Chapter 54 – A Moment Of Tranquillity.

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In the room, King Camos stood by the window, holding a piece of parchment in one hand, and casually grabbed the black and red cloak wrapped in front and tossed it back.

A maid immediately stepped forward and knelt before his feet. She carefully spread the slightly wrinkled cloak under his feet, gently smoothed the wrinkles with her fingers, and then stood up and retreated to the side after finishing her task.

Ziemuer held a book-sized cyan stone plate in both hands, filled with red paint, and a round seal of lapis lazuli1 was placed next to it. King Camos took the seal and marked it on the parchment in his hand.

When he finished stamping, the middle-aged knight who stood in front of him with his head down and reported to him respectfully also ended his report.

The two-fingered lion badge on the knight’s chest symbolised his identity as the Chief Commander. He was the Commander who led a team of knights from the Guards to Menistere City yesterday with Heimos.

At this moment, he reported everything he saw to his King in great detail.

After dealing with the political affairs and listening to the reports of his subordinates on yesterday’s situation, King Camos, who was standing by the window, smiled.

“That’s good,” he said. “For him to be able to maintain a sense of sanity in that situation, it’s considered not bad.”

Camos knew a little about the newly appointed City Lord of Menistere City.

He nodded at what Heimos did.

That little guy was indeed very smart and cunning.

His behaviour seemed reckless, but he was just stepping on the bottom line of City Lord Earl. It happened that Earl was barely able to bear it, but he had reached the limit, and he was on the verge of exploding after one more point.

Camos sent his own bodyguards, and even let a captain of a thousand horses lead a team to follow Heimos. On the one hand, it was to protect the safety of Heimos, and to give Heimos strength; on the other hand, it was also in order to prevent Heimos from being dazzled by anger and hatred and doing uncontrollable things—let this commander stop him before that.

If one were to know, Earl was still the city lord of Menistere City. After all, a high-powered collateral nobleman, and his own power was not small. There were also tens of thousands of private armies under his command.

Not to mention that there was no evidence for this matter, even if there was evidence, because it didn’t cause much accident, it was just a prince who was injured.


He shouted the name of a person, “Go and arrange for someone to warn Earl. It’s his business to do what he wants to do in Menistere City, but if he ever extends his paws to the Royal City, I won’t hold back. “

A shadow suddenly appeared in the corner of the empty room. The figure knelt on one knee, nodded to King Camos, and then disappeared again.

The things that happened in Menistere City were internal to the Heimos’ family, and Camos didn’t intend to intervene.

This time, the reason why he lent a hand to Heimos was only because the guy Earl had too long hands and injured his little brother. Camos had to teach Earl a lesson.

At the same time, he also warned Earl not to extend his claws into his sphere of influence in the future.

In this way, coupled with the threat of Heimos, Earl and his son must obediently stay in Menistere City for a long time.

As for the grievances between Heimos and him…

“Regarding his family affairs, wait for him to grow up in the future and let him handle it by himself.”

King Camos said so.

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Heimos was the type to repay his debts. He would definitely not let go of the uncle who wants to kill him again and again.

It was just that the young wolf hadn’t grown up yet. His teeth and claws were not sharp enough, so he could only lurch and wait for the day when his wings were fully grown…

It was conceivable that when Heimos grows up, it would be the end of Lord Earl. Moreover, Lord Earl might just be a sharpening stone on the road of this wolf king’s growth.

Perhaps this was also the reason why the Lord Earl was anxiously trying to kill Heimos again and again. He was afraid he could also see that his nephew would definitely become his most terrible enemy in the future.

“Where is Prince Heimos now? He went back to rest?”

Now that King Camos had made a decision, Ziemuer no longer said anything more, but turned to ask the Chief Commander.

After a long journey of two days and three nights without sleep, Heimos must have been too exhausted to endure it.

“No.” The middle-aged commander replied, “After he went back and washed up, he went directly to Prince Garlan’s residence.”

In the courtyard, which was still crowded a few days ago, had now quieted down. Most of the people have been driven out. Only two or three maids were still walking in the courtyard. They talked softly into each other’s ears. Talking, walking and doing things as lightly as possible, for fear of making too much noise and disturbing the little Prince who finally fell asleep in the house.

A burst of soft music came out of the room. It was a very sweet and soft melody, and the sound of the strings was like the sound of the fountain falling into the water.

By the window of the room, a handsome blond-haired knight was sitting there, wearing a simple white robe, black trousers, and a black waist rope. He held a half-person-height two-string lute2 in his arms, which was hemispherical, with exquisite hollow carvings on the sound hole, and the top of the long handle slightly bent into a leaf shape, which looked slender and elegant.

