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Chapter 156: 156

It should be called bad luck.

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Even though Kang Shinhyuk's spirit was temporarily at SSS rank, his soul became strong and strong not only by looking inside, but also by interacting with all the phenomena around him and recognizing the situation information in real time in his brain.

The behavior of the surrounding beings, the movement of the magical force, from there one step to their superficial consciousness.

Thanks to this, I was able to recognize it and cope with it faster than anyone else, even in the absurd situation of the Shin Sword Oh Ju-young raid.

“Phew…!? ”

The moment he realized the attack, Kang Shin-hyuk pulled his hands together. Hundreds of transparent threads, which had been ‘flawless' all over his body, began to oscillate together and wrap themselves in the sword that pierced him. I didn't think I'd be able to use it as a precaution as I entered the scene.

Thread that slows down the blade in an instant, like a spider wrapping its prey. However, it was not enough to completely block the aura of the stabbing sword.

T r ansla t e d by Jp mtl .co m The uniform of the Secret Service was pierced, the armor inside it was pierced, and the skin, muscles, and bones were torn apart. The red blood bursts into the air as if the flowers were blooming.

However, just before it finally pierced the heart, the thread that perfectly twisted the sword pulled tightly and grabbed the sword.

The powerful magical power that was covering the sword was invaded by the soul poison that flowed on the thread, and it lost its power, and soon became completely imprisoned. You managed to stop the surprise blow of Shin Sword Oh Ju-young!


After realizing the failure, Oh Ju-young kicked her tongue and put her sword down and retreated. His retreat was at the center of a monster-powered gate with Bombergirl, not the direction of the guild members Vanguard.

It seemed like a very long time for Kang Shinhyuk, the person who was attacked, but it only took a second before Oh Ju-young stabbed Kang Shinhyeok with a sword and completely stopped him.

No matter how much cognitive abilities were beyond the culprit, he didn't fully understand the situation, and suddenly he was making a foolish look at the appearance of Oh Ju-young next to the monsters.

Obviously, before Oh Ju-young ambushed Kang Shin-hyuk, the gangster in his armor pretended to know Kang Shin-hyuk as "Anvil," "Father," but it was so shocking that no one now seemed to care about it. Tr an slat e d b y jp mt l .co m


Kang Shinhyuk untied the spider webs and pulled out Oh Ju-young's sword. Blood flowed from the chest, but fortunately, the potion of transcendental potion that I drank earlier was almost intact, which quickly stopped bleeding and resurfaced the wound.

Given that the person who made the attack was ranked # 1 in the world ranking, the front line was not like this.

Meanwhile, even though the black in his hand seemed to be some kind of self-possessed sword, I felt strong opposition to the non-owner, but I quickly calmed down after Kang Shinhyuk's spiritual power removed the poison and fixed it.

In the meantime, Shinhyuk Kang couldn't help but think that Oh Ju-young's character was very interesting. It was in part similar to its own characteristics, and in a slightly larger sense, it also overlapped with the former ability of a blacksmith to deal with spirituality. Maybe that's why it was so much easier to control.


Kang Shinhyuk was handling the sword without much, but the others around him were appalled at his appearance.

His sword is also a very famous artifact, but more importantly, his trait 'Excalibur’ is now expressed on it. In other words, Kang Shin-hyuk was successful in suppressing and curling the personality traits.

“That was the perfect time. It was a little premature, wasn't it? You're a lot stronger than you know. ”

Oh Ju-young, who had just taken the sword, grumbled at someone with a frustrating sigh as if she knew. It was someone from the Jormungan side in black armor.

- That's why I thought you should quit. The anvil is not someone who can dig a hole that easily.

The armored one sighed as well. As if they had been friends for about a decade, people recognized the situation.

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“Master……? Uh, why? Jormungan, that's why. ”

“Huh? There are many things, but I have no reason to tell you. Shit, if I knew that was gonna stop him, I would have cut off his brain stem. ”

Dane Brook, the submaster of Vanguard, spoke to Oh Ju-young, but returned with only a gentle answer. Bomber Girl was also moving behind Oh Ju-young. T r a nsl a t e d b y Jpm tl .com

“You cooperated and couldn't kill a single person? Are you stupid?”

