Samyukta and Pinaka were roaming in the royal gardens of Gandhara. They were waiting for Khalsa Khan and Maya. Pinaka looked little restless. He was not sure what would be the outcome of this meeting. But still he was hopeful. He wanted to doctrine good relationships with Mangol empire. That was his major motto. And ofcourse they had to deal with the Shah of Iran which was a long pending issue.

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Khalsa Khan and Maya reached, and were seated in designated seats arranged in the royal garden. It was a beautiful evening. Maya had a radiant smile on her face while Samyukta looked composed. Khalsa Khan said, ' Masha Allah.. brother Pinaka..this is the most beautiful garden I have ever seen..' Pinaka smiled and said, ' Thank you brother....' there were beautiful golden plates bearing pomegranate seeds, grapes and dates , and there was a silver jar of grape wine.. Pinaka dismissed the servants..he and Samyukta served wine and fruit to Maya and Khalsa Khan..

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Khalsa Khan said, ' wine.. that's nice..' Pinaka said, ' yes, there was an Italian ambassador who visited Gandhara empire long back, he taught us how to make wine properly...we are however trying.. don't know if it would be to your liking..' Pinaka raised his glass of wine so did everyone and they had a sip of the wine ... that was exotic..Khan said,' That tastes me brother.. what is it you wanted to discuss.. and who is the common enemy you were talking about in your letter..'

Pinaka said, ' I would like to develop friendly relations with your empire.. for trade, for political strength and also to defeat the Shah of Iran..' Khalsa Khan looked serious, then he looked at Maya , she said, ' Shah of Iran might be your enemy, he is certainly not an enemy to Mangol..' Samyukta said, ' There is an evil sorceress who is behind the Shah..she is trying to get the mystic scepter..if she does that, she will help Shah become invincible...' ..they didn't understand and looked confused..then Samyukta explained about the hidden scepter as told to them by Raj guru..Khan said, ' but sister in law, if we kill the Shah..there would be some one other than him ... another emperor who could become invincible with the help of this what I feel is we should eliminate this sorceress instead..'

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Pinaka said, 'our Raj guru is a very learned sage, he and the sorcerer of Takshak tribe, tried to engage in a battle of soul with her..they could not do anything..she was too powerful...' Samyukta added, ' if we eliminate the Shah, she would be left with no support..' Maya said, ' but I don't understand, if we kill the Shah, then what? how would that stop Shameen?'

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Pinaka said, ' we have news that Shameen found the mystic horizon which is the gateway to the divine scepter..she would be busy preparing for the journey and she needs to travel physically to get will take her two during this time, we can prepare our forces and get ready to eliminate the Shah..Raj guru and the sorcerer will engage with Shameen and fight her with their full strength to counter the mystic horizon..other than this we don't see another way.. if Shah and Shameen become invincible, it would be a huge threat to the entire world..'

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Khalsa Khan said, ' why wage a war for this? I have few assassins who could carry out the deed for me..' Pinaka shook his head, ' too we are speaking, the Shah is crossing Hindu Kush mountains along with his attack Hindustan..'

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