The bundle of blond hair fell from Kaijos’ shoulder, and his slender fingers slid softly on the strings, allowing silver bell-like notes to gently echo in the room.

The female officer placed a piece of incense into the hollow gold incense burner to light, so that the room was surrounded by a soft and sleepy faint fragrance. Then, she raised her hand and gestured gently to the one-eyed knight to slow down the tune, and then steadily stopped.

He gently put the lute down and stepped forward.

The little Prince has fallen asleep with the soft sound of the piano and the faint fragrance, still lying on his stomach, half of his face plunged into the soft pillow.

The soft blonde hair was scattered on the snow-white pillows. Because of some fever, the small face was slightly reddish, and there was still a little water mark on the slender eyelashes.

At this moment, the child closed his eyes and breathed evenly.

Kaijos took a look, then retreated with the female officer.

After all, the burns have always caused Prince Garlan to suffer unbearable pain and to fall asleep. Especially in the first two days, Kaijos had to use a special drug he made himself, which made Garlan fall into a drowsy sleep.

But that kind of drug shouldn’t be used too much, otherwise it would cause harm to the body, so today Kaijos wanted to use the soothing music to make Garlan fall asleep.

Thinking of the little Prince looking at him obediently with his big misty eyes open, listening to him playing the piano, and then slowly closing his eyes, Kaijos felt his heart softened.

He was quite self-blaming, and felt that if he hadn’t left that night, the little Prince wouldn’t suffer this sin.

As a guardian knight, he couldn’t protect the Prince well, and he was very upset when he thought of it.

“Taputi, what did the doctor say in the morning?”

He asked.

Covering the door lightly, the female officer with long flax hair turned and answered Kaijos softly.

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“His condition has stabilised a lot. The wound wasn’t inflamed and his recovery is pretty good. However, the pain is still inevitable…”

She said, “I made a sleep-promoting incense, hoping it would work as a starting point.”

The female officer Taputi had an outstanding perfumery technique that was recognised in the palace, but the incense block she made by herself was previously only used by King Camos. Whether other people could obtain it depended on her mood.

At this moment, she looked at Kaijos and praised, “I didn’t know you still had such superb piano skill. You’re great at playing music.”

“Thank you for your compliment, it’s just an insignificant talent. Because this will be more popular with beauties, I went to learn it.”

The knight’s answer made the slightly raised feelings of the female officer disappear in an instant.

Ah, what a shallow and frivolous guy.

Why did King Camos make such a person Prince Garlan’s Guardian Knight?

I don’t know if he will rub bad habits onto the pure little Prince in the future.

She thought so in her heart, bowed slightly, and then turned to see if the maids had made the medicine. However, before he could leave, she heard the voice of the knight beside him.

Kaijos greeted, “Good afternoon, Prince Heimos.”

Taputi looked up and saw Heimos walking into the courtyard from the gate.

The young Prince’s clothes were clean, but his hair was messy, with a bit of water dripping from the tips of his hair. It could be seen that he had hurried to take a bath and changed into clean clothes. He splashed himself with water and didn’t have the time to wipe his hair dry.

The dark brown skin glowed a little under the light, and the most eye-catching thing were his eyes. His eye lids were black and blue. It seemed that he hadn’t slept for a long time, and the tips of his hair reflected the shadows into his eye.

As soon as he saw the female officer and the knight, he walked over quickly.

“How is Garlan?”

He asked in a low voice.

Taputi bowed slightly and saluted, and then replied, “The doctor said that the situation is fairly stable.”

Without waiting for Heimos to continue to ask questions, she continued, “Prince Garlan just fell asleep. He hasn’t fallen asleep for a long time because of the pain.”

The female officer used a very tactful tone, but ruthlessly dispelled any request that Heimos might make next.

To be honest, towards the young teenager who hurt her lovely little Prince, she held a bit of resentment towards him.

Before he had time to say something, the female officer’s tactful and tough words choked his throat. Heimos opened his mouth, but couldn’t say anything. He glanced at the concealed door and lowered his eyes. The shadow of his eyelashes fell on his pupils, making his eyes look a little dark.

His thin lips, being pressed so hard by him, became thinner and thinner like a line.

Kaijos suddenly said, “Prince Heimos, when His Royal Highness Garlan ordered you not to let you approach him, I was still very puzzled. But now, I may have understood it.”

“Perhaps His Royal Highness has already foreseen that you will bring disaster to him, and obviously I also think you’ll bring trouble to His Royal Highness.”

