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Chapter 158: 158

Kang, Shinhyuk, who had released the gate erosion and landed on the ruins where the French Superhuman Association headquarters were located, immediately pulled the blue cow out of his inventory. Luckily, Claire came to find him herself before she could.

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“Oh... Eunhyuk! ”


Kang Shin-hyuk, who confirmed Claire's safety, shrugged his shoulders in relief, and Claire grabbed him tightly. She smells captivating, whether she fought inside the gate or outside.

“I'm glad you're okay...! ”

Kang Shinhyuk, who felt a slight tremor in her body, hugged her and replied with a gentle tone.

“It was because of the potion that my sister gave me, like always. I like the combination. ”

Tra nsl a ted by jpmtl .c om “Even if you try to score points like that, you can't get enough points. ”

Kang Shin-hyuk smiles inadvertently at Claire's loving words, and a terrifying gesture comes from behind and pushes her away. Of course it was Shin Eun Ah.


“Eun, you did it last time. That's why it's a draw. ”

“Th-that was so delightful that I was carelessly……."

“Me, too. I was so relieved. I was so happy. ”

Shin Eun-ah and Claire's childish argument was a real surreal sight in this situation when they were being attacked by Jormungan in real time. Shinhyuk Kang and Eun-ah, who were liberated from the SSS-grade gate, saw it and realized that South Korea's triangle report was true.

Tr a ns l a t ed b y Jpm t l .com “Honey, I'm safe too. Our hot hug...."

“I wish you were dead. ”

Juno Valentine, who wanted to step out of that mess, had to step back without saving his home.

If he didn't know the skill of Kang Shin-hyuk, there would have been more room to open it, but it was not enough to be one of the extras that had just been overwhelmed by him inside the gate. Kang Shinhyuk deliberately showed his skills in front of him.

“Scandals of the century. A new ranker who comes to mind as an alchemist with red hair, in addition to that...... I've tied up all the new ranks at once. ”

After a slight spill, all the highrankers nod implicitly and look at Eun-yah.

They all remembered. Many monsters of SSS rank, in addition to that, Shin Eun Ah was able to deal with the monsters who dared to emit an indestructible energy as high-rankers.

What about Shin Eun-hyuk? Suddenly appeared this year, and suddenly, Peekiah was not invited here today, and Shin Eun-ah also ended up cutting Oh Ju-young's head.

It's ironic, isn't it? Vanguard, the world ranking superman who led South Korea to the center of superhuman society, betrayed humanity and defended the monsters, condemned by supernationals in the same country and drove out Jormungan.

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“It will be hard for a while...."

“Yes. If we endure a little contraction, we may be able to improve Korea's status in the future. ”

If the superhuman society is strong, the entire country will be strong. And Shin Eun-hyuk and Shin Eun-hyuk both belong to the Association. Even though Vanguard's strength might be weakened, if the superhuman society backed him up, Korea would rise again.

“Oh, my...! ”

It was then that the White Hat came in when Kang Shin-hyuk was wondering what to do with people's attention. It was a good thing I didn't call him by his name until the end.

“Caucasian, are you awake? ”

Tran sl at e d b y jpm tl .co m “Hey, I survived the good part, too. I was pretty good.”

“Yes, I broke the SSS-grade gate. ”


Superhumans, including Claire and the White Cliffs, said they were doing their best to protect the people when the building collapsed. And we're still working on rescuing the people buried in the rubble.

“But it's tricky. Damn structures have anti-magic, so it's hard to get rid of them by magic. ”

“What is antimagic for? ”

“I'm telling you. ”

This time poison was made from the world's most durable magical material. It was not uncommon to clean up debris as it has a powerful property that even removes its effects.

“That's why everyone's working together! The people beneath this wreckage are more important than the whole of Paris! ”

“What a cruel thing to say. ”

But because it was true, all the superhumans were eventually mobilized to labor to clean up the debris. In the meantime, of course, I managed to defeat the monsters that were gathering around me.

“Well, does this include metal? ”

“I know at least 50% more is metal. ”

“Well, that's great. Onyx, come out. ”

Kang Shinhyuk silently called Onyx, looking at the people around him. He's been living in a garbage shed lately, but Kang Shin-hyuk called and pushed his head across the space. I cried a little.

T r a nsla te d b y Jp mt l.com “Today is about picking and eating the metal in the rubble of that building. ”

- Phew…..

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Onyx is always complaining about this. But if I had summoned Onyx in combat today, no matter how strong he was after eating scrap metal from the junkyard, he would have been retired in less than three minutes. Kang Shinhyuk quietly said to Onyx, who slightly hated it.

“I've got a sword for you today. ”

- Boom!

