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Chapter 155: 155

- He's puncturing the floor!

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The queen said we should use them later!

The eroded and completed space of the gate was originally infinitely larger than the 14th floor of the French Superhuman Association headquarters.

There is a gate in the centre, where the boss monsters of the unmeasurable rank appear and are confronting all the top rankers with more newborns, and they are surrounded and attacked by monsters of other SSS ranks, making it difficult to see them from the outside.

Just that there was an unimaginable battle, I could only imagine the vibrations, shouts, and screams of monsters echoing throughout the gate.

- Annoying human!

- I keep shooting at something weird!

Tr a ns la ted b y jpmtl.com “Damn, those damn hard things! ”

It seems like the SS-Grade Gate where there was Kang Shin-hyuk was before, but it seems like Shin Eun-ah finally stepped up and organized them all at once because of the irregular monster summons.

After that, the boss monsters appeared naturally and the top rankers and Shin Eun Ah confronted them, and the highrankers who were not able to fight the monsters were surrounded by ordinary people and were able to stay together in order to survive.

And it was Shinhyeok Kang who appeared when Claire was in crisis when she fell away from Shin Eun Ah. Well, I'll admit that Juno Valentine was a bit of a help until his arrival.

“Tsk, I gave him strength, but he's weak. Are you really in 13th place? ”

“Those things! They're solid! ”

Juno Valentine chants evil in the grumbling of Shinhyuk Kang. However, he could not help but admire the power of Kang Shin-hyuk.

Tr a n s la ted b y Jpm tl .c o m The moment he felt the scratch in his eyes, he felt the golden energy of his dual pistols growing stronger, even though he didn't notice any changes in his magic.

It was thanks to the buff of Kang Shin-hyuk that he was able to propagate against a number of SSS-grade monsters.

‘It's a huge buff. If this is something that can be given to others simultaneously, not just me, but not to other buffers... … and I also know that I have the ability to force the gate to leave, what the hell is this guy?... You're not going out with my Claire, are you? ’

While Juno Valentine was thinking about all sorts of things, his hands were still moving, shooting endlessly, and Kang Shin-hyuk quickly moved along the path he was creating, blowing cobwebs all around him.

It was truly astonishing how many times spider silk crossed over in a confined space and built a solid barrier to prevent monsters from approaching it.

The string of lightning spiders mixed in with it was strengthened beyond its limits by spiritual power, emitting a threatening force with the properties of poison and lightning.

- Khh!

- Punch it, you idiot... Hehe!

It was shocking that SSS-grade monsters could not penetrate the spider web barrier created by Shinhyuk Kang. While Juno Valentine chased after the monsters, he secured a civilian and threw him through the floor.

“Follow the alchemist when you get outside. ”

“Shin Eun-hyuk, how dare you! ”

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Of course, one of them was in a very important position, but that was not very important to Kang Shinhyuk. I just dared to pierce the gate with my soul venom and push them in.

“You have to help me. ”

“The ability to enter and leave the gate will be chaotic for Korea in the future. ”

“Hey, let's get these civilians out of here and let's do it! ”

Unlike the 13th floor, the highrankers on the 14th floor are all monsters in the top 50, with the exception of a very few people like Claire. They stayed by Kang Sin-hyuk's side and united against the monsters to help him move more easily. T ra n s l at ed b y jp m tl.com

“Is the traitor just a Bomburger? ”

“Watch out for each other. Move along, you two. ”

Despite the betrayal of the top rankers, the situation was always possible to create a disturbance, but people were able to regroup because of the atmosphere that seemed to explode with the advent of Shinhyuk at a short time.

Bombergirl was annoyed that she should have dealt with Kang Shin-hyuk as soon as he showed up, but somehow she tried to kill the civilians before he could finish his act, but she couldn't.

It was because Kang Shin-hyuk, who had already identified her source in the process of preventing her attack, was melting into her soul as soon as she cast her magic.

“That's the monster! We have to kill it first, all of you! Move! Move!”

A little girl rolling the floor like a little girl. I hated the thought of Kang Shin-hyuk hiding among the monsters ever since the first clash. But she said, "Monsters are natural."

- The enemy is unexpectedly strong. Especially that woman. She's stopping us from moving.

- Humans are incompetent. I wish we could just leave it all to them and disappear.

All the monsters had their own appearance, but they were generally three meters tall.

The body was red and dark, and the skin was slightly thick and glossy like a mixture of the scales of a dragon and the skin of a bug.

The tongue, arms, were abnormally long and hard and sharp together. As a bonus, the Highrankers' eyes were as fast and strong as they were hard to chase. Fortunately, most of them don't have magic powers.

In other words, it's like death when they catch you. Highrankers try not to approach them, but push you as far away from them as possible.

“That's it. ”

Transla t ed by jp m tl .c om “Thank you. I'm proud of Korea……."

“Get out of here. ”

Finally, Shinyoung's principal, Shinyoung, threw a little compassion into the hole and turned around, and a group of high-rankers confronted the monsters around him.

“Damn hard. I can't even think about being penetrated. ”

“If only one more gate like this were to open, this world would end. ”

“Hey, Excalibur! How long are you trying to stall me? ”

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I managed to get all the civilians out. Claire's out there, so we can make sure they're safe.

But from now on, what do we do? Do they run away, too? If you do, this gate will eventually completely erode into reality, and these dreadful monsters will only be released on Earth.

Another way is to end the boss monster. If you kill the boss monster, the gate will collapse and the normal monster will naturally vanish.

But…… how. I can't kill any SSS-grade monsters, so I'm stuck like this.

The High Rankers' depression was about to spread to Kang Shinhyuk as well.

