Chapter 53 – The Person Behind The Scene.

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Some disturbing content again. torturing etc. Please refrain from reading if you are uncomfortable.


The sky was completely dark, and a crescent moon hung high in the sky, sprinkling fine silver light on the magnificent palace.

Although it was late at night, the interrogation hall located in a remote corner of the palace was still brightly lit at the moment.

A corpse in a black costume laid in the hall, and a dozen people dressed as maids and attendants were tied tightly by ropes and knelt on the ground. They fell to their feet, bowed their heads deeply, almost touching their foreheads to the ground. Their faces were full of horror and there were many scars left on their bodies by the torture treatment.

King Camos in a dark short robe stood in front of the corpse, and a black and red cloak fastened with golden ornaments fell from his broad shoulders.

He looked down at the corpse. His brown eyes, like a lion, pierced and gleamed deep under his eyes.

He just stood there. Even if he didn’t say anything, he still had a mighty force of oppression in all directions. At this moment, there seemed to be a terrible breath enveloping in the hall, and everyone in the hall was breathless.

A team knelt in front of him on one knee, holding an arrow in both hands.

Ziemuer, who was wearing a white priest’s robe, picked up the arrow and carefully scrutinised it.

“The material is mainly wood, only the iron sheet with a little weight gain on the arrow. The purpose is probably to maintain the balance of the arrow after it is shot.”

After studying it, he came to a conclusion.

He said, “Obviously, this is not an arrow made for lethality.”

“Yes, Ziemuer.”

The chief judge of the interrogation hall, who was also standing aside, said, “This is not an accident, but an incident deliberately triggered by someone.”

“Devil’s blood” was a strange liquid that had only been recently discovered. Because it emitted a foul smell that could make people faint, it was difficult to clean and even had symptoms of skin redness, swollen and inflamed, therefore, most people would try their best to stay away from it.

“Now it seems that some people have mastered some of the characteristics of this liquid. For example, it is more flammable than oil.” The presiding judge continued, “According to these people, someone used money to bribe them and let them provoke the relationship between the two Princes and smuggled this liquid into the palace to trick the children into using it against Prince Heimos.”

“Obviously, their target is not Prince Garlan, but Prince Heimos.”

The middle-aged presiding judge said solemnly.

“If their plan were to succeed, Prince Heimos may have been burned to death. In addition, it will cause a fire in the atrium, and all evidence including this wooden arrow will be burned. Then, this dead man could escape from the palace during the chaos.”

It was precisely because they failed to cause the fire that the group of soldiers rushed to the atrium in time, sounded the emergency signal, and sealed off the palace, which led to the capture of the dead soldier.

It was a pity that this dead man seeing that he couldn’t escape, committed suicide by swallowing poison.

Taking the wooden arrow from Ziemuer’s hand, King Camos looked at it from tip to end.

He chuckled and said, “Although there is no evidence… but I probably could guess who sent the bug in this stinking ditch.”

Although he was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes. Anyone who understood him knew that his low smile at this moment was precisely because of extreme anger.

He didn’t even look at the maids and attendants who knelt before him tremblingly.

He said, an understatement.

“Kill them all.”

In the screams and cries of those people, King Camos threw the arrow to Heimos.

The teenager knelt on one knee beside the corpse. He had changed into a clean suit before he came, and looked down at the corpse. He heard the words the presiding judge said in his ears, but the fine black hair was scattered, covering his eye sockets, making it difficult to see the look in his eyes when he heard those words.

He raised his head, caught the arrow that King Camos had thrown at him, and took it in front of his eyes and looked at it.

“You can almost guess who it is, right?”

King Camos asked.


“I’m very upset and want to punch that guy, but now there is no conclusive evidence. I can’t do anything to that guy.”

He was the King of Aaron Landis, and without any evidence, he couldn’t do anything against a guy with high authority.

Precisely because he was the King, he had to abide by the laws of Aaron Landis.

Otherwise, the laws of this country would begin to collapse from him.


With a little strength, the arrow snapped into two in Hiemos’ hands.

He lowered his eyes, but the messy black hair couldn’t hide the cold light in his eyes.

He requested, “Please lend me a team of guards.”

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King Camos raised his eyebrows. He turned around, strode away, and the black and red cloak flew high behind him.

He said, “Ziemuer, arrange a team for him from my guards.”

Even though it was late at night, the side door of the palace was opened under the special order of King Camos.

The huge turntable turned in the hands of several gatekeepers, causing the huge iron gate to slowly drop downwards. It laid down on the moat and became a solid iron bridge.

Immediately afterwards, a group of cavalry in black and red leather armor galloped out from the open city gate. Among them was the small figure of a black-haired boy.

They rushed out of the city gate and plunged into the depths of the night.