It was so snobby that it felt refreshing. Kang Shinhyuk threw a glittering creature into the rubble of a tall building. With a high level of seclusion, the Onyx has been successfully put into the workplace without anyone noticing.

“How the hell……? You missed me for a moment...."

After watching the scene, Claire was astonished with her eyes wide open, but there was no way to explain it.

“If the metals are gone, the work will be easier. ”

“Yes, better than nothing..."

I only deal with it with a vague white face who doesn't know the dangers of Onyx yet. Kang Shinhyuk realized something and tilted his head instead of rolling his arms to help clean up the debris.

“What about you and Eleanor? ”

“When I woke up, I wasn't around. ”


It can't be because of Jormungan... … No, it can't be. If he included the two of them, and Karen included them, he wouldn't have let the three escape himself.

Then did they have to evacuate somewhere else, not here? In case you haven't noticed, Karen left you a message a long time ago. It was a message to go to Inahi's shop. T ran slate d b y jpm t l .c o m

“Why on earth... Knng, it's worth it. ”

I don't think it's such a rational decision, but he knows that a person can't always act rationally. He opens his inventory and takes out the blue cow and sits on the seat.

“I'll be back. White Hat, keep Onyx safe. ”

“Oh, yeah…."

“Come with me. ”

Claire sits naturally behind him.

“I'm magic anyway, so I'm not much help to this field, and I'd rather go fight. ”

“So am I. ”

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“Eun-ah, you're strong, you're trying to deceive someone. ”


Knowing the importance of the rescue work, Shin was not responsible enough to lie and catch up with them. She saw Claire grinning, her arms around Kang Shin-hyuk's stomach, and her teeth clenched.

“Huff, I lost my brain. ”

“Looks like the alchemists finally got their hands on it. ”

“I think alchemists are more attractive too... Huff! ”

And while they were working on the rescue, the superstars who were still concerned about Kang Shinhyuk's group watched Kang Shinhyuk burn Claire and start the bike, and stopped their mouths as they received Shin Eun-hyun's cool gaze. They were all idiots.

“Are you really not hurt much? ”

A bicycle running through the night sky in Paris, a blue cow. Along the way, Claire carefully tapped the chest of Kang Shin-hyuk, with her uniform torn to pieces, revealing her skin.

Every time her fingertips move over the skin, a strange, itchy sensation strikes him.

Kang Shinhyuk tried to pretend that he wasn't bluffing as he spread spider silk in front of them and caught a group of monsters attacking them.

“I was injured, but I was refreshed with the potion my sister gave me. It's true, because I'm touching it, you know, and there's not a scar left. ”

“It must have really hurt a lot...."

“It did hurt, though. ”

Instead, Kang Shin-hyuk thought it was foolish to think that Claire was being stroked like this.

He senses a strange heat in Claire's grip on him. But no matter what he has to say, Claire takes her hand off calmly.

“Here's your reward. ”

“You're awake. You're a bad person. ”

“Hold on now, now... huh? ”

If there were no self attached to the blue cow, Kang Shin-hyuk might have caused a multi-chute accident with monsters. It was thanks to his full control that I did not question her.

He struggles to focus his gaze on the front, and Claire continues.

“I was happy, too, when I came to the gate without hesitation. Or was I a tomb of grace? ”

“No, it can't be. I was worried about my sister.I just... I was worried about my sister, no matter who's stronger or stronger. ”

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“Yes... I know, right? ”

Claire is relying on him to speak in a satisfied voice. Even at the mouth of Kang Shin-hyuk, I could clearly read her expression.

“Confidence sucks. That's true. ”

“Me, too. I was worried about you too..."

Claire pulls his arm around his stomach and hugs him behind his back. Perhaps we are relieving Shin Eun Ah's share of the disturbance.

The two of them stood still for a while like that. Now I feel a little appreciated for the presence of monsters that hinder me from running fast.

“Well, you know, ”


“Let's stop saying sister? You'd better make yourself comfortable. ”

What does it mean? Kang Shin-hyuk hardly answered while looking back, suppressing his curiosity.


“Very well, Hehe. ”

The power to hug you from behind becomes more intense. The moment they remembered a novel saying that they wished time had stopped, they sadly reached the streets of Sangelise, near the store Inahi's father inherited.

“Huh!? ”

There was a view that broke all the Moods I had ever loved.

“Nahee...... the Mado King!? ”

“Shinhyuk!? Even Claire...! ”

The center of the ruined shop. There were four very large walls surrounding Inahi and Karen, and Eleanor was clearly confronted by the Mado King Nathan Bodin who fled Shinyoung with a much larger Lance than the previous Genesis had created!

“What the hell is going on here? ”

“Hey, junior! ”

Inahui, who was heavily protected on the four walls, exclaimed with a very confident expression.

“Because I've evolved, our business shares are five to five!"

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