Welcome (1)

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The fact that Wen Yu was pregnant was something that Jiang Yuhe never expected.

He thought that he had done all the safety measures, and it was impossible for such an accident to happen to him, but it still happened unexpectedly.

The reason why accidents were called accidents was that they often happened in such a way when people were least expecting them.

They obviously missed it just one time. Back then, reunion after an absence was sweeter than being newlyweds. They hadn’t been together for ten days, so all aspects were slightly difficult to control.

But despite barely having controlled himself, he still completely pulled out.

How did he knock her up this way?

Wen Yu looked quite happy. “My baby is too tenacious. He actually lived in my tummy through the cracks of a long march of ten thousand miles. He’s a bit as outstanding as his father.”

Jiang Yuhe has not fully accepted her pregnancy. He was still celebrating his birthday at the last second and opening the sexy gifts. He was almost bewitched by the silk stocking, thinking that he could have an unforgettable birthday.

The next thing he knew, everything was suddenly withdrawn.

Withdrawing everything was fine, but for an entire year?

The abrupt ups and downs were too fast for Jiang Yuhe to bear.

After a while, he seemed to regain his rhythm and calmly pulled Wen Yu out. “Let’s go to the hospital.”

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‘I’m not going to do nothing.’

Jiang Yuhe simply wanted to make sure of this matter as soon as possible, and then accept the reality.

Although, he had a 1% hope in his head.

He hoped that it was a problem with the pregnancy test and that his and Wen Yu’s world wouldn’t end so soon.

But an hour later, in the office of a private hospital, the familiar doctor kindly informed Jiang Yuhe.

“Congratulations, Mr. Jiang, you’re going to be a father.”


Sure enough, it was a memorable birthday.

To be honest, Jiang Yuhe didn’t really want to have children at this stage.

In the life he envisioned, it was actually enough for him to have just Wen Yuhe.

He was perfectly willing to live with her as a couple for the rest of his life, and did not want her to have any burden like continuing the next generation.

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The first reason for his thoughts was because he really loved her so much that he only wanted to spend all his spare time with her after work.

Secondly, he probably had a headache when he saw his good brother Qi Xu’s daily struggles and battle of wits with his little baby after birth.

Qi Xu’s son Qi Yi had just turned one year old. When Wen Yu went to his first birthday party a few days ago, she found him cute and asked to feed him rice paste.

Who would have thought that after Wen Yu fed him a couple of bites, Qi Yi got into some kind of mood and spit out all the rice paste in his mouth, making a mess all over her?

At that time, Jiang Yuhe thought that if it was his own son who suddenly sprayed on him while feeding him…

He thought he might have thrown him out and let him be reincarnated.

Therefore, he never thought that he would be a good-tempered father.

But right now, the child has come. He, the father, though unwilling to do anything, must forcibly do his job as well.

‘After all… it’s my birthday present.’

Just like when he was sitting in the car and suddenly had a sister who fell from the sky.

Now it was a wonderful birthday, as another baby dropped from the clouds.

That was probably how his life was, being surprised by airborne surprises at any time.

After Wen Yu confirmed her pregnancy news from the doctor, her heart finally calmed down. She said to Jiang Yuhe, “It turns out that you have been a father for 47 days.”

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“Are you happy?”

Before Jiang Yuhe could answer, Wen Yu had already assumed the role of mother. “It’s amazing. I actually have a baby in my tummy. I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, if it takes after your or me. What should we name the baby?? Let’s consider a nickname first…”

Finding that she was talking all by herself, Wen Yu stopped and looked at Jiang Yuhe. “Do you want a boy or a girl?”

Jiang Yuhe paused for a few seconds, thinking seriously about this question in his heart.

Boy or girl, it really didn’t matter.

Anyway, he loved the person who was carrying the baby in front of him the most.

After the pregnancy was confirmed, Jiang Yuhe informed the elders of both families in a low key manner. The family was overjoyed, and Grandma Jiang even asked Wen Yu to return to the villa to settle down, but Jiang Yuhe refused.

They only have a few months left in their husband and wife world, and he didn’t want to be disturbed by anyone.

So in the following days, Jiang Yuhe did everything for Wen Yu himself.

He was the one who drove her around, and Li Bai was temporarily transferred to Wen Yu to protect her.

Day after day, Jiang Yuhe took care of everything for Wen Yu, hoping that the baby would be born safely at the end of the ninth month.

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Because the baby was conceived accidentally after the two of them had abstained from sex for ten days, Wen Yu specifically nicknamed him Xiao Shi as a reminder.

The film ‘I Want to Fall in Love With You’ adapted by Wen Yu was conceived at the same time as Xiao Shi.

When she was three months pregnant, the film officially entered the shooting stage, and Zheng Qianyu and Gu Shuang also entered the public’s attention as newcomers.

Wen Yu’s movie and the little life in her belly were developing and growing at the same time.

In the second trimester, Wen Yu’s physical reactions were almost gone, but emotional changes appeared quietly.

She started to get very clingy.

She mainly clung to Jiang Yuhe.

It was fine if he was not at home, but whenever he was at home, Wen Yu would be like a sloth, hanging on him all the time.

Even when he went to the toilet, she would follow him eagerly. “Can I go with you?”

Otherwise, she would have some strange dreams.

For example, she dreamed that she gave birth to a fish, and then, she dreamed that Jiang Yuhe cheated on her.

It was the middle of the night when Wen Yu had this dream. When she woke up and looked at the pitch-dark, she suddenly cried inconsolably.

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