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Chapter 159: 159


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Nathan Bodin looked up at Kang Shinhyuk and trembled as if he could not believe it.

“How the hell did you get out of an SS-class gate…? ”

“I think I've seen 50,000 times in her ambassador's comic books and novels.... No, I suppose not. ”

Kang Shinhyuk used to sigh to make sure that he was wearing the mask properly.

“Isn't this meaningless? I recognize it right away.”

“It's because Nahee called you. It's meaningless to hide a little visual information when it's already specified. ”

“Then it's all your fault. ” T ran s lated by Jp m t l .c o m

Kang Shinhyuk stopped the blue cow in the air. Claire leaps into the wall surrounding Inahi and Karen.

“But what are you going to do if you attack it up there? ”

“Move automatically and stop them all, sister. This is awesome.”

“You hear that, Shinhyuk? Don't worry about it. It's hot. ”

“Okay. And we'll talk about stakes later, Frank. ”

“I tried to skip it, but this isn't working...."

Kang Shin-hyuk took out two of his sickles from his inventory and equipped them. T ra n s l a ted b y Jp mt l.com

Not only that, a transparent thread flowed from his hands and was floating in the air.

Is it because he is better at Awakening Soul Poison and handling Soul Power? Even though he is handling other weapons with both hands, he is able to manipulate thread with Spirit and Wind Mastery.

I tried it inside an SSS-grade gate earlier, but I was still able to do something about it after the effects of the transcendent potion.

“I don't know how you escaped the gate, but bragging doesn't work on me. About the yellow monkey...! ”

The monster's siege narrows to him at once as Nathan Bodin roars. Kang Shin-hyuk sharpened his eyes and empowered his hand with his sickle.

Shortly after, however, Nathan Bodhin placed his hand on the ground and expressed his most confident ground magic ‘Ground Wave'.

This magic made the earth sway like the sea, and it was one of the high-end magic that affected the area. And what effect can this have....

“I'm interrupting, Algiers! ”


Temporarily disabling people on the ground right now. Specifically, Lancer, who charges into the spear, is unable to exert proper force on the free-running ground.

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Moreover, Eleanor has been holding her kidney for several times longer, and has collapsed without being able to withstand the sudden and violent waves of the earth.

“Die! Ground Sphere! ”

Although his intelligence and emotions were tasty, he was not the one who did not have any thoughts.

Instead of breaking through the SS-Grade Gate and fighting against the high-ranking Claire, he calculated that it would be better to deal with the consuming Eleanor first, and he put on a pretend bluff to attack the Divine Constabulary and attacked Eleanor directly.

But if there's one thing that he hasn't calculated, it's that the truth of Kang Shin-hyuk can move faster than his magic can trigger it. T ra n sl at ed by jp m tl.co m



Kang Shinhyuk fired the thread the moment the ground wave triggered. When the Ground Sphere triggers and dozens of windows rise from Eleanor's toes, she's already caught and reclaimed, sitting on her bike.

“Of course!”

Then he saddled himself up and floated into the air. Nathan Bodhin quickly gained shields by alerting Eleanor to the means by which he was drawn, but he wasn't the one who was after Shinhwook.

Ten strands of thread spread to all sides and spread through the monsters around Nathan Bodin.

Now that I can express my soul venom, it's not impossible to manipulate the thread and cut the monsters' throats, but every single one of them will consume enormous strength to cut their throats.

So Kang Shin-hyuk actually pulled them all together. Of course, a ten-stranded thread is impossible. With the addition of the Wind Mastery of the S-Rank, it was like adding muscle to the skeleton, making it easy to attract the once-front monsters.

- Boooooo!?

- Let go of me! Let go of me!

- Ooh, I can't move...!


The monsters that were filling the area screamed and were drawn to a point in the air, but it was even worse than that, Kang Shinhyuk killed those who crossed the golden shining harpoon with a brass dragon envelope.

“That's what Shinhyuk wanted to do. Awesome.”

T ra n s l a t e d by Jp m t l .c o m Claire smiles gladly at the sight. I was filming, of course. You ignore Karen's complex expression next to her on purpose.


“What, what!? ”

However, it was Eleanor who took the vantage point of the battle. Charging in on a blue cow, aiming for Nathan Bodin, who was fascinated by Shinhyuk Kang's statue!

More precisely, you should think that the blue cow rushed towards Nathan Bodin and aimed a spear at Nathan Bodin.

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“W-what...! ”

Most of the monsters who would protect Nathan Bodhin died from Shinhyuk's sickle, even if they tried to call for help.

Nathan Bodin hurriedly devotes as much power to the shield as he can, but unfortunately, the blue cow is a spiritually moving bicycle.

Eleanor's magical power has been reduced slightly by the amount of force in the spear, but the power remains, given that it has already been enhanced beyond necessity by Inahui's evolutionary properties.


Eleanor, who was on her bike on a whim, raised her voice to conceal her embarrassment, expressed her character and focused her strength on her spear.

I sharpened my will so that it wouldn't be shaken by Nathan Bodin's qualities, and put it in this window that Shinhyuk Kang created and Enhanced by Inahi!


The shield is breached. All the protective effects of the artifacts worn by Nathan Bodin were pierced through the giant through the heart of Nathan Bodin. Indeed, it was a force worthy of the name Bolg.


