Accident (3)

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The next day, Wen Yu asked for Zheng Qianyu’s phone number from You Xin, but to her surprise, she lost the first battle.

After communicating with him about the idea of shooting a movie, he flatly refused.

The reason was that he was not interested in filming.

In order to convince this potential star to participate in the shooting, Wen Yu took the initiative to go to his school and offered him a favorable offer to start his career, directly signing him up with her company with all-round resources tilted to his side.

The first time, he refused.

And the second time, he still refused.

The third time, Wen Yu took You Xin with her to visit his home and finally got this man, whose eyes were similar to Jiang Yuhe’s but whose personality was a million miles away, to nod his head.

Zheng Qianyu’s family wasn’t well-off, but he seemed to have no desire, bearing indifference to equanimity.

Jiang Yuhe was the opposite, a born leader, a man on top of the pyramid, with the conquest of the world engraved in his bones.

That was why Wen Yu couldn’t help but conclude, ‘It’s impossible to have identical people in this world.’

As Jiang Yuhe said, no one could replace Wen Yu.

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The same was true in Wen Yu’s heart.

There was no one who could replace Jiang Yuhe.

Even if Zheng Qianyu resembled him three points in the eye, he couldn’t be him after all.

They were irreplaceable for each other.

“Fortunately, I convinced him before this week.” Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief when she left Zheng Qianyu’s house.

You Xin was curious. “What? Are you going on a business trip next week?”

“Next Tuesday is my husband’s birthday. I have to focus on his birthday.”

“…Ouch.” You Xin couldn’t help but brainstorm again. “How will you focus? Tell me in detail.”

Wen Yu glanced at her and pretended to be mysterious. “How can I tell you about this kind of affair between husband and wife?”

In Wen Yu’s diary, November 8 had been circled and marked with the words [Brother’s birthday, important!].

And as early as last month, she secretly bought him a birthday present.

For Jiang Yuhe, there was absolutely nothing lacking in his life, so she could only use her brains on the affair between husband and wife to surprise him.

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This time, her surprise was really bold.

Wen Yu inwardly looked forward to the 8th of November, but on the surface she pretended not to remember it at all, hoping to give Jiang Yuhe an unexpected surprise by then.

Finally, on the 8th, the day she’s been waiting for, arrived.

She finished her work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. She had to go fetch the cake she ordered herself, and then go home to decorate the living room, to surprise Jiang Yuhe when he came back from work.

Everything went according to Wen Yu’s plan until she got the cake at the cake shop.

She didn’t expect that after smelling the cream, the familiar nausea surged out again.

It has been more than a week since the last time she experienced the same thing. Why did it appear again?

Wen Yu stroked her chest and kept swallowing, finally suppressing the feeling.

But she had some vague doubts in her heart.

She was fine and didn’t feel uncomfortable. Why did she feel like throwing up all the time recently?

Last time, she thought it was caused by the lack of ventilation in the room, but now she just sniffed a whiff of cream. Why did she suddenly…

Wen Yu inexplicably felt somewhat worried. She habitually opened a search engine and entered ‘Why do I always feel nauseated’.

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Good heavens, it was fine if she had not searched, but once she did, she felt that it was too late for her to go to the hospital.

Some said it was liver and gallbladder problems; some said it was gastrointestinal problems; and all kinds of theories were said. Wen Yu was so frightened that she almost bathed in cold sweat upon reading them. Then an answer jumped into her eyes.

‘If you are a woman, you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of pregnancy.’

Wen Yu was stunned.



This was her first reaction.

She and Jiang Yuhe had always taken measures, and even the only time she didn’t do it, he pulled out and settled it cleanly.

It was impossible that she was knocked up by the only time, or the only time he released outside her body, right?

How could he be so accurate?

But looking at the date, Wen Yu realized that her period this month did not come.

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She had been preoccupied with her creative work recently and also had to work during the day. Coupled with working on Zheng Qianyu’s contract this week, she had been so busy every day that she missed noticing that her period was delayed.

Wen Yu’s heart was pounding, and she felt a bit apprehensive for some reason. She wanted to tell Jiang Yuhe immediately, but she was afraid that before she got any result, she would make everyone worry.

What if she wasn’t?

After some contemplation, Wen Yu put on her mask and found a drugstore to buy a pregnancy test kit.

It was her first time buying such a thing, so she was a little embarrassed. She purchased it and hurried back to her car, went home without saying a word, closed the door and hid in the toilet.

She looked at the box and read the instructions carefully, but her mind was in a mess.

‘It can’t be that coincidental…’

‘He pulled out entirely.’

Plus, it was just once…’

Wen Yu rubbed her head, a little dazed.

She slowly tore open the package and tested it according to the method on the box.

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