Menistere City, one of the five major cities of Aaron Landis, was located to the north of the Royal City. It was an important junction of the Aaron Landis Highway. At the same time, it was also diagonally across the entire north and south of Aaron Landis. An important port on the Enki River, one of the two mother rivers.

In addition, it was this prime location on land and water that allowed it to accumulate wealth by virtue of its trade, and it had become one of the five major cities of Aaron Landis.

It was a family inherited city. The former City Lord was a loyal and kind person. He treated his people kindly, was very tolerant to the people, and didn’t collect high taxes. There were also special shelters for the elderly and the disabled in the city. Therefore, it won the love of the people of Menistere.

It was just a pity that the child born by the Old City Lord in his old age had unexpectedly disappeared. Therefore, just before he died, he could only pass on the position of the City Lord to his younger brother, Earl.

When the Old City Lord’s child was retrieved later, Earl had already secured his position as the City Lord.

But to the townspeople’s relief, their new City Lord took his brother’s only heir back to the castle. It was said that he treated his nephew like his child.

At this moment, it was sunrise. The gates of Menistere City had just opened, and the thunderous sound of horses hooves running across the ground could be heard. As soon as the guard at the gate looked up, he saw a group of cavalry roll up dust in the distance and was shocked, thinking that they were being attacked by an enemy.

Upon closer inspection, the knights were all dressed in uniform black-red leather armor and dark armor, with special patterned armbands on their arms. Immediately, he became relieved.

Because he recognised the attire of the knights safeguarding the King of Aaron Landis.

That team consisted of about thirty or forty riders, and when the horses reached the door, the leader held the reins.

It was a smaller figure than other burly knights. Under the gaze of the head guard who approached, the person pulled back his cloak hood.

The dark hair exposed to the bright sunrise and scattered in the air, was a handsome face that belonged to a teenager.

The golden-red eyes were like the fiery sun in the sky, the sword eyebrows were high, and the slender corners of the eyes were like sharp blades. Although he was only a teenager, he exuded a terrifying sense of oppression, like a sheathed sword, revealing its sharpness.

“Young Mast..Heimos… No, Your Highness, Your Highness.”

The chief guard at the city gate greeted him with joy, then he stuttered and changed the way he addressed.

The edict of King Camos came to Menistere City more than two months ago and caused a sensation. Many city dwellers rejoiced and celebrated that their old city lord’s child became the prince of this country. As a member of the city residents who respected the old city lord, the guard chief was also very happy for their little master.

Heimos looked down at him, nodded to him, did not say anything, and the middle-aged knight next to him took out a token.

With a golden bottom, the black and red flags pattern and the lifelike golden lion head protruding, made the head guard kneel down at once.

It was a token that only the King’s guards could hold, and it symbolised the King’s command.

A group of cavalry quickly entered the gate of the city, did not dismount, but slowed down after entering the city. Seeing this group of burly knights, everyone on the avenue evaded one after another. Someone recognised that the young man in the lead was the child of their Old City Lord, and he immediately started to gossip to the others while standing on the side of the road.

The child of their Old City Lord became the prince of Aaron Landis, and maybe he could become King Aaron Landis in the future. It was something that made the citizens of Menistere extremely excited. Now, as they watched the grown-up child return to Menistere City, they immediately attracted the attention of many city residents.

They gathered around, watching Heimos lead the team of knights to the gate of the castle in the center of the city, and then dismounted.

“H-Heimos… Your Highness.”

The guard guarding the gate of the castle looked at the teenager who strode in amazement, sweat oozing from his forehead.

“Y-You are…”

“Why? I came back to visit my dear uncle. Are you not planning to let me in?”

The teenager stood in front of the castle gate and asked in a deep voice.

The guard was startled. He opened his mouth and was just about to say something.

But when he raised his eyes, he subconsciously shut his mouth when he saw the group of city residents who were gathered together and looked vigorously towards this side.

“Open the door! Open the door at once! Can’t you see His Highness Heimos come back?”

He yelled at his subordinates while turning around to smile at Heimos.

“How is that possible? Lord Earl had said that here will always be your home.”

The teenager glanced at him.

Just a look made the guard’s chest choke. He watched as Heimos took a stride and walked into the open door.

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Half of the knights who followed the boy followed him, and the other half took over the horses of his companions and stayed outside the gate to wait.

The maids and servants who were busy in the castle early in the morning were all stunned when they saw the sudden appearance of Heimos.

Heimos, who entered the castle, didn’t greet anyone. After looking around this familiar place, he turned and walked straight in one direction.

It was early in the morning, and the person he was looking for should be in the martial arts field.

The people who stayed in the hall were so surprised and dumbfounded to watch that the knights also followed Heimos behind without saying a word. An attendant turned around and ran desperately. He wanted to report to the City Lord the news of Heimos’ sudden return.

