Accident (2)

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The car just passed by a milk tea store, when Wen Yu told Jiang Yuhe to pull over and pointed to the billboard. “I want to drink that. Go down and buy it for me.”

Jiang Yuhe stopped the car and frowned. “Milk tea? I thought you never drank this stuff.”

Wen Yu indeed never drank these in the past, but for some reason, she just ate a spicy snack in the box, and now her taste buds especially craved for something sweet. It was the kind of craving where she wanted to drink immediately when she thought of it, or else she would feel uncomfortable.

“I want to drink it. Go buy, okay?”

At 9:30 in the evening, the milk tea shop was doing well, and three or four young girls were lined up in front of the shop.

From childhood to adulthood, Jiang Yuhe has never done anything such as queueing.

Wen Yu saw how awkward he felt and took the initiative to offer, “Why don’t I go buy it and you wait for me in the car?”

After she said that, she was about to open the door when Jiang Yuhe stopped her, “I’ll go.”

He didn’t want Wen Yu to stand in line, so he got out of the car by himself.

His black-clad figure just stood in front of the milk tea store and attracted the attention of the girls in line.

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Jiang Yuhe was used to this kind of attention. He stood there emotionlessly, until someone recognized him. After whispering something, the people in front of them all backed away.

“Shit, isn’t he Jiang Yuhe?”


“That’s the boss of Yasheng! I signed my fate with his company! Oh my God, why is he here?”

“Ah, I remember. Is he President Jiang who landed on the hot search for proposing to President Wen before?”

“Yes! This is so exciting, ahhhhhhh! I’m dying to go up and ask him to take care of my brother more!!!”

“Damn, he’s real handsome. Is he here to buy milk tea for his wife?”

“I don’t know. No matter what, I’ll take a sneak peek first.”

Jiang Yuhe just stood there calmly. Although he didn’t like the feeling of being photographed secretly by passers-by, there was nothing he could do.

The wife in his car was clamoring for a drink. Even if he were at a vegetable market at the moment, he had to patiently line up to buy it and satisfy her.

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This was his vow when he proposed. Even if he didn’t know what Wen Yu wanted, he would still try to follow her footsteps and help her achieve them one by one.

Whether it was a big project like wanting to adapt their story for a movie, or something as small as buying a cup of milk tea.

Since he said he would, he would do it all.

“Hello, Sir, what would you like to drink?”

Jiang Yuhe finally got in line. He pointed to the billboard in front of the store, “That, ah, cup.”

The clerk smiled, “How about the sweetness? Iced or normal temperature? Do you want to add some ingredients, coconut nuts, or red beans?”


Jiang Yuhe didn’t know there were so many things to know about buying a cup of milk tea. He was about to call and ask Wen Yu, when a hand suddenly took hold of him, followed by a familiar voice falling down. “Normal sweetness, room temperature, nothing else.”

It was Wen Yu.

She held Jiang Yuhe’s hand and looked towards him when she finished.

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When their eyes locked, Wen Yu smiled and held his hand even tighter, leaning against him unconsciously.

A few passersby who had been surrounding them let out a low-pitched scream. They no longer covered it up, and blatantly photographed them.

It was only when the two finally returned to the car together, holding hands, that these sounds gradually disappeared.

After closing the car door and completely returning to the couple’s world, Jiang Yuhe asked Wen Yu, “Why did you come out?”

Wen Yu replied, “I saw someone taking pictures of you secretly.”

Jiang Yuhe didn’t understand the relationship between the two. “Then you still came out for them to photograph?”

“Yeah.” Wen Yu calmly bit the straw. “I want to take the opportunity to display my affection, can’t I?”


The truth was indeed as Wen Yu wished. That night, her and Jiang Yuhe’s roadside milk tea purchase made it to the top of the news, and it was the first time they appeared in the public eye after the wedding.

It was also in such an intimate way.

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The netizens showered them with all kinds of envy and jealousy, but some people were sharp-eyed enough to notice a problem.

[Sister Wen seems to have gained some weight compared to the time she got married, no?]

When Wen Yu saw this comment, the soufflé in her hand immediately turned unappetizing.

When she got home in the evening, she was a little hungry and thought maybe she hadn’t eaten anything at You Xin’s place, so she asked the maid to make a bowl of noodles. However, she still wanted to eat again not long after, so she turned to the hometown specialty soufflé that Aunt Twelve had sent her earlier.

She ate while reading the hot search with relish until she saw this comment.

Wen Yu immediately put down the snacks in her hand, turned around and asked Jiang Yuhe, “Brother, have I gained weight?”

Jiang Yuhe glanced at her. “I don’t think so.”

Even such a strict person like Jiang Yuhe didn’t think she had gained weight, so Wen Yu was relieved…

Maybe it was the fault of the phone lens of the passerby.

‘Yeah, it must be.’

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