Shi Xi used a nonchalant tone. It was as if he was talking about how the food tasted, despite how he was bringing up a topic Gu Feining had never thought about. Just like it was a minor, unimportant matter.

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Even so, Gu Feining was surprised. She truly didn’t expect there could be such matters after that incident. She thought it was the organizer trying to cause drama but hadn’t considered Yuan Jinyan to be the one who had meddled.

Now that she thought about it, it did make sense. Many famous artists attended that night so all the trending topics the next day will naturally be about the charity dinner. Why would they need to use a poorly orchestrated scandal to increase their popularity?

It couldn’t be Shi Xi and it was even more impossible for Gu Feining. Then who else could it be?

If the news really got published the next day, no one would suspect Yuan Jinyan and Shi Xi for trying to make use of this scandal to increase their popularity. No one would suspect the organizers either so Gu Feining would be the scapegoat. Perhaps the few CP fans Shi Xi and she had would completely disappear after the scandal and her public image would probably be badly damaged.

Yuan Jinyan wanted to engrave the words ‘using people to gain popularity’ on her face.

Afterward, he’d be the one who gets to be on the news, and he’d be the one who gains popularity. He would even be able to develop a connection with Shi Xi. If they were trending together, he would not need to worry the news wouldn’t be explosive. The gimmick ‘ex-boyfriend and rumored boyfriend’ was definitely enough to push up his declining popularity. After that, Mi Ke could come out in public and act the part of an infatuated lover, helping to clarify the matter between him and Gu Feining. The two of them could even use their role as an ‘entertainment circle couple’ to gain more exposure.

It was a good scheme and Gu Feining would make a great villain. Unexpectedly, after so many years, she could still be recycled and used as a scapegoat again, it was quite environmentally friendly.

If Shi Xi had not stopped the news, the entertainment circle would be lively now. Based on her judgment of Mi Ke’s team during these few years, her team was skilled in manipulating the media. Thus, besides being called a ‘Young Miss’, netizens had given her the title of ‘Queen of Manipulation’. She was very good at making a lot of noise over a small matter and proceeding to clarify the truth of the matter only afterward. It was just that she hadn’t expected after so long, Yuan Jinyan would descend from his spot high up at the altar and enter the manipulation game alongside his girlfriend.

They had planned everything but weren’t able to guess Shi Xi would leave in advance. They probably didn’t think Shi Xi would be that reckless, leaving whenever he wanted at such a big event.

Thinking back now, when Yuan Jinyan saw her leave just before Shi Xi also did, his expression must’ve been very interesting. It was a pity she couldn’t see it with her own eyes.

Although Gu Feining initially kept thinking about rejecting the opportunity to work together with Shi Xi, she was now glad she had agreed to become his mentor.

The people Yuan Jinyan had schemed against were about to work together soon. She wondered if he would explode from anger when he saw the news.

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Even without taking these into account, Gu Feining truly owed Shi Xi a thank you. It was just that both times they had crossed paths, it was all due to Yuan Jinyan. She couldn’t help but sigh a little.

But they were entirely different matters and her attitude towards Shi Xi was inappropriate. She could treat even strangers warmly, so why was she harsh towards someone who had helped her?

“Thank you,” Gu Feining looked at Shi Xi. Although this wasn’t a matter she was obliged to explain, she still wanted to make it clear. “Yuan Jinyan is not my ex-boyfriend.”

Shi Xi did not seem surprised at all. He just calmly replied, “I know.”

“How did you know that?” The whole world thought she had something with Yuan Jinyan. Even her closest friends did not believe her, insisting on saying stuff like if a man and a woman hang out with such an ambiguous air, they’d definitely done all the ‘bad things’ a man and a woman could do.

Even her manager assumed that she was simply trying to maintain her dignity after her relationship failed.

Xiao Mang was even more unconvinced, saying that she’d seen Gu Feining and Yuan Jinyan going everywhere together. It was something she had witnessed herself, so how could she trust Gu Feining’s one-sided words over her own eyes?

After that, Gu Feining could longer be bothered to explain the matter. No one believed her anyway. So it was completely unexpected that Shi Xi would believe her.

“Because, that night…” Shi Xi made a gesture. “You hugged me and cried all night.”


Gu Feining wanted to grab her own shoulders and shake herself so she would wake up. Why did she ask such an embarrassing question?

“You cried as you swore at Yuan Jinyan… brought in all his ancestors and did not even show mercy to his dog. Hmm… And the orchards in his house… And…” As he talked, he was actually wearing a smile on his face. “About the big poster at the entrance of his house, you said it was so ugly that it made you feel sick even after you ate three bowls of rice.”

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“Stop…Stop talking about it…” Gu Feining’s voice was very soft as if she was about to cry.

Gu Feining was not a good drunk, so she would normally try her best not to drink when she went out because as soon as she drank too much, she would talk rubbish. That time with Shi Xi after she drank too much was the worst of all, because not only did she go crazy after getting drunk, she had also done bad things with him.

Gu Feining wanted to open up the sofa and bury her head in it in embarrassment. Shi Xi remembered everything. He remembered more than she did. She had just begun to have a good impression of him and now he was about to be scared away.

However, she heard Shi Xi suddenly say, “It was quite cute.”

