Accident (4)

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At six o’clock in the afternoon, Jiang Yuhe went home.

As soon as he opened the door, fireworks crackled in his ears, followed by colored papers floating all over his head.

Wen Yu popped out. “Surprise! Happy birthday, Brother!!!”


The living room was garishly decorated, with a streamer hanging crookedly on the wall ‘Happy Birthday, Husband’

Jiang Yuhe felt that this might be the most memorable birthday scene in his life.

Because just when he wanted to thank Wen Yu, the word ‘day’ suddenly fell off the wall.

The words of blessing also became, ‘Be happy, Husband’.

It was funny.

But Jiang Yuhe thought it was unforgettable, not because of the missing word.

From childhood to adulthood, his birthday was either a low-key family meal, or was spent in high-end places with his partners deliberately fawning on him with endless flattery.

There was never a time when someone took the trouble to dress up, decorate and surprise him like this.

Jiang Yuhe thought Wen Yu did not remember it.

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Unexpectedly, she was already prepared.

To be honest, he was a little moved.

Although this scene was set up garishly, it was not a style that Jiang Yuhe found totally unacceptable.

He walked to the table with a wave of pink balloons and looked at the cake on it.

“Is this for me?”

“Of course, it’s your birthday today!”

Facing a cake with a tube top skirt and a fish tail, Jiang Yuhe fell into deep thought.

“What does the animal on top mean?”

“What animal? Look carefully!” Wen Yu suspected that Jiang Yuhe’s eyesight was poor. “She is obviously a princess.”

So Jiang Yuhe took another look.

‘Well, maybe some kind of princess, but–’

“Why are you giving me a princess cake for my birthday?”

Wen Yu blinked. “Because this is a mermaid princess.”

She was not ashamed at all, and after she finished speaking, she followed the same pose as the little princess on the cake. “I am the mermaid, am I not?”

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Jiang Yuhe felt his brain buzzing and took the time to calm down for a few seconds. “You’re so considerate.”

Wen Yu smiled and nodded. “It’s Brother’s birthday, so of course, I have to be careful. Sit down quickly.”

She took out the prepared candle, inserted it by the mermaid’s tail, and lit the wick. “Brother, make a wish first.”

Jiang Yuhe paused. He seemingly gave it a serious thought before answering. “I have no wishes.”

His parents were alive; his wife was loving; his family was happy, and they had more than enough money to spend.

Jiang Yuhe really didn’t have any wishes worth making.

“There is no one who doesn’t make a wish on his birthday.” Wen Yu hinted to him, “You can make a random wish, like we have a baby next year or something.”

Jiang Yuhe glanced at Wen Yu, and inwardly, he immediately, directly rejected this wish.

But he also knew that once Wen Yu got involved in any topic, he had to go along with her wish in the end for the matter to be dropped.

So he responded to her words and casually nodded, “Well, I wish for a baby soon.”

Wen Yu smiled with satisfaction and said urgently, “Blow out the candles! Hurry up, I’m going to give you a birthday present after you blow it out!”

“Is there a present?”

“Of course.” Wen Yu pursed her lips and wanted to say something, but she held back. “Anyway, it’s a surprise. Blow out the candles.”

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Wen Yu has always had a variety of tricks up her sleeves. Moreover, today was his birthday, so he was rarely piqued by her. He then gently blew out the candles and looked at her.

“Take it out and let me see how surprising it is.”

Wen Yu took out two beautifully wrapped gift boxes from her pocket. “Dang-dang-dang-dang-dang…”

Jiang Yuhe lowered his eyes. “Two?”

Wen Yu nodded. “Which one do you want to open first?”

Jiang Yuhe’s eyes shifted between the two boxes, but they were actually about the same size, small and a circle larger than a cigarette box.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and with a brief pause under his eyes, he casually took the blue wrapped box and opened it.

He slowly tore the packaging.

Sure enough-

The moment he saw the soft silk, the gift coincided with what he had guessed deep inside.

He only took a glance at it and covered the box.

And then his throat rolled. He looked up at Wen Yu and said after a long pause, “Don’t ask for it.”

Wen Yu couldn’t help but laugh when she saw his eyes change after just one look. “I’m not asking for it.”

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What Wen Yu bought was a pair of stockings.

But it was not the ordinary one.

It was an erotic model, the kind with lace trims and ties, thin and transparent, sexy and hot.

Jiang Yuhe directly pulled Wen Yu to sit on his lap and trapped her. His voice rang low and oppressive, “You’re saying you’re not asking for it even though it was delivered to my eyes?”

But Wen Yu blinked. “This is something I’m giving you in advance, a birthday gift for next year.”

Jiang Yuhe frowned. “Next year?”

Wen Yu pointed to the red box in her hand. “This is the one for this year.”

Jiang Yuhe didn’t know what she was up to. He stared at her for a moment and patiently brought the red box over.

Layer by layer, and after totally unwrapping it-

He saw a pink and white plastic stick inside the box.

On top… there were two bright red lines.

Before Jiang Yuhe could react, Wen Yu’s voice fell in his ears.

“Congratulations to this lucky Brother. Your wish just came true! Fulfilled!”



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