A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess Chapter 261

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Perturbed (3)

After the little girl unlocked her crawling skills, she crawled around on the floor and on the bed every day. But her favorite was still crawling on Jiang Yuhe and Wen Yu.

Many mornings, it wasn't the alarm clock that woke Jiang Yuhe up but Xiao Shi's butt.

Whenever he opened his eyes, a fleshy butt was already sitting on his face. If Xiao Shi didn't get a response, she would get upset and sit hard on his face with her butt until Jiang Yuhe was willing to wake up and take her to sleep in his arms.

In addition to liking to use her father's head as a human cushion, at a young age, she has already begun to show signs of inheriting Wen Yu's mantle.

Wen Yu and Jiang Yuhe had already moved back to their own home. One day, Jiang Yuhe was sitting on the living room sofa and reading some information, when Wen Yu carried Xiao Shi to him and said, "Look after her for a while. I'm going to the bathroom."

Jiang Yuhe glanced at his daughter. "Sit still."

Xiao Shi sat obediently and stared at the information in Jiang Yuhe's hand. After a while, Jiang Yuhe picked up his phone and looked up some information. When he was done, he threw the phone aside.

At that time, the phone was not automatically locked. Thus, Xiao Shi's chubby little hands picked up the phone, and pressed it everywhere, thinking that the toy was fun.

She unknowingly pressed something, and a moment later, a voice echoed inside, "Hello? President Jiang? Can I help you, President Jiang?"

"Ah, eeh, ah."

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Jiang Yuhe turned around just in time to see his daughter holding his phone and seemingly making a call with someone outside.

He hurriedly caught it and found that the little girl had dialed the number of a subordinate in the company.

"Nothing, my daughter accidentally dialed."

"Oh, hahaha, I see. No wonder the voice is so cute. She's just a baby but can make a call. She must be too smart in the future, blah-blah-blah."

The subordinate naturally couldn't help but flatter. After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yuhe tossed the documents aside, took Xiao Shi into his arms, and put on a serious expression. "Did Daddy let you play with the phone?"

Xiao Shi first smiled, showing only one milky tooth and trying to smile to hide her embarrassment at being caught by her father. She grinned, but then found out that her father didn't seem to appreciate it.

He also looked serious.

She squeezed her lips, changed her expression in less than three seconds, and cried aggrievedly.

Bean-sized tears fell down in a clatter.



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‘Your acting skills of crying perfectly inherited your mother's fine tradition.’

Wen Yu called out from the bathroom, "What's wrong again?!"

Jiang Yuhe had no choice but to put down all the work in his hands and walk around the sofa while carrying Xiao Shi. He patted her little bottom while walking, "Okay, okay, don't cry. Daddy is wrong."

Anyway, it was his fault whenever Wen Yu cried.

It was still his fault when his daughter cried.

Third-class citizen Jiang Yuhe had no human rights.

Hearing her daughter's cries, Wen Yu hurriedly came out from the toilet and asked what was going on. She immediately went back to the bedroom and took out a toy phone sent by You Xin. "Baby, you also have a phone. This is your phone. We don't want daddy's one."

Xiao Shi held her Peppa Pig mobile phone, and with tears still hanging on her face, she smiled again showing a tiny baby tooth.

Jiang Yuhe also breathed a sigh of relief, realizing the struggles of Qi Xu's battle of wits with his son at that time.

He never imagined, however, that this wasn't the end of the matter.

The next morning, Monday, Jiang Yuhe was going to host the company's regular weekly meeting.

As usual, he went to hug Xiao Shi before leaving.

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Xiao Shi was crawling and playing on the bedroom carpet, and when she saw her father coming, she babbled some kind of baby talk. Jiang Yuhe pinched his daughter's face with fatherly love, picked her up and kissed her, before picking up his jacket and saying, "Listen to your aunt and mother at home."

Between his instructions, he vaguely saw a black thing under Xiao Shi's butt, but he was in too much of a hurry to go out, so he didn't take a closer look.

Xiao Shi responded as if he understood the words. "Ah, ah."

Jiang Yuhe put on his coat and kissed Wen Yu again. "I'm leaving. I'll be back at noon to accompany you for lunch."

Wen Yu sweetly said, "Got it."

Everyone knew that the Boss had a baby girl, and everyone privately thought that a man with a child would have a softer heart.

But no one thought that it would be non-existent in Jiang Yuhe.

His sternness and indifference remained as usual, and everyone in the company did not experience the slightest gentle change of the Boss after he became a father.

For example, the regular meeting today was held every Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. Because of a mistake made by the project department in the execution of the campaign last week, the ad sponsor was dissatisfied and withdrew from the cooperation, resulting in a direct loss of 60 million.

Everyone in the conference room acted as if facing a formidable enemy, and no one dared to make a sound.

Jiang Yuhe sat in a high position and listened to the report and apology from the responsible manager. There wasn't a hint of expression on his face, but his voice rang cold.

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"You actually made such a childish mistake. What do you think I should do to you?"

The manager who made a mistake knew Jiang Yuhe's character and had no desire to struggle deep inside.

"Sorry, President Jiang. I'll obey all your arrangements."

Jiang Yuhe did not say anything right away. When the atmosphere was frozen, Secretary Ning approached and whispered in his ear, "President Liu of Linxing asked you to give him a call back. He is looking for you urgently, and is asking why your phone is out of reach."

Jiang Yuhe temporarily took his eyes away from the manager, suppressed the anger in his heart, and fumbled for the phone in his pocket.

He took out his mobile phone and was about to dial President Liu's number, but was stunned.

Everyone in the conference room was astounded.

Countless pairs of eyes could see that their Boss, who has always been indifferent and ruthless, was now holding a…

Pink, cute, Peppa Pig phone.




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