“You've only killed one woman, dammit. ”

“No way…."

Dane Brook mutters dazed to see him.

“You mean we've been on the same side from the beginning. ”

“Then did you let us fight at the center of the gate to make it easier to kill the Bombergirl civilians...? ”

“How could you do that? How can you be called the hope of humanity? ”

Dane Brook's muttering triggers, and other highrankers spit out their fury. Not just words. Some turned the end of the weapon they were aiming at the monsters against Oh Ju-young. The anger was especially strong as the members of Vanguard.

“Don't be silly. It's not uncommon for humans to betray Humans these days. ”

“You! You did it! ”


Shin opened her mouth.

“I don't want to watch a neophyte. He'll kill the enemy. Is that enough?”

At the same time, Shinhyuk Kang whispered in his ear. Although it was a brief message saying 'I'm going to attack Oh Ju-young,' Kang Shin-hyuk quickly understood her intentions and nodded secretly.

T r a n sl a t e d b y Jpmt l.c om “No, but before that..."

- That's a good point. We are the obvious enemy. But for now, let's be polite to the anvil, also known as our father.......

When the armor freak still struggled with his mannered gesture, something grazed his face and flew away.

It was a goon who instinctively expressed defensive skills, but it was a waste of effort. The attack wasn't meant for him.


Oh Ju-young's left arm and left leg were consumed by lightning and burned.

Oh Ju-young also tried to dodge the moment she noticed the attack, but she couldn't completely dodge the attack because of the huge resistance to her movements.

When I realized it, I noticed that there was a spider web wrapped around his body. No, that's not all. His physical abilities were clearly degraded...!

“You, this……."

“Too bad. I was aiming for the heart. ”

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Shin Eun said boldly and created a new spear of lightning in one hand. Her transcendent concentration, infinite magical powers clumped together under appalling precision control and were crafting a disposable weapon that could be called wonder.

“Tsk, lady! ”

“Sorry, I can't restore it! That kid is using his hands! ”

“Dammit, interrupt from start to finish...! ”

From start to finish, Kang Shin-hyuk frowned.

T r an sl a t ed b y Jpm t l.c o m I did not like the ‘wearing that armor’ gangster, Oh Ju-young, or Kang Shin-hyuk saying something he didn't know.

I felt like I wanted to sit down and dig things up quietly, but I know I can't right now.

‘So I have to kill him and ask him. ’

Why Oh Ju-young betrayed me.

Why do you keep finding items that you've made and sold to Hero Univers?


The armor you gave Janus must be with that freak!


“That's why information is different! ”

Kang Shin-hyuk rushed towards Oh Ju-young and swung his hand, throwing his sword wrapped around him.

Oh Ju-young kicked her tongue and slashed all the threads that restrained her with her sword, whether they were freshly drawn from her sub-space artifact.

At that point, Oh Ju-young was already convinced that something absurd was happening to her body.

Of course, Kang Shin-hyuk was debuffed by Oh Ju-young's guardian Hwang. Shin Eun-ah's precise attack timing triggered his traits, lowered his senses and reflexes to the instant so that he couldn't respond properly to the attack.

Furthermore, the moment we stopped the raid, we pulled the threads from him and restrained his movements directly.

Nevertheless, the ability of Oh Ju-young to protect only the crucial matter is great, but there will be no next time.

- Boom!

You hear a bomb go off when the sword hits you. At one time, Oh Ju-young, who somehow slashed her sword, felt her right arm twitching and lifted up her left arm reflectively, but she could not do anything with her left arm that was burned to death by Shin Eun Ah's lightning.

Even when he was attacked, something that could not identify him came into his body and held terrible pain.

It's not the first time. Constantly, something has invaded his soul since the moment he attacked Kang Shinhyuk. Oh Ju-young thought, gripping her teeth and swallowing her disgusting pain.

‘Damn, I should have just killed him anyway. ’

The original plan was to surprise the other top rankers and reduce their power as much as possible. But when the nemesis that I had never imagined suddenly emerged, I thought I had to kill her somehow.

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But there was no way Anvil itself would appear. Although he was embarrassed and instinctively targeted him, the result was this. He can't even kill him, but he's getting himself killed.

“Go, attack! ”

“Stop him!"