- The bartender sent you a gift. Confirm?

At that time, Kang Shin-hyuk smiled carelessly at the flying manager's message. It reminded me that this had happened before.

In fact, I had hoped that she would help like this. The reason I was able to enter the gate without hesitation was also because his belief in her was in his mind.

- You received an Alchemist Special Transcendent Potion (SS).

Tr a ns l a t ed by Jp m t l .c o m Of course, I didn't think I'd be able to defeat the situation with one of her potions, but it was also true that I felt relieved just by holding the potion Claire sent in my arms.

- What about the outside?

- Bartender's Whisper: Everyone's fine. No suspicious people. But the flies are in chaos. How about you, Shinhyuk? Are you okay? Are you okay? Yeah.

- Now all we have to do is catch the boss.

- Bartender's Whisper: No matter how effective my potion is, don't overdo it. Just think about saving you and Eun... Ah.

- Why not?

- Bartender's Whisper: Building collapses.

That concludes Claire's message. The Hero Universe's system made it impossible for her to know that she wasn't dead, but to worry.

“We have to finish quickly and get out. ”

Kang Shinhyuk took potions in a heartbeat. A wondrous message filled my eyes.

- All wounds below critical are healed. The effect has been enhanced by the efficient reception of the spiritual energy contained in the potion. All wounds and conditions will heal, whilst remaining healing will cover your body for a while!

- Temporarily (10 minutes) All Statuses are raised by two levels. The effect has been enhanced by the efficient reception of the spiritual energy contained in the potion. Temporarily (20 min) All Statuses are raised by three levels! Additional Energy Level Up!

- You have successfully drawn more than the limit of the spirits in your potions with your own! Increases the potion's potential, increasing the ‘Rarity’ and 'Skill’ levels of all skills while maintaining the potion's effectiveness!

Kang Shinhyuk raised his head. At that moment, there was a golden light in every human body around it.

“Huh!? ”

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“What is this...? No way. ”

“You've gotten stronger...? ”

22 people, except Kang Shin-hyuk. All of them were high-rankers in the top 50, except for one man who is a mercenary and not a superhuman, and they had a 'boost’ on their body so they could feel the dramatic change.

“It may take a long time. Once we get to the boss monsters, we'll cut a straight line. ”

“Are you? ”

“I've been told you have enhanced abilities, but you really don't...... How many people do you think this is? No, but now is not the time. ”

“Run! Destroy them all! ”

It was as dramatic a reversal as when Kang Shinhyuk first entered the gate.

Of course, he didn't know how long his buff would last, and getting it didn't make it easy to kill SSS-grade monsters.

But they were definitely stronger, and they had a chance. It was enough for the superhumans to risk their lives and run wild.


“I'll rip that bomber bitch apart myself! ”

“What, what! ”

- That energy, I'm sure.

- Kill anything that gets in your way!

A full-scale brawl broke out after the disappearance. Superhumans with guns, spears, hammers, or golden staff rush their skills together, so the monsters that boasted the solid crust start groaning and pushing back.

- Get it over with!

- That's what happens when you don't do it!

The monsters still speak an unknown word. Of course, no one wanted to listen to or refute them.

- Eunah's Whisper: Baek, come to me.

Then, this time, a message of Eun-wha flew in. To me? Are you talking about the epicenter of a full-scale battle surrounded by dozens of SSS-grade monsters?

But she can't call herself without a reason. Kang Shin-hyuk believed in his work, which was strengthened to SSS level by four stages, and shot spider silk in a straight line.

If it had been best to use Soul Poison to repel or prevent the monsters from attacking, he could pierce the monsters in a straight line, accompanied by higher grade spirituality.

- Shhhhh!?

- My soul, it's consuming me!

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- Energy……! This is power!

Understanding the essence of Soul Poison and putting your spiritual energy into your mouth. What could be different about SSS-grade monsters? But it was none of my business.

Kang Shinhyuk blew himself away in the direction that he shot at the spider silk without even thinking about it later. The high-rankers who were confronting the monsters in a march to protect the precious buffer, Shinhyuk Kang, vomited a mild malignancy.

“What's he doing? ”

“You don't want to fight the boss!? No, but he's really strong! He hasn't been that strong all this time, has he? ”

“Potion! I saw you drink it! ”

“If there's a potion that makes me that strong, I want some, damn it! ”

The leap of Kang Shin-hyuk who risked his life and threw himself away was truly amazing.

Every attack that flew through the web, simultaneously piercing the path, burning soul venom to the front, dissolving an SSS-grade monster, and landing next to Eun-wha in an instant!

“I'm here.”

“…… I'm really here. ”

Sin Eun Ah hastily pulled him towards herself, smiling strangely as if relieved. Next to him, there were six of the world's most famous men, starting with the current world ranking, Oh Ju-young, called Shin Sword.

Furthermore, since then, there has also been a death squad consisting solely of highrankers, a Vanguard guild led by Oh Ju-young himself.

“That's one hell of a rookie. ”

“Aren't we already ahead of our top rankers at this stage? ”

“My liege.”

Shin Eun Ah was also emitting powerful magical power through her whole body as she had seen in Gromas in the past.

On the other hand, the opponent who was confronting her was surprisingly small in a human body, wrapped in the black crust of armor surrounded by monsters, and Kang Shin-hyuk felt a very familiar aura from him.

- I didn't expect to see you so soon.

He said with a smooth aesthetic.

- Nice to meet you, Anvil. Or...

Kang Shinhyuk stared at his armor and fixed his face. The armor he wears is more familiar than the spirit he exudes.

- I should call you Father.

The moment the man said that.

Shin Sword Oh Ju-young stabbed Kang Shin-hyuk!

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