T ran sl a ted by jp m t l.co m Eleanor, who swung the giant window and plunged the dead to the end, unfairly chanted the name of Kang Shin-hyuk.

“You were surprised when you suddenly moved! ”

“No, I was almost there, so I was going to give you Makta. I thought you could react to the movement of the blue cow. ”

“Amazing......? ”

Eleanor's aura, which was about to vomit out her anger, has rapidly atrophied. It was so cute to stretch my shoulders and grit my mouth.

“That's it? Th-thank you..."

“Your Majesty's pronunciation is suddenly severely leaking. He wasn't always like that. ”

“I'm a little embarrassed that you're not fluent in a foreign language. Eli needs to learn Korean again. ”

Karen and Inahi, who were fiercely judging the situation inside the walls, scored Eleanor's words harshly and gave her a pass.

On the other hand, Kang Shin-hyuk was looking around sensitively without relief that the situation was over, but he could also see something was rising from underground.


He throws out the Growing Side.

Huanglongbing and his spiritual energy spill across the air, grabbing Eleanor's side, which still lingers in his mouth, and sticking it into the ground.

“Ah, ah...? ”

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Eleanor, who was stunned by Kang Shinhyuk's sudden behavior, turned around and barely realized.

A huge trunk bug bursting open from underground is bleeding by cutting into Shinhyuk's sickle while partially devouring Nathan Bodhin's corpse.

“Finish, Sunbae. ”


Eleanor hurriedly pierced a large window into the worm's skull.

If you are a great Rainbow Lancer, you should be able to shoot the biggest spear from a distance. Eleanor's ability to freely handle large spears that don't match her small body was an illusion.

- Ouch!

“Tough guy. ”

Shinhyuk shot dozens of nails and daggers at the trunk of the worm who was completely pierced by Eleanor's spear and was about to stumble and run underground.

The worm suddenly collapses, screaming horribly, not wanting to get inside somehow. No matter how much blood gushed from the body, it was obvious that he died from a different cause than being attacked by a fly.

“What is this... poison? ”

“This is a new skill. ”

By the time Kang Shin-hyuk landed on the ground, the weapons in his trunk, along with the corpses of the recently deceased worms, were automatically recovered to his inventory. Perhaps because the worm had swallowed half of it, Bodhin's corpse was also in the inventory.

But I decided to think about it later. I'll investigate...... later. For now, it was more important to clear up the situation.

“I'd like to ask what the hell happened...... but I'm glad you're both okay. ”

“Who are you two talking about, Shinhyuk? ”

“Oh, right. On three."

Kang Shinhyuk, who moderately soothed Karen, looks around and sees if there are any more monsters to attack. There's nothing beneath the ground, and on the ground...... most of the other superhumans are dealing with it.

There are monsters that seem to be watching over them in the sky, but they don't seem to want to attack them right now.

“Then let's end it. ”

“Oh, right... Ah. Here we go.”

Lee Na-hee returned to the original pot lid and smiled bitterly as he dismantled the four walls, fearfully dropping the words of Kang Shin-hyuk.

You are now surrounded by broken things that shouldn't be triggering hallucinations. Only the cornerstone of the building that could see that there was a building was barely surviving and rolling.

“Son of a bitch, Nathan Bodin, you've finally broken everything so neatly. ”

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“Oh, um... I'm sorry, sunbae. I couldn't care less. ”

Lee Na Hee shook her head for the quick forgiveness of Kang Shin-hyuk.

“I know you cared as much as you did. It's the stalker's fault. ”

Besides, and she smiled bitterly and spoke.

“Maybe it's not so bad to just push it so neatly and start fresh. It's not Mom and Dad's, it's you and me. ”

“…… is that expression a little misleading? ”

Claire intervenes just in time to keep an eye on things.

“In comparison, it's almost like you're getting married. It's just between you and me. ”

“Yes? You're just... You're just telling the truth. Me and my second in command decided to set up shop here. It's a free rental on Champs-Élysées Street, so what's the catch? ”

A smile returned on Ina Hee's face. She glanced back at Kang Shinhyuk, smiling brightly as if she had just remembered.

“Even better. Did my enchantments work? ”

“... Do you hate me a lot? ”

“No? You can't put that on someone who doesn't like it. I've never walked before, but I don't know if it went well. ”

At this point, everyone who was listening to their conversation got a rough idea of what the enchantments were.

Karen pouts and Eleanor gives a nasty impression, but Claire smiles. Kang Shinhyuk suddenly remembered the word first class in his mind.

“Shinhyuk, tell me more about what the enchantment was when it was just me and you. ”

“Oh, yeah... okay. Sorry."

After realizing that Claire's attitude towards Kang Shin-hyuk and Kang Shin-hyuk's attitude toward Claire changed, Inahui also frowned.

“Just let me tell you, sis. ”

“No, I'll hear it from Shinhyuk. I'm interested, too. ”

“Na-hee, I want to hear more from Na-hee. I want to know how it relates to sexual harassment laws. ”

Strangely, no one is using their abilities, but strangely, a shivering aura is swirling in front of them.

Kang Shin-hyuk sought out the manager, the only Savior who comforted him at this time, but there was no answer from the manager.

Yes…… from the moment the gangster appeared, there has been no manager's message.

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