How was she supposed to feel being called cute by a man younger than her? Gu Feining wondered why her mood seemed to change for the better at those words.

At that time, Shi Xi had just become an adult and was blooming with youthfulness. Despite how tall he was, he still had a childish face. Gu Feining believed that if she wasn’t so drunk and in such a bad state that day, she would never have gone off together with him.

Who would have thought that the young boy at that time had now become like this? An extremely handsome face who could effortlessly flirt with people and make them blush.

“That day… was an accident.” Gu Feining’s was almost desperate as she said those classic lines. “We are both adults… Can’t we just move on?”

“Alright.” Shi Xi acknowledged Gu Feining’s words. Although he agreed, his eyes continued to bore through her.

Gu Feining became restless again. She kept feeling like the other party was doing it on purpose. There was a trace of mischief on his handsome face as if he was quietly hiding a little trick.

She felt that whenever she was with Shi Xi, she was only able to follow his pace. The initiative was never on her side even though she was the older one.

Shi Xi made Gu Feining increasingly uncomfortable with his stare before he finally let her off the hook and asked her, “Do you want to go out for a walk?”

Gu Feining let out a sigh of relief. At this point, she was willing to do anything. As long as she could get away from this person, going for a walk was nothing.

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When they left the lounge, the old CEO and his wife were dancing while everyone else was watching quietly from the sidelines. Shi Xi brought Gu Feining to the front and her eyes instantly fell on Yuan Jinyan who was at the opposite end of the circle, focused on appreciating the couple’s dance.

She had no idea why Yuan Jinyan was here. She looked around but couldn’t find Mi Ke’s figure. He’d probably come here alone. But thinking about it, it made sense. Mi Ke was a rich young miss and her parents’ company were competitors with their company. Why would she attend a competitor’s birthday party?

Yuan Jinyan had probably used his connections to get here. Gu Feining had never been present at her bosses’ party before, so she was unsure if he had ever attended.

Yuan Jinyan had also noticed Gu Feining and offered her a smile from afar.

Gu Feining ignored him and turned her gaze at the boss and his wife dancing in the center of the hall.

Boss Le and his wife always had a very good relationship. Although the two of them were old, in terms of romance, they’d never lost to the youngsters. They also danced quite well so whenever there were company events, it was always the boss and his wife taking the first dance, and the boss would only dance with his wife for the whole event.

After they finished dancing to that song, the couple stopped and asked everyone to dance together with them.

Gu Feining didn’t plan to dance and was about to step aside and give up her spot in the middle, but she saw Yuan Jinyan was heading towards her through the center of the circle. She felt amazed at how he didn’t feel embarrassed trying to talk to her. She glared at him impolitely, but he didn’t seem to notice her murderous aura at all.

When Yuan Jinyan had made his way about a meter away from Gu Feining, Shi Xi suddenly stood in front of her and extended his hand to her. “May I invite you to a dance?”

Gu Feining was stunned for a moment. But before she was able to return to her senses, people around them had already started to coax her to accept his invite.

The pairing of a handsome man and a beautiful woman was always popular. It would not be good for Gu Feining to refuse him in front of so many people, but she was really not good at social dancing. Although she had learned a bit while filming, she’d almost forgotten all of it by now. “I don’t dance very well.”

Shi Xi smiled. “You can rely on me1.”

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Gu Feining glanced at Yuan Jinyan who was now by the side and placed her hand gently on Shi Xi’s. Rather than staying here to be entangled with Yuan Jinyan, she might as well dance with Shi Xi. Shi Xi led her to the center. The spotlight above shone down at them and she grew instantly nervous. Shi Xi held her waist and said in her ear, “Don’t worry…”

Everyone knew Shi Xi could dance, but they didn’t know he was also good at social dancing. It was the truth that Gu Feining was not very good at it, plus there were so many people around them. Even though Shi Xi told her not to worry, she was still so nervous that her palms were breaking into a sweat.

However, when the music started to play, her worries quickly vanished. If Shi Xi ever wanted to start a career as a dance tutor, he would be very good at it.

Gu Feining began to relax and get into the dance, instinctively responding to the other’s rhythm. Shi Xi had a good sense of rhythm and his every move was precisely on the beat. After the initial nervousness, they got better and better, and the understanding between the two grew along with the music.

Shi Xi seemed like a different person while he was dancing. He was calm, confident, and elegant, and under his guidance, Gu Feining began to enjoy the music and gained a small understanding of the joy that came with dancing. When her waist was being supported by him, her hands could not help but hug the other’s neck. When she was held by her hand and twirled about before being pulled back, their bodies were very close together.

She had not expected for them to have such a good synergy. All her shortcomings were filled in by Shi Xi and Shi Xi became more enthusiastic because of her smile.

The dance was very enjoyable.

At the last part of the song, she hooked Shi Xi’s leg and leaned back with him supporting her waist. After a large turn, she was pulled back into his arms, and the distance between them suddenly shortened as they stood facing each other.

 The music hadn’t stopped but Shi Xi then held her face.

Under everyone’s gaze, he lowered his head slightly and placed his lips on hers.

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Translator’s Notes:

He actually said ‘there’s me’, but it sounded a little weird in English… But the meaning is don’t worry, I’m here, etc.

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