A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess Chapter 260

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Perturbed (2)

Princess Ten of the Jiang family was born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

Not wanting to be tracked down and secretly photographed by the media, Jiang Yuhe acquiesced in the announcement to the outside world the next day. Since then, the entire entertainment circle had known that Yasheng Corporation had a new cute daughter.

The same as when Wen Yu and Jiang Yuhe got married, gifts from celebrities and various partners were piled up as high as a mountain even before Wen Yu and Xiao Shi were discharged from the hospital.

For Wen Yu to spend her confinement comfortably, Jiang Yuhe temporarily took the child and her back to Jiang's villa after they were discharged from the hospital.

After all, Fu Wenqing, Aunt Twelve, Jiang Lingwei, and several servants were over there. Even if he was absent sometimes, Wen Yu could be taken care of well.

However, Jiang Yuhe did not expect that after moving to the villa, the wheel of fortune would swing around, and he would be reduced to a third-class citizen of the Jiang family one day.

During the confinement period, Wen Yu, Xiao Shi and the nurse slept together, and he could only linger in the guest room every night.

Everyone's attention was given to mother and daughter, while Jiang Yuhe left the Jiang residence in the morning and came home in the evening as if he was as invisible as the air.

For example, tonight he returned home at 7:30pm. He went to the second floor from the basement and wanted to go to his room to see his daughter and wife first, but was blocked by Aunt Twelve.

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"Young Madam is breastfeeding. Young Master, you should go eat first."


‘It's not like I haven't seen it before.’

He didn't bother to say anything. He went downstairs and asked the maid to prepare dinner for him. The maid said in faltering Chinese, "Sir, is it okay if you heat it up yourself? We are preparing a 10 o'clock evening snack for Madam."

Jiang Yuhe frowned. "Why do you need a few people to prepare a late night snack?"

The maid immediately showed him the daily meal arranged by Grandma Jiang.

For just one midnight snack, they had to prepare five different dishes, making sure to let Wen Yu try a little of each to ensure balanced nutrition.

The Old Lady had been brooding about Wen Yu's childbirth for two days. She kept worrying about her physical injuries, and she wanted to make up for her in different ways.

The kitchen was spacious, yet everyone was serving Wen Yu and Xiao Shi. Those who were in charge of the night snacks were preparing the night snacks, and those who were cleaning and sterilizing all kinds of milk bottles didn't stop.

For the first time in his life, Jiang Yuhe, the third-class citizen, warmed up his own food for himself.

He hastily ate a few bites, calculated the time when the milk was ready to be fed, and went upstairs again, intending to see his daughter and wife.

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However, Aunt Twelve stopped him at the door again. "Young Madam is taking a bath, so Young Master should not go in. Air ventilation will be poor with so many people inside, and Young Madam will be uncomfortable."


Again, he was driven to the study.

On his third attempt, Aunt Twelve said, "Little Missy is sleeping. The lights are off, be quiet."

Jiang Yuhe finally couldn't bear it any longer. "Don't you want to come to work tomorrow?"

Aunt Twelve stepped aside aggrievedly. "It's my fault for not following Young Madam's instructions."

Jiang Yuhe ignored her this time, and directly opened the door and walked in.

The lights were indeed turned off in the room, but shadows could still be vaguely seen. Jiang Yuhe walked to the bedside, but before he could open his mouth, he heard Wen Yu make a shushing sound to him.

"Don't talk."

Xiao Shi was the jewel in the palm of the entire Jiang family, but at the young age of a month, she was very spoiled.

Babies of other families were well-behaved at a month-old. After drinking the milk, they would go to sleep, and Xiao Shi would also go to sleep after being fed, but she was quite cunning and particular.

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When Wen Yu was breastfeeding her, she had to pat her little bottom, and if she stopped for a moment, she would immediately turn away and refuse to drink.

Sleeping was the same. Other children would drink and fall into bed, but Xiao Shi must lie on Wen Yu's chest before she would sleep.

Take this moment for example. She was wearing a little strawberry vest on top and a diaper underneath, and her little legs were curled up on Wen Yu's chest.

Perhaps she heard some movement, and her little body twisted up unwillingly, along with a whimper in her mouth.

Wen Yu quickly patted her little butt a few times before coaxing her to sleep again.

In the darkness, Jiang Yuhe sat on the edge of the bed, watching the mother and daughter without interfering at all.

Only when Wen Yu put Xiao Shi back into the crib did she put on her pajamas and pulled Jiang Yuhe outside. "What is it?"

But Jiang Yuhe didn't let her go out.

The room was no better than the place where the two live. There were people everywhere when they went out, and there were inconveniences everywhere.

Jiang Yuhe directly pinned her against the door and pressed against her. "What do you think?"

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The birth of the little girl almost reduced him to being an extra member of the family. Who was he supposed to discuss this truth?

"What?" Wen Yu smiled and hugged him: "Want to do something bad?"


He wasn't a beast just yet to have these thoughts while she was in confinement.

He gently wrapped his arm around Wen Yu's waist, kissed her on the lips and whispered, "I'm not so far gone yet."

The two cuddled and whispered in the quiet bedroom until the nanny came over to change Xiao Shi's diaper regularly around ten o'clock. Then, Jiang Yuhe released her and went to the guest room.

The everyday happiness was short-lived.

Fortunately, the days passed quickly, and Xiao Shi also grew up slowly under the care of the whole family.

At three months old, her features developed. Her eyebrows and eyes were beautiful, just like Wen Yu's.

At six months old, she learned to sit and her favorite thing to do every day was to play with Grandma Jiang and Aunt Twelve.

Seven months ago, Jiang Yuhe felt that Xiao Shi's little habits of drinking milk and sleeping were, at best, her being squeamish and harmless.

But from eight months forward, Xiao Shi began to crawl, and everything has changed.

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