Heimos walked quickly across a long corridor, at the end of which was a beautifully carved black wooden door.

He walked to the door, paused, then jerked his foot up.

With a bang, he kicked the delicate carved door open, and an ugly gap appeared in the kicked place.

The sudden loud noise made the young man, who was practicing marksmanship in the martial arts field, nearly let his spear fall to the ground. He turned his head angrily, thinking to curse at the servant who had disturbed him in martial arts, but only saw a familiar figure walk through the kicked door.


He subconsciously squeezed the spear in his hand.

“Why are you here?”

Heimos, the son of his father’s elder brother, was his cousin.

He was obviously a few years younger than him, but he was much better than him, and could easily crush him.

The guy he hated so much.

He had secretly targeted this guy several times, but never succeeded. This guy had always looked down at him with a cold, disdainful gaze.

Ever since he heard that Heimos had been chosen as the Prince, he had gone crazy with jealousy.

Father obviously said that this guy, Heimos, will be dead this time, why is he now—

“Because Uncle Earl and you seem to miss me a lot, so I came back to visit you.”

The boy said.

“Buck, you are practicing martial arts right now? So, how about letting us two cousins ​​have a match since we haven’t seen each other for so long?”

As he spoke, he grabbed a sharp spear from the weapon rack next to it.

“N-No need…”

Buck didn’t finish his word.

A long spear suddenly fell from the sky, and hit him like a huge sharp arrow.

It grazed his cheek with a cut and blood oozed out, and then it was heavily nailed to the training stake behind him.

The young man, who had just matured, sat down on the ground.

The spear thrown by Heimos was deeply nailed to the stake, still humming, and the tail of the spear above his head was shaking slightly.

Buck fell on the ground with his mouth open, but he couldn’t speak.

If the spear were to be thrown slightly off, it could penetrate his head.

The teenager who strode over, drew out the spear from the stake. His body was obviously shorter than him, but he stood in front of him, looking down at him.


A little cold light in his eyes made his heart palpitate for no reason.

Heimos said, “Let’s continue.”

When Menistere City Lord Earl hurried to the martial arts training ground, he saw a terrifying scene that made him extremely distressed.

The son he valued and loved the most was lying on his back on the ground, and that damn little bastard stepped heavily on Buck’s chest with one foot.

Seeing the extent of the collapse of the chest, it was obvious that several ribs had been broken.

What made his eyes darken was that the sharp tip of a long spear penetrated the palm of Buck’s right hand and nailed that hand to the ground.

His son wailed in pain on the ground, and the sound was driven into his heart like a nail.

Earl was so distressed that he went crazy, wishing to order the guards behind him to rush up and chop the damn little bastard into meat sauce.

However, his reasoning stopped him.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then walked forward, showing a serious expression at Heimos.

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“Heimos, I’ve said before. This is your home, you can come back anytime.”

He said with the stern and without discomfort tone of an elder to the younger generation; from uncle to his nephew.

“But how can you oppress your cousin just because you are a Prince?”

There was a hint of threat in his heartbroken words.

“If King Camos were to know that you are doing such a thing… he certainly wouldn’t want Aaron Landis to have an arrogant prince who doesn’t know how to respect and love his brother.”

The teenager who stepped on Buck’s chest tilted his head and glanced at City Lord Earl from the corner of his eyes.

He lifted his lips and smiled.

“It’s been a long time, Uncle Earl.”

He said, and then raised his foot. Earl thought that his underlying threat had worked, and was relieved but saw that the black boot that had just been raised was ruthlessly stomped on again.

Crack. There was a slight snapping sound, and Buck’s agonising scream sounded. Obviously, his ribs were broken again.

Lord Earl paled. He looked at Heimos with sorrowness and said, “Heimos, I took you in and have always treated you like my child, but now I brought you up to this kind of state. I’ve let my big brother down.”

There was an expression on his face, but the veins on his forehead that were hidden under his forehead were violently pulsating.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the dozen or so tall and burly knights next to him. The familiar attire made him afraid to act rashly, especially the lion emblem worn on the chest of the middle-aged knight in the lead.

That was the thousand commander’s badge.

These knights were all knights of the guards directly under King Camos.

… If it weren’t for these people, he would have ordered his subordinates to swarm up and teach that damn little bastard!

Why was he still alive? He should have been burned to death in the palace!

“My uncle, let you down. I’m still alive and have not burned to death.”

Heimos’ words made Lord Earl’s heart beat abruptly.

However, there was a puzzled look on his face.

“Burn to death? Heimos, what happened to you?” He asked, “Did you misunderstand your uncle and your cousin? Actually we…”

“My uncle, it took me a day and two nights to arrive here and I didn’t come to argue with you about the issue of misunderstanding and not.”