Looking at Kang Shin-hyuk and Shin Eun-ah's appearance, who quickly started fighting the enemy, the other highrankers also started to move.

An SSS-class monster with the ability to take on a nation, shouts at them.

But in that situation, only the bomber and the armored man remained motionless.

“What's going on here? ”

- The anvil's ability is too high at first. We need to step back.

“It looks like you're running away like this..."

- Then die here.

“I'll go first! ”

Amazingly, Bombergirl threw herself into the gate ignoring the fighting Oh Ju-young and other monsters! The gangster looks at it and kicks his tongue.

- Humans are disgusting. I can't find any co-workers.


- I'd love to.


Oh Ju-young and Kang Shin-hyuk were in a fierce battle. However, after that, when Shin Eun Ah threw down the lightning spear and was about to finish him, the gangster intervened in the middle.

Eventually, her spear becomes an acceptable shape, but even the armor of the beast can't completely block it, so a hole in her shoulder pierces it.

- Hehe, human beings have never had a monster like that in their entire history. I'm surprised she's been hiding her powers all this time.

“Those who did the same thing to you were among the humans... Huh!? ”

Meanwhile, Shinhyuk Kang targeted Oh Ju-young regardless of whether the geek intervened or not.

Spider webs made of rich spirituality are already layered on all sides during battle. The soul poison that they were emitting was continuing to weaken him without even knowing it.

“I'm going to beat the hell out of you! ”

“I know! ”

“Who's worth it... Hehe!? ”

Kang Shinhyuk and Shin Eun-ah's breathing fit together. Shin Eun-hyuk suppressed Oh Ju-young's movements in a row and prevented the gangster from helping him, and Kang Shin-hyuk insisted on targeting Oh Ju-young and somehow inflicted more injuries on his body.

“Kid! Previously on Heroes, I've been in more battles than you! ”

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In the end, Oh Ju-young, who was firmly furious, just took the baptism of the thread that was cutting his body constantly and stopped standing there.

The moment Kang Shin-hyuk's sword flew straight for his neck, Oh Ju-young's sword emitted a golden glow.


It is the ability of Oh Ju-young to ‘evolve’ beyond the limits of her original grade to the SS + grade.

A sword that suddenly broke through the realm of myth, blew away the soul venom and spider silk that had devoured his whole body and attacked Shinhweok Kang...

The next moment, I dramatically changed the direction and stabbed Oh Ju-young in the neck.


Oh Ju-young said something stupid.

However, Kang Shinhyuk slashed Oh Ju-young's neck neatly, facing his sword without shaking at all.

The sword's self saw 'Following Kang Shin-hyuk’ earlier, but I thought that I would cheer up well. The nature of handling was great, but I probably didn't know much about spirituality until the end.

- Indeed, you were already in complete control of the sword in that short moment. He deserves to be called the father of all swords.

The screech speaks in amazed voice, jumping up and catching Oh Ju-young's neck in the air.

- I apologize for thinking of you only as a smith. Let's admit defeat today, father.

“I don't know you. ”

- I'm joking, I don't actually like you. I'll see you next time.

Shin Eun-ah throws out a Spear of Lightning with a speechless horror, but the Goblin's Armor flashes and the figure disappears.

Kang Shinhyuk was well aware that it was an ‘emergency exit’ feature contained in the armor.

“I can't. It's completely gone.”

“…… really annoying. ”

Sin Eun Ah rolled her feet in anger at the fact that she could not catch the armored gangster even with her own power.

But I couldn't afford to ignore the anger of defeat. Since Bombergirl and the Goblin are gone, there are still a lot of SSS-grade monsters around.

Kang Shinhyuk picked up the golden sword left by Oh Ju-young. He was the only one who took the two swords from him. And this is probably…….

"Let's kill them all and think about it."

There was still time remaining for the transcendent potion. At Kang Shinhyuk's words, Shin Eun also nodded and lifted her magic again.

Other rankers look bored with her infinite magic, but, of course, they don't have much time.

Under Shin Eun-ah's command, the gate lost power without sending even a single SSS-class monster out because of the struggle of the High Rankers who received up to the Buff of Genesis.

But by the time the erosion was fully decomposed and they were released out, the French headquarters of the Superhuman Association had already vanished there.

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