. His shirt was neatly buttoned and he was wearing a tie. A forbidden feeling of attraction stirred inside her.

Gu Feining frowned slightly. She had an impulse to tear off the man’s tie and loosen the top buttons of his shirt…

Shi Xi noticed how Gu Feining kept staring at him and thought she was interested in the food on his plate, “Would you like to have some?”

Gu Feining returned to her senses and her face started to heat up. She hurriedly turned her head away and looked for her phone in her small bag.

Shi Xi did not bother her and concentrated on eating.

Although Gu Feining took out her phone, she did not look at it. After she randomly tapped on things for a while, she still could not help but look at Shi Xi again. It just happened that at the moment she looked over at him, Shi Xi’s gaze also turned towards her and their gazes met. Gu Feining instantly felt uneasy.

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Shi Xi smiled and asked her, “Do you have something you want to tell me?”

Gu Feining indeed had something to ask Shi Xi. Actually, she had a lot of questions to ask Shi Xi. Some were concerning matters that had happened a very, very long time ago. Since Shi Xi brought it up, she did not want to waste this opportunity. “That day… during the charity gala, why did you leave early?”

“Didn’t you leave early too?” Shi Xi placed the fork down and leaned against an armrest, just like Gu Feining.

“I asked you first.” If Gu Feining had to tell her story, it would take very long. Her relationship with Shi Xi was not good enough for her to share her own gossip with him.

“I had other events that day.”

That reason was not convincing at all so naturally, Gu Feining did not believe him.

When Shi Xi saw Gu Feining was silent, he added, “Because the seating arrangement was different from what I saw before the gala.”

As expected, that was the reason. Gu Feining felt like she had been stabbed in her heart but she could understand it. Now that she thought about it, Shi Xi was not the kind of person who would try to gain popularity from such things. He did not need such things at all. Someone else with ulterior motives might have arranged the seating in such a way that day.

Considering her relationship with Yuan Jinyan, there were too many stories the reporters could write about. Add Shi Xi on top of that, it would definitely be chaotic. This wave of popularity would not help Shi Xi at all and would only benefit Yuan Jinyan and herself. She was the least popular among the three of them, so from everyone’s standpoint, she would be the one who’s the most eager to gain popularity. Perhaps if they did not leave before the livestream began that day, everyone would think she had gone through a lot to sit at that seat.

If she were Shi Xi and she saw this sort of situation, she would also certainly leave in advance.

When she thought of things in this manner, Gu Feining regretted asking.

Shi Xi kept staring at Gu Feining. Seeing her expression, he could tell at once Gu Feining’s thoughts were on the wrong track.

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“Don’t misunderstand. When I first got the seating arrangements, you were indeed not there. But if there was only you at that time, I wouldn’t mind waiting until the livestream began before I left.” Shi Xi emphasized again, “ And it’s true that I had other things scheduled that day.”

Gu Feining was stunned for a moment and hurriedly explained, “I… didn’t even get to see the seating arrangements…” 

Shi Xi nodded his head, not doubting what she said at all.

The feeling of being trusted was very good. Gu Feining felt a bit dejected for the trouble both of them had to go through. She sighed, “Thankfully we left that day. Otherwise, I don’t know what the media would write about us the next day.”

 “They did write about us.”


“The news on the next day,” Shi Xi became serious, “My team prevented the media from publishing such things.”

“Ah?” Gu Feining did not understand yet, “What?” 

“News about your rumored boyfriend and your ex-boyfriend competing on the same stage…” Shi Xi’s expression was grave, “No matter how I see it, I wouldn’t lose to that guy, but I still felt it’s better not to cause trouble so I spent some effort to prevent such news from being released.”

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Translator’s Notes:

CPs as in couples, so like they will try to publicize the show by promoting certain ‘couples/ships’ (reminder~)

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