The teenager coldly interrupted him.

“I’m here to give you a warning.”

He said that he still stepped on his cousin with one foot and shook the spear nailed to Buck’s palm, causing Buck to scream again in torment.

“From now on, if you ever make a move again, I’ll come and see my cousin again.”

Heimos said with his golden-red eyes staring at Lord Earl.

“I came to my cousin who was five years older than me to learn martial arts and accidentally injured him.”

The corners of the teenager’s eyes were sharp like a blade. They were raised slightly, appearing extremely intense.

In addition, the corners of his lips, which were also raised, showed deep sarcasm.

“Why? Being injured by a younger cousin, and then you, as an elder, come out and help him get revenge?”

The man he called his uncle didn’t dare to touch him for this reason.

Heimos had already seen this man clearly.

Sword with honey and belly; pretentious; good on the surface but evil inside; good at acting; fond of fame.

A young adult was injured by his cousin who was five or six years younger, and then as a father he went to avenge his nephew—this kind of disdainful and humiliating thing, Earl, who paid attention to his reputation, would never do it.

Especially now that the King’s guards were present, this issue may reach the Royal City, and to King Camos’ ears. He wouldn’t make such an unwise move.

“‘I’m still a child, I don’t know what to do, but I accidentally injured my cousin’—If I were to say that, Uncle, what can you do to me?”

The smile on the corners of the boy’s lips that made his back chill became clearer.

“So, I’m here to warn you, Lord Earl.”

The cold-eyed boy even stopped calling this man his uncle.

“You move your hands and feet once, and I will find my cousin once.”

“This time, it’s a hand. Next time, this arm will be cut off entirely.”

Heimos said, smiling faintly.

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The handsome face of the teenager smiled like a morning glow, which made people pleasing to the eye, but it made everyone gawked at him a little.

They couldn’t tell the reason. They just felt that what the young boy said and the way he laughed made their backs chill.

“If there’s another time, it’ll be a leg.”

“And the last time…”

In the last half of the sentence, the voice was not loud, but it made the Lord Earl’s chest tighten.

“Heimos, if you have a grudge against me, come at me. Let your brother go.”

He said awe-inspiringly.

“Whatever you want to do with your uncle, your uncle will acknowledge it.”

“No, Lord Earl, it’s normal for my cousin and I to talk to each other. It’s easy to be criticised if you act as an elder now. In addition…”

Heimos stared at him, and deep in the eyes hidden by his forehead, there was a cluster of fiercely burning red flames.

“Besides, you probably won’t feel the pain if I were to inflict it on you. Only by hurting your most important person can it be unforgettable, right?”

The knife plunged into him would just hurt a little.

Only when the knife was stuck in the body of the person who was in the heart could make people go crazy with torture.

Earl, I want to thank you for letting me know this.

Seeing Heimos’ sluggish appearance, City Lord Earl no longer continued to pretend, and suddenly his face sank.

He said coldly, “I am the City Lord of Menistere. Do you think I will let you do evil in this city?”

“Unless you allow your precious son to never leave Menistere City for the rest of his life, otherwise, as long as he leaves this city, be ready for him to have his hands and feet broken apart.”

Heimos replied, pulling out the spear stuck in Buck’s palm.

Then, he pierced Buck’s thigh heavily again.

Buck’s screams screamed once again in the martial arts ground, like a slap on the face of Lord Earl, making his face pale.

But he couldn’t do anything, dare not do anything.

The knights of King Camos were watching here, and a group of knights were waiting outside.

Heimos was his nephew, an orphan. Now, he was a Prince and was still young. He was just ‘discussing’ and ‘accidentally’ hurt his older cousin. He really couldn’t do anything to him—and it was because of knowing this that City Lord Earl hated him.

Lifting his foot on Buck’s chest, Heimos turned and left.

“That’s all I want to say.”

He said, “Lord Earl, if you don’t want your precious son to have an accident, just be obedient.”

“No, Heimos, you won’t dare to do it.”

The City Lord, Earl said with a cold face and said in a deep voice.

In any case, Buck was his own cousin, and he was his uncle. How could this little bastard have the courage to commit family murder—

Heimos passed by him.

The moment he passed by, the teenager turned his head, glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and smiled.

The golden-red eyes shimmer, like a trace of blood——

At that glance, a chill came from within Earl’s heart.

He dared.

There was a voice shouting in Earl’s heart.

This person really dared!

Clatter. That was the sound of the leaving boy throwing the blood-stained spear to the ground.

He left the castle where he grew up without any lingering feelings.

He completely left his uncle and cousin behind.

Lord Earl didn’t know that in the world he had succeeded in, years later, Heimos really killed him and his son, Buck.

Thus, the black-haired Prince who killed his own relatives by himself was called the “son of the devil” and was feared by everyone.

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