Shah was leading a huge army accross the Hindu Kush mountains..It would take him almost a month to reach the border of Hindustan..this time he wanted to crush Pinaka and his instead of sending his cronies like Zaffar, he wanted to personally lead his troops..he had a huge army of seventy thousand men.. including his right hand man was none other than General Rudra Verma..he had a grim look on his face . .this journey was very tedious to him..due to his age..but he wanted his revenge.. after slogging for the Chandra Dynasty for so long..they planned to get rid of him on foreign soil..this made him angry..he spilled all the strategies that were followed by Pinaka in the war with Zaffar..he gave him military secrets too..he betrayed his mother land for his evil motives..but he didn't regret it..he still waited to take revenge..Shah promised to hand him was enough gift for him..

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Behind them was Zaffar..he didn't exactly know why he joined them.. to be precise, he was not asked..he was expected to join..the once right hand man of the Shah became a mere puppet, he hated Pinaka, but he was not sure that he could face him again, that boy was too smart..his strategies were text tough to fight ..he was sure that Shah would be defeated this time...but the Shah had huge numbers..and Pinaka didn't have such big troops..last time Pinaka faced him with fifty thousand men who came from Gupta empire, Chandra empire and Gandhara empire.... and Zaffar had forty thousand men with twenty thousand of additional troops from the Shah.. still he was defeated..

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He was sure that Pinaka would atleast have sixty thousand men..but still the Shah had additional twenty thousand men.. compared to Pinaka...he still remembered vividly how he got trapped in Chakra vyuha on the last humiliating it was for him..he felt a stir in his blood..would he get a chance to redeem himself this time? he didn't know..but if it would come, he would be very happy..

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The Shah was determined.. Shameen gave him a sword..he was sure that it would be very helpful for him in the battle.. unless and until he shows his strength to the world..emperors like Khalsa Khan would keep threatening could he ever forget the humiliating letter sent by Khalsa Khan..if he could defeat Hindustan, he could get the treasure and additional troops..he would then attack Khalsa Khan..Maya his wife ..he saw her dance in his court once and when he tried to spend the night with her..she rejected woman rejected him till date ..not even Shameen.. ofcourse he didn't know if he used Shameen or it was the other way round, but atleast he ravished her..this Maya hurt his ego, since Maya got married to Khalsa Khan, he knew that he could never even dream of that woman..but now, if he could win Hindustan, he had a chance to attack Mangol..kill Khalsa Khan and ravish Maya..and he knew that Samyukta was also there..two great beauties to be ravished, though he promised Samyukta to Rudra Verma, he could have her first and then give her to Rudra Verma..she could be passed between them like a toy.. however all these thoughts in his head were too far fetched..he shook his head and thought to himself..' I will make Hindustan kneel before me !'

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