He continued, “So, please stay away from His Highness and don’t approach him anymore.”

Heimos stood still on the spot with the troubles of gains and losses3. His lips were pressed and he didn’t speak. Now that Kaijos said this, he raised his eyes to him, the corners of his eyes raised sharply.

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At this moment, he seemed to have changed back to the oppressive teenager who dared to pierce his cousin on the ground and confronted his uncle, The City Lord, without showing any weakness. His golden-red eyes seemed to be burning like the fiery sun.

“No one can drive me away from Garlan.”4

He stared at the knight who was trying to drive him away with forceful eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Then, turning his head to look at Taputi

“I have taken a shower, and I am clean and there is no dust. I want to go in and see Garlan.” His words became hardened, “I won’t wake him up.”

Feeling the sudden toughness of Heimos, Taputi sighed softly in her heart, and then stepped aside. She watched Heimos enter the house. The door opened and was then again shut tightly.

She asked, “Lord Kaijos, did you say it on purpose to provoke him?”


The one-eyed knight smiled, but didn’t answer directly.

He said, “It would be too wasteful for him to escape like this. Since the little Prince was injured because of him, he must pay a price, isn’t it?”

Taputi said nothing, turned and walked away quickly.

I really cannot get along with this frivolous fellow.

The female officer thought so in her heart.

After entering the room, Heimos eased his movements as much as possible.

The child laid on the bed, sleeping shallowly, maybe a little movement would wake up the child.

There was a chair at the head of the bed, which should have been placed by the female officer for the convenience of taking care of Garlan by sitting on the bed, so Heimos sat down directly on the chair.

He looked at Garlan who was asleep.

The child closed his eyes, and his long fan-like eyelashes cast a shallow shadow on his cheeks. There was still a little redness at the corners of the eyes, and it was obviously painful as he kept tearing.

Heimos’ gaze fell on Garlan’s back, one on the back of his neck, two on his back, and one on his calf. The snow-white skin was covered with green medicated mud. He didn’t know under the medicinal mud what kind of terrible injury it was and whether it would leave scars…

As he thought, he looked at Garlan blankly.

That little body laid on the bed, looked unusually weak, and it made one feel terribly worried when they looked at him.

He remembered that day, when Garlan said, ‘I hate you, I don’t need you’, those cruel words, and the back that left him without hesitation.

He remembered again that that night, Garlan desperately rushed up and knocked him away from under the brazier… The child hit by the charcoal fire knelt on the ground, trembling with pain.

His mind was a little confused and he didn’t understand it.

It was said that children were fickle. But towards him, what was Garlan…

Just when Heimos was in a daze, the child’s eyelashes moved slightly and opened his eyes.

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Garlan turned his head to the side, looked at the teenager next to the bed and opened his lips.

“Hei… mos…”

The weak voice instantly awakened Heimos, he leaned over nervously and looked at Garlan.

“Are you awake?” He said softly, as if worried that a louder voice would hurt the feeble child in front of him, “Does it hurt? Would you like to drink water? Do you want me to call a doctor?”

The child seemed to be awake, looking at him fuzzily.

After a long while, he said softly.



“… your… hand.”

The teenager followed the child’s dim gaze and saw his right hand.

He was a little confused, but he followed Garlan’s words and placed his right hand in front of Garlan’s eyes.

The child’s golden eyes were half open. Still looking disoriented, his hand on the pillow moved slightly, and as he moved over, the small hand gently grabbed a finger of Heimos.

The little hand gently shook the boy’s finger, and touched it again, as if confirming something.

Then, Garlan’s eyes curled up, like the arc of a crescent moon.

The child with a little red tear on the corner of his eye laughed. His smile was sweet, so cute, and sweet as if it could permeate people’s hearts.

As if relieved, he let go of his inner feelings, just held Heimos’ fingers, closing his eyes, and fell asleep again.

Heimos didn’t speak or move.

He looked at Garlan’s hand.

The gentle little hand gently held his finger, but what he felt was held by that hand was his own heart.

“Kaijos, is Heimos here?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. He is inside.”

There was a soft conversation at the door, and then the open door was pushed open, and someone walked in.

King Camos who entered the door swept his eyes and was taken aback.

He tilted his head and glanced at Kaijos, who was also startled, and then the two tall and burly men couldn’t help showing knowing smiles.

Little Garlan laid on his stomach on the bed, sleeping quietly.

Heimos, who was sitting in a chair, was lying on the edge of the bed and also sleeping soundly.

The child’s small, soft hands held the teenager’s slightly rough fingers.

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